– A.W. Cowperthwaite.

Natural order – Compositae. Common names – Golden Ragwort.

Acts powerfully upon the mucous surfaces, causing irritation and increased mucous discharge. It has especial affinity for the generative and urinary organs, and to a less degree, the bronchial and intestinal tracts. It also produces a condition of nervous irritability and prostration similar to that present from reflex causes in hysteria and other affections of the female generative organs.
Mind. Inability to fix the mind on any one subject for any length of time. Head Dull, stupefying headache. Catarrhal headache form suppressed secretions. Eyes. Sharp, lancinating pains in left eye and left temple. Catarrhal inflammation from suppressed secretions. Nose. Sneezing and sense of burning and fullness in the nostrils. Coryza. Mouth. Dryness of the mouth, throat and fauces. Stomach Nausea on rising in the morning (Graph., Nux m., Puls., Sep.) Abdomen. Griping, colic-like pains, relieved by bending forward (Coloc.) Stool Stool; thin, watery; dark-colored; containing hard lumps. Urinary Organs Tenesmus of the bladder, with heat and urging; pain in region of kidneys and frequent urination. Urging to urinate followed the chilliness; urine tinged with blood. Urine scanty and high- colored. Frequent copious flow of urine. Slight pains in region of kidneys. Male Organs. Full, heavy pain in left spermatic cord, moving along the cord to the testicle. Prostate gland enlarged, and feels hard and swollen to the touch. Female Organs. Suppressed menses from cold (Cimic.). Dysmenorrhoea, with urinary sufferings. Premature and profuse menstruation, with backache. Retarded and scanty menstruation (Sep.). Irregular menses, at times too soon, at times retarded. Leucorrhoea instead of the menses, or with urinary troubles. Respiratory Organs. Loose, catarrhal cough; especially when attended with irregular or suppressed menses. Increased secretion from bronchial mucous membrane; the bronchi and lungs seem full, but it cannot be coughed up. Back. Pain in back and loins at night. Dull pain in lumbar region in morning. Lancinations in lumbar region. Generalities. Nervousness, sleeplessness and hysterical moods. Great sleeplessness, with vivid, unpleasant dreams. Aggravation. Symptoms generally worse in the afternoon. Compare Calc. c., Helon., Phos., Puls., Sang., Sep.
Senecio has been found of most value in disorders of menstruation (See clinical symptoms above mentioned). Bronchial catarrh and pulmonary diseases, especially associated with suppressed menses, chronic cystitis with heat, strangury and bloody urine. Nephritis, pain in back, tenesmus and urging. Scanty and bloody urine. Ascites with scanty, high-colored urine. Insomnia from uterine irritation.

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William H.Burt

This is a cerebro-spinal remedy, affecting especially the genito-urinary organs, and pulmonary mucous membrane.
Inflammation of the kidneys and ureters after the passage of gravel. It has been of great value. It has also been of much service in profuse leucorrhoea, amenorrhoea, and catarrh of the bronchial mucous membrane.

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– Kent J. T.

In some parts of the country where it grows it is called (Golden Ragwort,) in others (Huckleroot.) It is an old domestic remedy and one” only proved in a fragmentary way. Many of these medicines that have become household remedies should be properly proved. Only in this way can their power and influence be known, i.e., they can be used properly only when indicated by the symptoms they can produce.

Senecio is to be studied in relation to young girls with menstrual irregularities. Those who have (1suppression)1 of the menstrual flow from getting wet, from getting the feet wet; those who have (1menorrhagia, a)1 copious menstrual flow which continues until they are anaemic; and those also who suffer from (1dysmenorrhoea,)1 the pains being most violent. In this remedy, with these general features, the young girl gradually tends toward catarrhal phthisis. The menstrual flow is suppressed sometimes many months, she begins to look pale, has a dry, hacking cough, with bleeding from the lungs instead of the menstrual flow, a vicarious spitting of blood. There is a catarrhal state throughout the chest. They are pallid and weakly girls. They tell you they have lost their menstrual flow, and have a chronic cough, are sensitive to every draft of air, are always taking cold and finally expectorate profusely. The phthisis may go on as catarrh of the chest for years, but at last a miliary tuberculosis sets in and takes the patient, off with what is known as acute consumption. Especially is this condition associated with disorder of the menstrual flow and a general catarrhal state. “Phthisis, with obstructed menstruation. When the symptoms agree in this kind of a case Senecio is a most useful medicine for establishing the menstrual flow. You will know that it is acting well by the fact that the cough gradually diminishes. Of course a great many medicines will be suited to such general states, but this one has an unusually marked and special relation to these cases. In certain regions Senecio has been used as a domestic medicine, an old woman’s remedy for bringing on the menstrual flow.

You will be struck on reading over this remedy with the (tendency to) (haemorrhage) from all the mucous membranes of the body. There is coryza with nose-bleed; spitting of blood from the throat and chest; haemorrhage from the lungs; a catarrhal condition of all the mucous membranes with a tendency to haemorrhage; congestion and inflammation of the kidneys with haemorrhage. You know how commonly these cases end in dropsy. These waxy, anaemic, chlorotic girls, who have lost their menstrual flow, become dropsical after slow haemorrhage from the uterus, kidneys and bladder. “Dropsy from anaemia.” It is a medicine of the highest order for haemorrhages in catarrhal conditions.

It has also in its proving many distressing symptoms of the (urinary) (organs). Painful urination. Uncomfortable heat in the neck of the bladder. Renal colic, the pains being so great that they produce nausea. Renal dropsy. Intense pain over right kidney, etc. The whole urinary tract is painful and subject to bleeding. But bleeding especially in the absence of the menstrual flow is the feature of this remedy. Wherever there is an inflammatory spot or catarrhal condition of the mucous membrane it will bleed in case the menstrual flow does not appear. We have other medicines having the symptoms of vicarious haemorrhage, such as (Hamamelis, Phosphorus) and (Bryonia,) but Senecio has this condition strikingly and is one of the newer remedies for such condition.

“Dysmenorrhoea with urinary symptoms; cutting in sacral and hypogastric regions.” “Hacking cough at night.” “Amenorrhoea from a cold; nervous irritability; lassitude; dropsy.” “Menstrual irregularities in consumptive patients.” “Mucous rattling with suppressed cough.” Leucorrhoea especially in chlorotic girls. It is a marked remedy in chlorosis, in the anaemic state with a green hue, called “green sickness” by the laity.

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-Boericke. G.W

+ Golden Ragwort.


Its action on the female organism has been clinically verified. Urinary organs also affected in a marked degree. Backaches of congested kidneys. Early cirrhosis of liver.


Inability to fix mind upon any one subject. Despondent. Nervous and irritable.


Dull, stupefying headache. WAVELIKE DIZZINESS from occiput to sinciput. SHARP PAINS OVER LEFT EYE, AND THROUGH LEFT TEMPLE. Fullness of nasal passages; burning; SNEEZING; profuse flow.


Teeth very sensitive. SHARP, CUTTING PAIN left side. DRYNESS of fauces, throat and mouth.


Sour eructations; nausea. #Throat

Dry mouth, throat and fauces. Burning in pharynx, raw feeling in naso- pharynx, must swallow, though painful.


Pain around umbilicus; spreads all over abdomen; better, stool. Thin, watery stool, intermingled with hard lumps of faeces. [ANT. CRUD.] STRAINING AT STOOL; THIN, DARK, BLOODY, WITH TENESMUS.


Scanty, high-colored, BLOODY, with much mucus and TENESMUS. GREAT HEAT AND CONSTANT URGING. Nephritis. Irritable bladder of children, with headache. Renal colic. [PAREIRA; OCIM.; BERB.]


Lascivious dreams, with involuntary emissions. PROSTATE ENLARGED. Dull, heavy pain in spermatic cord, extending to testicles.


MENSES RETARDED, suppressed. FUNCTIONAL AMENORRHOEA OF YOUNG GIRLS with backache. Before menses, inflammatory conditions of throat, chest, and bladder. After menstruation commences, these improve. Anaemic dysmenorrhoea with urinary disturbances. Premature and too profuse menses. [CALC.; ERIG.]


Acute inflammatory conditions of upper respiratory tract. Hoarseness. COUGH LOOSE, with labored inspiration. Chest sore and raw. Dyspnoea on ascending. [CALC.] Dry teasing cough, stitching chest pains.


Great drowsiness, with unpleasant dreams. Nervousness and sleeplessness.


Compare: SENECIO JACOBAEA (cerebro-spinal irritation, rigid muscles, chiefly of neck and shoulders; also, in cancer); ALETRIS; CAULOP.; SEP.


Tincture, to third potency. SENECIN, first trituration.

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