 Mercurius Solubilis
 Pain worse at night in bed, perhaps from an abscess, aggravated by draughts and cold air, tooth feels bruised, cheek swollen, pain spreads to ears, face and head, much saliva and very bad breath, with an indented tongue.
 Dosage: One Mercurius 30c tablet dissolved in the mouth every hour for the pain, for five doses. Consult a dentist.
 Tinea Cruris or Pedis
 Itching in the groin, or between the toes, from a fungal infection from clothing or towels. Do not share towels after a shower or swim. The area should be kept clean and dry.
 Calendula Cream
 Applied as necessary to ease the itching.
 Carbo Vegetabilis
 Fiery, burning, itching between the toes. Oozing watery discharge. Foul foot sweat. The condition heals and breaks out again.
 Dosage: One Carbo Veg. 30c daily for three days. Dissolve one tablet in water to make a lotion, and dab on the affected parts.
 Rawness in the folds of the skin, moist, burning, itching, exudes gluey yellow moisture. Worse from heat, warmth of bed, at night.
 Dosage: One Graphites 30c tablet daily for four or five days. Also,
 dissolve one tablet in water and use as a lotion to bathe the affected parts.
 Travel Sickness (see also Nausea)
 By sea. Cocculus 30c before sailing.
 Car sickness. Petroleum, Cocculus, or Tabacum, or a combination of all three. One before a journey, and every two hours during the journey.
 Air. Borax 30c. One before flying, and one every two hours during the flight.
 Specific combination remedies for travel sickness are also available. See directions on the container.

Tummy Upsets :
 Verrucas and Warts
 Antimonium Crudum
 Verrucas that burn and itch, especially at night in bed. Worse from pressure.
 Dosage: One Ant. Crud. 30c daily for three days.
 Calcarea Carbonica
 Horny warts on hands and fingers. Verrucas. Tendency to ulcerate.
 Dosage: One Calc. Carb. 30c daily for three days.
 Large and ragged, flat, hard, single, brittle warts near the fingernails. Bleed easily.
 Dosage: One Causticum 30c daily for three days.
 Has the best reputation for eliminating verrucas and warts. Large, stinging, itching and bleeding. Scratching the warts make them bleed. Worse at night.
 Dosage: Take one Thuja 30c and wait for results. As well as taking the tablet for verrucas, dissolve one tablet in water and bathe the feet in the solution daily.

Wounds :
 Choose the remedy according to the type of wound, bleeding etc.
 Dosage: One tablet by mouth in the 6c potency.
 Wounds to muscles, head. With sore bruised pain. Bleeding. After surgery.
 Lacerations. More painful than expected. Also, make a lotion by
 dissolving one Calendula 30c tablet in water and bathing the wound with it.
 Hepar Sulphuris
 Inflamed, with redness around.
 To nerve-rich parts. Crushed tissue. Teeth. Shooting pain after surgery and tooth extraction.
 Puncture wounds, especially to palm of hand or sole of foot.
 Bleeding freely with bright red blood, slow to clot.
 Inflamed, with splinters and material inside. Troublesome scars from wounds. After surgery.
 After surgery, especially gynaecological. Wounds with clean sides, as from a knife.

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