Case no. 6
 3. 5. 1921.


 Mr.-. Age 30 or 31. “I have been suffering from phthisis for the last nine months. In Sep., 1919, the glands on either sides of my neck were swollen, and there was some pain in the throat. I consulted some Allopathic doctors and they gave me some external applications and also some gargles. As however, this did not relieve me, I consulted the Civil Surgeon of Midnapore, and he too recommended the same treatment. I had then to proceed to Calcutta, and I consulted some of the leading Allopaths there, but unfortunately, without any benefit. I was then compelled to go to the Surgeon in charge of the Calcutta Medical College. This gentleman said that, no other treatment than removal of the swollen glands by surgery was yet successful in such cases. Surgical operation was, therefore, the only thing to be done in the case. And in July, 1920, four of these glands were removed, and another two in October of the same year. I must admit that I found an awful relief from these operations, and the pain and all the other attendant discomfort in the throat owing to the swellings, disappeared like magic. But since the first operation in July, I began to develop a teasing cough, and I reported the fact at once to the surgeon, who however replied, “Oh! Some patients of course get such cough after operation. But no anxiety for it; if you take plenty of Cod liver oil, the cough must go.” He then prescribed two kinds of Cod liver oil for me. I began to take Cod liver oil as advised, but this did not relieve the cough, while the stomach grew worse. I was then advised to increase the dose of the Cod liver oil, but this I did not do, as I was not tolerating it at all. However, when the second operation (of the two other glands) took place in October, as stated above, the surgeon himself said after an examination of my blood-“You are very unfortunate, Babu, you are fast running into a galloping phthisis.” This upset me altogether, and I at once consulted some more (4 or 5) doctors in Calcutta, and some kavirajas too. And they were all unanimous in declaring that I had really got phthisis. One of the kavirajas advised me to have Homœopathic treatment. I have therefore come to you. Pray, do what you think best for me.”-This was the history of the case, and the present symptoms were:-
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 Thin, slender figure; medium complexion; rather tall; large brown eyes; breathing through the mouth instead of through the nose; had an unusual liking for cold-for cold drink, cold bath, cold air and cold surroundings. Appetite rather excessive-almost canine, but emaciation yet. The cough was worse in the room at night, and was better from moving about in the open air. There was some fever and perspiration at night. Awfully weak-weak beyond all description. Thirst excessive.
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 When the patient was giving me his case, he was moving about in the room. It seemed, he was unable to sit still and tell out his case.
 3. 5. 21. The case unmistakably indicated Iodum, and I gave the first dose in the 200th potency.
 10. 5. 21. No change. Iodum-200 in graduated doses.
 18. 5. 21. Absolutely no change yet. And I was compelled to use a more deep acting remedy-Tuberculinum Bov-200 on this date. This reduced the cough to some extent but the patient did not feel better.
 30. 5. 21. After two weeks of the above dose, I reverted to Iodum and gave it this time in the 30th potency, for three days, at the rate of one dose every morning, and waited for 15 days.
 15. 6. 21. But there was absolutely no change yet.
 It was about this time that the spiritual preceptor of the patient came to me and asked for my permission for taking him back to his home for certain religious services. I gave the desired permission gladly, as it was certain that the patient would not live. It is needless to say that he died after a month of his having left my hands. Thank God! the spiritual preceptor certainly came to save me from the ignominy of a failure.
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 Remarks:-It is not for arrogating to myself the credit of cure that I have cited this case, because, as you see, there was no cure, but for illustrating what tremendous mischief is done to poor patients by unhomœopathic treatment-by indiscreet manual surgery, by unscientific removal of the so called “disease” which is in fact only the product of it expressed in a particular locality of the body. It is merely the removal of the disease-product that the surgical operation did, without correcting the abnormalised vital process, and this goes by the name of “cure”. You must see for yourself, how in the present case, the opposition to the disease at its own site gave it a turn towards the more vital organs. If instead of the “disease” being treated at the particular locality-the glands-the patient himself had been treated, had been corrected from the centre to the circumference, the abnormal life process would have been normalised at once, and there would have been no more abnormal growths, while the abnormal growths that had already been there (the swollen glands) would have dwindled of themselves, having no further nourishment to live upon.

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