Mrs. T. Out-patient on and off since 1914.
 In January, 1921, because she had had smallpox badly at 9 years old (some thirty years before) and was badly pitted, she got Variolinum 200 1 dose.

 After a month. Looks quite different. Less deeply pitted. More colour. Variolinum 200 1 dose.
 After 4 months. Looks V.M. B. Good colour. “You look very much better!” “They all tell me that.”
 Since the, at intervals, for various ailments, she has been given a dose of Variolinum : which has helped her.
 Several doctors have seen her and wondered. Her cheeks are almost smooth : and, at a short distance, one would now notice that she had smallpox.
 M.H.  A patient with cataract and glycosuria.
 In May, 1926, the note is “Smallpox at 3 years old : is now 56”. Variolinum 200 1 dose.
 This woman had several dose of Variolinum at long intervals.
 The sugar varied : but a report, a few months later reads :
 Wonderfully well : no thirst or hunger.
 Says, eyes clearer.
 Looks well : good colour : less pitting.
 Says friends notice the change in her face.
 Cheeks smooth now : “friends notice it.”
 Another out-patient (for years under different doctors) for gastric troubles, retching, etc.
 In March, 1928, when she was 55 (having had smallpox at 7 years old), she got Variolinum 200, one dose. This was repeated in July and Sept.
 She said that she had been very much better at once, from the first dose : “The medicine worked like magic on me.”
 In one case, whose notes I have not found, after smallpox, some forty years before, when there has been abscesses in both nostrils, she had been unable for al those years to breathe through her nose-till Variolinum : which not only improved the unsightly deformity, but enabled her to breathe again through her nostrils.

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– M.L. Tyler
Mrs. T. Out-patient on and off since 1914.

In January, 1921, because she had had smallpox badly at 9 years old (some thirty years before) and was badly pitted, she got Variolinum 200 1 dose.

After a month. Looks quite different. Less deeply pitted. More colour. Variolinum 200 1 dose.

After 4 months. Looks V.M.B. Good colour. “You look very much better” “They all tell me that.”

Since then, at intervals, for various ailments, she has been given a dose of Variolinum: which has helped her.

Several doctors have seen her, and wondered. Her cheeks are almost smooth: and, at a short distance, one would not now notice that she had had smallpox.

M.H. A patient with cataract and glycosuria.

In May, 1926, the note is “Smallpox at 3 years old: is now 56.” Variolinum 200 1 dose.

This woman had several doses of Variolinum at long intervals.

The sugar varied: but a report, a few months later reads:

Wonderfully well: no thirst or hunger.

Says, eyes clearer.

Looks well: good colour: less pitting.

Says friends notice the change in her face.

Cheeks smooth now: “friends notice it.”

Another out-patient (for years under different doctors) for gastric troubles, retching, &c.

In March, 1928, when she was 55 (having had smallpox at 7 years old), she got Variolinum 200, one dose. This was repeated in July and Sept.

She said that she bad been very much better at once, from the first dose: “The medicine worked like magic on me.”

In one case, whose notes I have not found, after smallpox, some forty years before, when there had been abscesses in both nostrils, she had been unable for all those years to breathe through her nose-till Variolinum: which not only improved the unsightly deformity, but enabled her to breathe again through her nostrils.

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