– Jan Scholten

The times of aggravation can be a very important indication towards the right remedy. I myself have started to apply these times more and more systematically in my case analyses. The result of these findings is described below.

How the timetable was put together Some remedies have a very clear time of aggravation. For instance, Ars at 1 am, Nat-m at 11 am, Kali-c around 3 am. These times are general; all the complaints belonging to that remedy may be aggravated at that time.

But there is also a noticeable variation in the well known aggravation times. For instance, Ars is sometimes mentioned as having an aggravation at 1 am, at others times 12 midnight is mentioned, or from 1am to 3 am. These variations are usually around one hour from the main time.

These variation could be linked to the uncertainty of the times. It is to be expected that the time of aggravation is mentioned in local time. This local time is dependent on the position of the sun at the particular location of the place where the time is measured. In Holland the official time varies by about 40 minutes from the local time. Everything is always 40 minutes too early. During summertime the deviation will be even greater, by 1 hour 40 minutes.

Another important point may be the inner time. Experiments have revealed that people are naturally inclined to have a 25 hour day. So we have to adjust our inner clock to the ‘ordinary’ clock every day.

Another noticeable fact is the difference between the times of aggravation. The next group of remedies usually has an aggravation time two hours later. For instance, Ars has an aggravation time of 1 am, varying between 0 and 2 am, and Kali-c has an aggravation time of 3 am, varying between 2 am and 4 am.

If we generalise in a similar fashion we could divide the aggravation times in 12 time groups: 1am, 3am, 5am, 7am, 9am, 11am, 1pm, 3pm, 5pm, 7pm, 9pm, and 11pm.

Structure of the time table

Based on the above mentioned observations, the timetable shows 12 aggravation times. Every remedy has been searched for its particular time of aggravation, which is then reduced to one of those 12 time groups. Some remedies are known to have a whole section of the day as their aggravation time. Usually the literature mentions a starting time and a peak time. For instance, Syph is mentioned as having an aggravation during the whole night, beginning slowly and decreasing slowly. I have reduced this in the time table to (

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