– Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta MD(Homeo)

Female 57 complained menorrhagia and pain in right renal region, ultra sound reveals fibroid uterus and right renal cyst. She took a dose of conium 200c before approaching us. Her extra complaint is that ‘evening fever’ since many days. A dose of lycopodium arrested the fever along with profuse menses. She is under follow up for another 6 months. There is no marked complaint of uterus and renal origin in this 6 months period. Over all she is happy with Homeopathic treatment.
Here in this case ‘Evening rise of temperature’ is the key note symptom. There are many remedies for evening aggravation but  right sided complaints indicating the lycopodium. This remedy has an ability to complete the cure if indicated. It acts very slow. Certainly it produces aggravation in the first 10 days. But amelioration of symptoms starts after 10 days. Slowly it will complete the process of cure. Lycopodium is a very good tool in Homeopathic hands. If not used as single dose it will certainly harm the patient. Lycopodium if indicated just 3 pills of 30 size are enough to stimulate the disordered system.
If this goes to allopathic hands they will remove the uterus. Other wise try to stop bleeding with ‘progesterone pills’ and for the complaint of renal cyst there is no remedy in allopathy. they have to go for surgery. But what a wonder Homeopathy is. It corrects the basic mechanism which lead into disorder there by achieves the cure as a whole.Single dose of Lycopodium performs the function of Both allopathic specialists that is ‘surgeon who remove the uterus and Renal cyst. How beneficial the Homeopathic treatment. Each Homeopathic remedy is having functional ability equal to ’10’s of Allopathic specialists and 100’s of Allopathic Medicines’
Work Sheet:

24th nov 2012
fibrois uterus, rt renal cyst
conium taken, cf using
fever evening
lyco 200c
relieved sligth
sl 200c
pain hand lf
sl 200c
14th dec 2012
Relieved slight
Sl 200c
relieved sligth
sl 200c
31st jan 2013
relieved sligth
sl 200c
25th feb 2013
relieved sligth
sl 200c
15th march 2013
relieved sligth
sl 200c
24th april 2013
relieved sligth
sl 200c
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7 years ago

Hello.I I have a problem with my health.I have a fibroud mioma and pain and metrorragia during menstr. I am fom Russia I can write but I bed with talk. Can you help me? I can write to you questions. How much I must pay and what is way,,?