AEsculus-hip [Aesc]
Dry, uncomfortable feeling in fauces and pharynx, a sense of constriction, with raw, excoriated feeling or a sense of pricking and yet no swelling; frequent desire to swallow, uneasiness in deglutition; troublesome tickling cough, with constant hawking up of mucus which is not tenacious or stringy; fauces, vulva and back of pharynx dusky red, relaxed or swollen; tongue coated, feeling of general malaise and depression; catarrhal irritation of gastro-intestinal mucous membrane, face sallow and digestion slow. ANGINA GRANULOSA IS HERE A MANIFESTATION OF THE HAEMORRHOIDAL DIATHESIS.
Alumina [Alum]
FEELING OF A SPLINTER IN THROAT, stinging on swallowing; great dryness of throat, especially on awaking voice husky; constant hawking and a sensation of a lump in throat; thick mucus dropping from posterior nares; swallowing causes crepitation in ears; throat feels relaxed.
Ambra [Ambr]
Secretion of mucus in throat, with roughness and rawness, choking and vomiting can hardly be avoided when hawking up phlegm from the fauces; sensation of rawness in velum; foul breath.
Argentum-nit [Arg-n]
CHRONIC ANGINA; uvula and fauces dark-red; thick, tenacious mucus in throat, obliging him to hawk, causing slight hoarseness; sensation as if a splinter had lodged in throat, when swallowing, eructating, breathing, stretching or moving neck; wartlike excrescences; dryness of throat on beginning to speak; burning and scraping.
Bromium [Brom]
PHARYNGITIS CROUPOSA; small follicles in posterior fauces, the inflammation extending to larynx causes a titillating cough; fauces inflamed, with reticulated redness and denuded patches; husky tone of voice.
Drosera [Dros]
Rough, dry, scraping sensation on soft palate and in fauces, inducing cough; pharyngeal anaemia; pharynx pale, discolored and blanched, often a premonitory symptom of tuberculosis pulmonum.
Hepar [Hep]
Chronic venous congestion of pharyngo-laryngeal mucous membrane; feeling of dulness and constriction in throat, with desire to swallow, but no pain during deglutition; throat dry and raw, with sensation as if splinter pricked it, of of a plug of mucus, which he must swallow or hawk up, mucus sometimes tinged with blood; tickling and harassing cough, dry or coughing up mucus.
Iodum [Iod]
Croupous pharyngitis; sharp burning in pharynx, with rawness extending into the air-passages; feeling of scraping in pharynx; fauces inflamed, with burning and dryness from throat to stomach; swallowing impeded when drinking water, as if throat were constricted, with distressing thirst.
Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]
Acute and chronic pharyngitis; CHRONIC CONGESTION OF FAUCES AND PHARYNGEAL MUCOUS MEMBRANE, follicles looking like little tubercles on pharyngeal wall; uneasiness and pain on swallowing; sensation of dryness, burning, rawness, a scraping feeling or sensation of something sticking in throat; accumulation of sticky, tenacious mucus in pharynx, with tendency to hoarseness and tickling cough, difficulty of throwing off the stringy mucus; chronic nasal catarrh; tongue coated with a yellow mucus; bitter taste; tendency to nausea; gastric catarrh.
Kali-iod [Kali-i]
CHRONIC PHARYNGITIS, stinging and painful pressure when swallowing or talking; choking sensation as if something had lodged in throat, (>) after hawking up a piece of thick mucus; boring, darting pains in ears.
Kali-mur [Kali-m]
Pharyngitis, GREAT DEAL OF FOETOR IN BREATH, hawks up cheesy lumps of the size of a split pea; throat swollen, spots or pustules appear with gray or whitish exudation; adherent crusts in vault of pharynx; tongue coated grayish-white, slimy or dry; biliousness, dyspepsia, fatty or rich food causes indigestion.
Lachesis [Lach]
Severe pain out of proportion to morbid appearance seen on inspection; feeling of fulness and dryness in throat, with desire to clear throat, patient tries to expectorate, but nothing or next to nothing comes up; cough dry, tickling often spasmodic, (

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