DEFINITION.– Inflammation of the hair-follicles of the beard and whiskers not associated with Syphilis.

It is a kind of “Acne of the bread,” The name Sycosis–fig–like–was given to the disease from its supposed resemblance, when fully developed, to the inside of a fig.

Sycosis is transmissible by contagion, from the use of a razor previously employed in shaving an affected person. Bad cases of Sycosis have been recorded from the use of razors that had immediately before been used in shaving persons with “bad chins.” This method of transmission has been often noticed, and we call attention to it to suggest the preventive means– viz., the immersion of the razor in boiling water, and wiping it before use.

Barber’s Itch.

SYMPTOMS.– It is a disease of adult life; it commences insidiously, a red itchy patch being first noticed, which, after rubbing or scratching, and the lapse of a little time, becomes much more troublesome, as the follicles enlarge and pustulate; there is considerable sensation of burning , and shaving is very painful. Successive crops of pustules appear, often grouped together, the fluid exuded becoming dry, and forming into crusts. The hairs become dull, brittle, and easily removed; and much discomfort, and sometimes disfigurement, is the result. The disease is very apt to become chronic recurring at certain seasons.

TREATMENT.– The disease is often very obstinate. The remedy which has been found most curative is Ant.-T., used internally and externally. Calc.-C. has cured some cases. Lyc. and Ant.-C. have been suggested; but we have found little benefit from the latter. As an external application, we can recommend the following preparation;- Ant.-T gr.,ss, warm water, z3ss; when the Antimony is fully dissolved, add Glycerine z3ss, and, after first washing and well drying, apply to the affected parts twice or thrice daily. In practice we have not found epilation necessary. The general health should be improved,as the disease is a germ disease. Vaccine treatment is often valuable, and mild antiseptics should be used locally.

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