– By camilla glantz and tina quirk

 Germanium metallicum 

 L.R. , 18 year old male, blond, very tall.

 “I am German, one-quarter German from my Dad’s side.
 For some reason, I am not doing so well in school. I should be doing well, but I’m not. I don’t do the work, but I don’t know why. They think I’m capable, but for some reason, I don’t do it. My favorite subject is learning history and English. It is fun to learn all the stuff. I want to learn, but I don’t do the work. I am not dyslexic. When I read, it is easy to follow the lines and words. I have bad handwriting. When I really apply myself, I do good.
 My parents got divorced, but I had no problems with the divorce at all.
 I have a problem with my right knee. It is out of place. The knee turns inward and the bone outward. I have nosebleeds about once a month. I can stop it pretty quickly. And scaly skin on my elbows, knees and feet. They get bumpy, dry and cracked.
 I don’t have any fears or anxieties, except I don’t like spiders. One thing relevant-if there are any electronic devices on anywhere in the house, I can sense it. Even if there is a black screen on the T.V. , I feel a disturbance. It’s not bothersome, it is cool. To compensate, I unplug the stereo system and the VCR. Lights don’t awaken my senses.
 I like to play baseball and other sports. I grew very fast and now I have slowed down some.
 I have a good sense of humor. I am generally happy and don’t get angry. Bad things don’t affect me; I forget them. My dog died a couple of months ago. I felt bad for the first few days. I didn’t have any emotion and I forgot about it.
 I get a little nervous about tests, but not real anxious. I am completely fine talking in front of the class. I put off doing my homework; some things are boring. I like the Medieval age and the French revolution. I like Saladin and King Richard and learning about ancient battle strategies.
 I am not religious at all; I am an atheist.
 I like to eat meat, but I don’t eat fish. I am allergic to shrimp. I like chocolate; it would be weird if I didn’t.
 I haven’t zeroed in on what I want to do after high school. Maybe the Navy. I am interested in making commercials and movie-making. The Navy would be fun, I like planes and I like to fly. Another thing, I get car-sick.
 It is tough for me to get to sleep. If I get up early, I am really groggy. The worst time of day for me is the first 45 minutes of school. I am tired.
 LR’s mom:
 Everyone says he is bright and has the ability, but there is not a focus for follow through on details. He will have homework done and won’t turn it in. He has the desire. “I have the long-term desire, but not the shortterm desire.” There is no connection. He studied math with a tutor, one on one and learned everything. I find if I put my hand on his shoulder, it brings him more into focus.
 As a child he talked a lot. At 13 years of age when he got a deeper voice, he talked less. When his voice changed, he said, “I just don’t want to talk.” His voice just won’t come out.
 He tells me that he won’t be able to go to college, that he is dumb.
 My pregnancy with him was normal and his birth was normal with no drugs.
 Rx: Germanium, 30c
 FOLLOW-UP: 6 weeks later from Mom: 
 Within an hour of taking the remedy, while riding on a bus, he got a headache, which lasted for about 2 hours. Later in the day he decided to do some reading homework even though he was on holiday.
 A couple of weeks later, back in school, one of the kids asked him, “You are so different since you went on holiday; did you take drugs?” He started making phone calls on his own to find out what homework was assigned. He took the time to find out what grade he needed on a test in order to pass the class. Very unusual.
 One day he said that something unusual had happened. He was angry for most of the day. He is never angry, disappointed or depressed; he is incredibly even-tempered. I asked him why and he said that it was because the Spanish teacher had not marked down his assignments that he had handed in. It made him angry and he was talking about it!
 He says that he doesn’t want to go into the military anymore. He wants to do film production. In the last couple of days there seems to be a dip. He is less attentive to his homework.
 Rx: Wait 1 week and re-evaluate.
 FOLLOW-UP, 1 week later: Symptoms worsening.
 Not doing homework. LR says he needs to take the Germanium again.
 Rx: Repeat Germanium 30c.
 FOLLOW-UP, 1 month later: Symptoms improved only a little this time. Now he is not doing homework and is getting bad grades in classes. He seems the same as before he started Germanium.
 Rx: Germanium 200c
 FOLLOW-UP, 4 months later: He is doing great! He is getting A’s in his courses and remembering his homework all the time. He got a job during the summer assisting in film production and loved it.
 This case was not repertorized because we had worked with Jeremy Sherr on the proving and publication of Germanium and on the production of the Germanium video for Dynamic Materia Medica Videos. At the time we saw this case, the remedy had not yet been entered into the repertory, so we were fortunate to know it from the proving.
 Germanium, the element, sits in the Carbon family in the Periodic Table. Prescribed medicinally in the1980s, it is known to have a toxic affinity to the nerves, liver and kidneys. Germanium is used widely in the electronics industry. A primary theme in the remedy Germanium also is a signature of the substance. Elemental germanium is a semi-conductor; everything flows one way, but is blocked the other way. There is great power inside which cannot come out. In this case LR, an intelligent boy, took in everything and enjoyed learning, but was not able to let it flow out in homework or on tests. His mother identified that there was “no connection,” but noticed his focus improved when she put her hand on his shoulder while LR was working. When he did write his homework, his handwriting was bad. Interestingly, LR was very sensitive to electrical fields, absorbing vibrations of the electronic equipment in his house.
 Emotions did not flow for LR. He seemed indifferent most of the time, but most notably after his dog had died. Anger, sadness and, indeed, his voice were stopped from coming out. As his body increased in height and his voice changed in depth and timbre, LR became less powerful verbally.
 The element Germanium was named for the country of its discoverer. Tellingly, in his first sentence LR proudly points out that his surname, Reich, has a German pronunciation. Germanium provers had dreams of the Third Reich.
 In his lectures and video, Jeremy Sherr identifies other themes that predominate in the Germanium proving. Along with curbed emotions may be suppressed anger, possibly explosive. Much energy is used to keep emotions under control and a lack of power may exist. A strength felt inside can’t come out; lethargy, lassitude and weakness may prevail. The person may feel useless and a failure with guilt, selfreproach and self-disgust.
 A great concern about the opinion of others may exist; provers described feeling unveiled, that others could see into them. Some fear that others will see that they are stupid. Major dyslexia symptoms, spoonerisms and use of clichés and rhymes are present in Germanium. With difficulty in connecting to others, people may experience feelings of separation and estrangement. Alienation may extend to the point of feeling a prisoner of one’s own failure.
 The theme of power and powerlessness is reiterated in the dreams of the provers: invasion of boundaries by robbers, burglars and rapists; and dreams of war, of the Third Reich, of assault by soldiers, and of London under attack by planes.
 Physical symptoms are abundant, ranging from dry, gritty eyes, hacking cough, myalgia, night sweats and acne to chilliness, motion aggravates and sensation of cold in the eyes. Full proving symptoms of Germanium may be found in Dynamic Provings, Vol. 1 and a detailed explanation of Germanium’s symptoms and themes on the Germanium video in the Dynamic Materia Medica Videos series.
 Camilla Glantz practices in Malvern, London, Finland and New York; lectures in Europe and the U.S. ; and teaches The Dynamis School in Finland.
 Tina Quirk, R.N. , M.S.  is a student in the North American Flexible Learning Program of The School of Homœopathy, Devon. She studies with Jeremy Sherr and is his New York City practice manager. 

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