-Jan Scholten


Plumbum is one of the oldest known remedies. Collins has recently thrown new light on the overall picture.


Plumbum is a Latin name for this metal that has been used for ages to make waterpipes and drains, hence the word plumber. It is one of the oldest metals, its chemical symbol is Pb.

It is very durable, heavy and pliable. It is used in car batteries and in shields to protect people from radiation. It is also used on weights, insulation against noise and vibration, roofing materials, bullets, pellets, paints, petrol, and in old printing presses (together with antimony and tin).

Leadtitaniumzirconate is piezoelectric, which means it creates an electric charge when it is put under pressure.


Stage 14 Gold series

Empty Weak Leadership Management

Eliminating Organisation Structure

Diverting Responsible

Pushing aside Serious Heavy

Irresponsible Power Dictatorial

Indifferent King

Formal Distant Dignified Haughty

Covering up Alone Isolation

Mask Religion Sexuality

Ripe old age


Eyes Vision

Group analysis

A show of power: puppet.

A director who is there only for the show.

A director in the final days of his career.

No longer wanted as a manager.

Formal respect for power: diplomacy.

Failure through handing responsibility over to someone else.

An irresponsible king.

Hiding your power behind a mask: suspicion.

Elimination of arrogance.

Blasi and haughty.

Isolated through formal behaviour.

Diverting attention to retain power.

Emptiness in religious sense: immoral.

Formal and empty sex.

Empty look.

Picture of Plumbum metallicum

Essence: Looks powerful on the outside, but it is only show.

A show of power for the benefit of the outside world At this stage their is really nothing left of their former powers, all that is left is the outer shell. The shell is empty but they pretend that there is nothing wrong and carry on as normal. This is the position of the director who is only there for the show. Nobody knows who the real boss is and anyway he disappears as soon as the police or the tax inspector called.

Or they get put into a position of director but are not allowed to make any decisions themselves, which makes them feel like a puppet on a string.

The director at the end of his career

The days of leadership are more or less over and they gradually withdraw from the scene. If they don’t volunteer to go someone else will make the decision for them. They get made redundant, pushed out of the way to make room for someone else.

Formal respect for power: diplomacy

Their greatest talent is diplomacy. They feel very much at home in diplomatic circles. They don’t have to make any decisions themselves but they are treated with the utmost respect by everyone. Diplomats often come from old aristocratic families whose days of real power have long gone, but who often had an excellent upbringing with private schools and all the social trimmings of the upper classes. What was lacking however was any real show of warmth and love.

Delegating responsibility

They don’t take any responsibility but delegate everything to other people. If they are only there for the show anyway why should they take any initiatives or take any responsibility? They might even get the blame when things go wrong, so it is much better to play the innocent leader. They let things run their own course and don’t risk sticking their necks out.

They are extremely good at pushing things aside and diverting the attention. Pass the buck is their motto. Whatever comes their way is either passed on or tempered so that it looses its power. This is symbolically expressed in the wrist drop in both hands and feet. It is the drop shot as we see in tennis.

Hiding their power behind a mask: suspicion

They are unable to judge whether people have good intentions or not. They can’t read their intentions, people appear to them as dolls. This is literally a rubric in the repertory; delusion people appear like dolls. This is similar to the final days of the empire. The king is still there, but in name only, because the real power has passed into the hands of other people.

Everyone pretends the king is still in power, but in their hearts they know better. The take over is happening any moment now, any they wont shy away from violence if necessary.

So the king is suspicious and doesnt know who he can trust. What is going on behind the smiling faces of his advisor. They have dreams about having eyes in the back of their head. This is not surprising because there is a real danger of being pushed aside, even of being murdered and this is what they are afraid of. This sort of situation creates thoughts of murder in their own mind.

They get impulses to kill people who are trying to get rid of them.

Blasi and haughty

They may be very arrogant and blasi. They find it impossible to play the role of the servant, they have the facade of being a bid, strong man. They also feel misunderstood. How could anybody know what they have had to endure? They might become quite decadent and decide to enjoy life to the full, going for materialistic pleasures. But it is all a show, they are not really interested any-more, they have seen it all before.

As far as sexuality is concerned they are only interested in experiments like swapping partners, homosexuality, incest etc. It is the only thing that can make them feel alive, a normal relationship is too dead boring.

Isolated through formal behaviour

The theme of isolation is very strong in Plumbum. They may feel all alone in the world. This is heightened by their formal attitude which doesnt allow them to make contact very easily.

Their relationships lack any deeper feeling. The isolation is also heightened by their arrogance and their irritating dictatorial behaviour. Nobody is really interested in trying to get through to them. So they decide it is better to remain single, although deep inside they long to have friends.

Failure through delegating responsibility

Their eventual failure is due to the fact that they don’t take any real responsibility. They don’t make any decisions to help the organisation, all they do is try to keep the rumor of impending ruin from leaking through to the outside world. They us all sorts of clever manoeuvres to keep going for a little wile longer. They keep an absolute straight face when they talk to their sponsors and their bank managers and convince them that everything is fine. When these tactics fail they get depressed and guilty about the way they have let things slip. Suicide may seem the only way out for them.


A typical example of Plumbum is Queen Elizabeth of England. The royal family has lost its real power long ago, but she pretends that she is still totally in control. The breakdown of the British empire is symbolic for this stage. The formal behaviour that queen Elizabeth insists on is typical of this stage too.

Even her children have to ask permission before they are allowed to come and see her or speak to her.

Another example is The last emperor of China. Officially he was the man in charge of the empire, but the real power lay in the hands of his enemies. He wasn’t even allowed to leave the forbidden city to go ad meet his own people.

The decline of the Roman empire has sometimes been attributed to the use of lead beakers for drinking wine, which gradually poisoned all the elite classes. The decadence and intrigues, the murder and corruption amongst the Roman leaders is a well known piece of history.


Fears: heights, falling, murder, death, suicide, heart disease, stroke, being poisoned, being locked up, insanity, people, crowds, enemies, religious, devil, God.

Dreams: heights, falling.

Delusions: superior, Christ, alone, everyone is a murderer, isolation; mania.

Irritability: angry and irritable, () numbers, () open air; (

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– T. F. Allen.

General Action
Lead paralysis; attacks chiefly the flexor muscles, beginning in the flexors of the forearm. It also produces degeneration of all the tissues of the body, particularly of the brain and nervous system, characterized by sclerosis in the kidneys, heart and other organs; a general interstitial proliferation of connective tissue. Degeneration of the spinal cord is very similar to spinal sclerosis, both pathologically and symptomatically.
Emaciation; anemia; jaundice. Trembling, twitchings and convulsions, even true epilepsy. Violent pains in the limbs and body, () pressure. Hyperaesthesia of the surface, with restlessness, followed by anesthesia and paralysis. General aggravation at night and while lying in bed.
Delirium, with fear of assassination. Numerous hallucinations and delusions, sometimes violent, with screaming and general convulsions. Show perception and loss of memory.
Yellow. Optic nerve inflamed, swollen. Pupils dilated. Intra- ocular, suppurative inflammation.
Blue line along the margins of the gums. Tongue red on the margins, with brown coat in the centre, which may be dry. Tongue tremulous, paralyzed. Fetid breath.
Sense of constriction, or swelling. More or less paralysis of the pharyngeal muscles, with difficult swallowing.
Loss of appetite; at times, unquenchable thirst. Hiccough, nausea; persistent vomiting, especially of food or even fecal, with colic and constipation. Sensation as if a ball rose from the stomach to the throat, where it suffocated. and prevented swallowing and speaking.
Most terrible colic, with retraction and hardness of the abdominal walls. The pains radiate at the lumbar region, and the muscles contract into hard knots. The terrible colic-like pains radiate to all parts of the body, and the walls of the abdomen seem to adhere to to the spine.
Anus and Stool
Anus drawn up with terrible constriction. Most obstinate constipation of hard, scanty feces, at times alternating with diarrhoea. These usually associated with colic.
Urinary Organs
Frequent, ineffectual tenesmus, with discharge of urine by drops. Micturition extremely difficult. Urine albuminous, of very low specific gravity. Chronic interstitial nephritis, sometimes with hemorrhage in the kidneys and agonizing pains in the ureters or abdomen.
Sexual Organs
Vaginismus. Dysmenorrhoea, with terrible abdominal pains.
Respiratory Organs
A short, nervous cough, sometimes with bloody expectoration.
Degeneration of the heart walls, with valvular murmurs. Palpitation. Heart’s action feeble, slow, irregular.
Violent, lancinating pains extend from the back into the thighs. Degeneration of the spinal cord (sclerosis), with paralysis of the lower extremities.
Fulgurating pains, especially in thighs; ()pressure. Paralysis; not only of the arms, but of the legs. Dilation of the veins on the forearms and lower legs.
Skin usually quite dry.

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– Douglas M.Borland.

IT is very difficult to give a coherent story of the uses of Plumbum because it seems to fit such different conditions. Plumbum is occasionally indicated in infancy. The child is wasted and shrivelled-looking, with a very large abdomen and obstinate constipation, and a history of violent attacks of abdominal colic which make him double up. The infant has a very offensive odour, sweaty skin, cold hands and feet, a very coated tongue and, in addition to the abdominal colic, is liable to attacks of cramp or generalised spasms. He has no appetite at all, and refuses any food or drink. There is another-Plumbum type at the other end of life: a patient who has had a cerebral haemorrhage, a flaccid paralysis of one or other side and is suffering from the most obstinate constipation-particularly if the constipation is associated with abdominal colic. In these cases, there is the slow mentality of the post-apoplectic, a general mild depression and faulty memory. Instead of the general abdominal distension of the infant, there is much more likely to be a somewhat retracted abdomen; and the complaint of feeling as if the abdomen were being pulled in. They get sudden attacks of violent colic, in which the pains are rather better from pressure and eructation of wind. It is not only at the two extremes of life that one gets indications for Plumbum. There may be indications for Plumbum in the chlorosis of late adolescence where it is associated with obstinate constipation, a generalised milk anaemia, a very sallow, somewhat greasy skin and complete loss of appetite. There will be, in addition, the peculiar Plumbum mental picture of sluggish mentality, with poor memory, frightfully slow mental reaction and-in spite of the general mental sluggishness- history that the patients find difficulty in sleeping. In these cases, the patients may suffer from a somewhat chronic gastric catarrh. There is a feeling of nausea, a complaint that everything seems to turn sour; and the vomiting of quantities of sour material. In spite of everything turning sour, they sometimes complain of a very troublesome sweetish taste in the mouth. They are liable to violent attacks of hiccough. Frequently they have a very dry, red, glazed-looking tongue. These cases suffer from obstinate constipation, often accompanied by an acute spasms about the anus on any attempt at defecation and a feeling as if the anus were being pulled right up into the rectum. Associated with the constipation, they often complain of very severe pain in cecal region. They are liable to suffer from acute headaches with the constipation; and complain that the effort to get the bowels to act is so extreme that they are completely exhausted by it. With the constipation and chlorosis, these patients very frequently suffer from crops of boils. Plumbum chlorotic adolescents are always neurasthenics and they are very liable to sham all sorts of illnesses which they have not got, particularly ailments associated with some kind of paretic symptoms. They say they feel almost paralysed, or they cannot use an arm or a leg-and they sham beautifully until they think there is no one watching them. These neurotic patients often give a history of attacks of difficulty in swallowing, as if there were a spasm of oesophagus which made them choke. These patients are very often troubled with cold, sweaty, very offensive feet. They complain that the skin of the feet, particularly between the toes, is almost as if it had bee steeped in water and looks half macerated. Plumbum patients are intensely chilly, particularly sensitive to damp and upsets by any exertion. They have one very peculiar symptom : the more they walk in the open air, the colder their legs and feet become. It is a symptom I have come across several times in these abdominal neurasthenics. There are two other conditions which give indications for Plumbum. One is acute jaundice, in which there is a very dry, shrivelled appearance with the typical jaundiced skin; very constant, very marked, acute nausea and persistent vomiting. There is acute constipation and pretty acute pain in the liver which is very tender, to pressure; and the pain extends right through to the back, sometimes right over to the left side. The vomit is a green, bilious, mucous vomit. These cases of jaundice have a heavily coated tongue, and there is liable to be generalised muscular cramps. For Plumbum to be indicated, there must also be the Plumbum mentality, the general sluggishness, depression and complete loathing of food or drink of any kind. The other condition which may give indications for Plumbum is intestinal obstruction. As you would expect in these cases,the patients get most violent abdominal colic, a feeling as if everything were churning up and an acute spasm were trying to force it past the obstructions. But the characteristic Plumbum sensation is a feeling as if everything were being drawn backwards up against the posterior abdominal wall, or a feeling as if there were acute retraction of the umbilicus, as if it were being tugged in. There is complete obstruction-no action of the bowel at all- extreme nausea, the vomit first consisting of food-ordinary gastric contents-then becoming sour, bilious and, finally, faecal. All this is accompanied by very persistent hiccough, extreme sensitiveness of the abdomen to pressure-the slightest contact with the abdominal wall being painful-general cold, offensive sweat and typical loathing of anything taken by mouth. Plumbum may be indicated in intestinal obstruction at any age. I have seen it indicated in children with strangulated hernia, in intussusception in infants and in intestinal obstruction from intestinal carcinoma. I remember one patient who had a carcinoma at the splenic flexure; she had typical indications for Plumbum, which stopped her spasms for months on end. She had no morphia at all, though before having Plumbum she had been having pretty heavy doses of morphia without any benefit-it was merely making her sick. The strange thing was that at the post mortem she was found to have an almost complete obstruction even though, after Plumbum she had started to pass some faecal material; how it got through was a mystery but the obstruction was up in her splenic flexure where the contents are still pretty liquid. With these inoperable conditions one can give enormous relief with homoeopathy by prescribing accurately on their symptoms. A very small dose of morphia will keep the patients quite comfortable if they are having homoeopathic treatment whereas, without it, they would be requiring half grains of morphia four hourly. I remember a child in the children’s ward whom everyone believed had an intussusception. While he was waiting for the operation and to get him into a fit state, as he was very shocked, he was given three doses of Plumbum, and all his symptoms disappeared. He had had all the symptoms of intussusception and yet, after Plumbum, they simply disappeared. It may be that the Plumbum, relieving the spasm, allowed the intussusception to correct itself. The boy was about two years old, and had been ill for three days. He was in a very collapsed condition, and was really only left to recover sufficiently to be fit for operation-instead of which he recovered altogether.

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+ Lead The metal.

Adapted to diseases from spinal origin [Phos., Pic. ac., zinc.].
Excessive and rapid emaciation; general or partial paralysis; extreme, with anaemia and great weakness. Muscular atrophy from sclerosis of spinal system. Lassitude; faints on going into a room full of company. Slow of perception; intellectual torpor, gradually increasing apathy [in fevers, Phos. ac.]. Weakness or loss of memory; unable to find the proper word [Anac., Lac c.]. Delirium alternating with colic. assumes strangest attitudes and positions in bed. Complexion: pale, ash-colored, yellow, corpse-like, cheeks sunken; expressive – of great anxiety and suffering. Skin of face, greasy, shiny [Nat. m., Sanic]. Distinct blue line along margin of gums; gums swollen, pale, show a lead-colored line. Excessive pain in abdomen, radiating to all parts of the body. Sensation in abdomen at night, which causes patient to stretch violently for hours; must stretch in every direction [Amyl. n.]. Violent colic, sensation as if abdominal wall was drawn as if by a string to the spine. Intussusception, with colic and faecal vomiting; strangulated hernia, femoral, inguinal or umbilical. Constipation: stools hard, lumpy, black like sheep-dung [Chel., Op.]; with urging and terrible pain from spasm of anus; obstructed evacuation from indurated faeces, dryness of the excretions, paralysis or muscular atony; during pregnancy; from impaction of faeces; when Platina fails. Bright’s disease: colic pain; abdomen retracted; rapid emaciation; excessive debility; contracted kidney. Feels a lack of room for foetus in uterus; inability of uterus to expand; threatening abortion. Spasms: clonic; tonic; from cerebral sclerosis or tumor; epilepsy or epileptiform convulsions. Yellow skins: dark brown “liver spots” in climacteric years, jaundice, the eyes, skin and urine yellow.

Compare: Alum., Plat., Op. in colic; Pod. in retraction of navel; Nux in strangulated hernia; Pod. the vegetable analogue. The bad effects of Plumbum are antidoted by Alum., Petr., Plat., Sulph. ac., Zinc.

At night [pains in limbs].

Rubbing; hard pressure.

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