Uterine complications

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb
Inflammation of the scrotum and testicles, orchitis
This inflammation generally yields to Pulsatilla (a solution in water, teaspoonful every three hours); and if Pulsatilla should not prove sufficient, Mercurius vivus 12, given in the same manner, will do the rest. In former years I used to obtain good results from Aurum, but latterly I have got along with Pulsatilla and Mercurius. For the induration of the testicles, which sometimes remains for years after mismanaged gonorrhoea, the most efficient remedies in my hands have been Aurum Clemetis, though they may leave one in the lurch in some cases.

[In phlegmonous inflammation of the testicles, Aconite is an agent of paramount importance. We have cured such cases with Aconite 30. Cases may arise where Belladonna may be necessary. We have employed successfully the lower attenuations and even the tincture internally, at the same time applying compresses soaked with a strong solution of the fluid extract in water, externally. If the inflammation is extensive, involving the spermatic cord, and is moreover attended with cerebral symptoms, torpor, slight delirium, etc., Belladonna will be found indispensable.-Hempel.]

Metastasis of gonorrhoea to the eyes
Here we give at once Aconite every three hours, after which, if the inflammation is less, but the discharge is not restored, we resort to Pulsatilla or Mercurius sublimatus. After the danger is removed, and Mercurius should not have wiped out the disease, we finish up the treatment with Acidum nitricum, Belladonna and Tussilago have likewise done me good service in all such cases.
[In the case of a blacksmith, whose right eye had become inflamed by being brought in contact with the gonorrhoeal virus, one pellet of Acidum nitricum 200 in half a tumbler of water, effected a perfect cure. The inflammation set in suddenly during the night. The day previous both eyes were perfectly sound. The affected organ seemed like a disorganized mass of a dirty-looking yellow-greenish pus. The pain was agonizing.-Hempel.]

Inflammation of the prostate, prostatitis
The first remedy to be employed against this always extremely painful affection is Pulsatilla, and if this should either totally or partially fail, we may resort to Thuja. Merc. viv. and Nitric acid have likewise rendered essential service, and, in two cases, I have obtained good results from Tussilago, recommended by Rosenberg. [The Hydriodate of Potash should not be forgotten in this affection.-Hempel.]

Articular rheumatism
In one of the most desperate cases of this kind, where the patient was a female, and the sudden suppression of the discharge by astringent injections not only induced inflammation of one knee, as is most frequently the case, but inflammation of the knee, elbow, tarsal, and wrist-joints, Pulsatilla, preceded by few doses of Aconite, had a marvellous effect, and restored the discharge, which was afterwards cured, together with the remaining symptoms of articular inflammation, by means of Mercurius vivus. In a few other badly managed, less acute cases, I have seen good effects from Thuja, and sometimes from Sarsaparilla, but never from Clematis, which has been recommended for this affection.

If painless, and not very copious, gleet is generally nothing more than a symptom of weakness of the mucous lining, which had been occassioned by this disease; in such a case Ferrum, Phosphoric acidum, and Sulphur, have proven more efficient in my hands than any other remedial agent.

Whatever remedies I may have used against these callous contractions of the urethra, as consequences of the gonorrhoeal disease, I have never yet succeeded in superseding, by internal treatment, the use of bougies, by the systematic introduction of which into the urethra, this organ is gradually dilated to its natural dimensions. In a single case, where I had administered Aurum, for a considerable period of time against mercurial symptoms, and where a bougie had to be introduced at least once a week, the stricture, with which this patient was afflicted, improved at the same time so far that, for the last three years, the patient has been able to urinate without any pain or difficulty, only the stream is a little thinner than usual.

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