– Tarkas P. and Ajit Kulkarni.

Rose Laurel


Nutrition of

Digestive tract



Nerves:C-S; Motor Solar plexus


Scalp. Skin

L. side


Rest. Lying (oppression, teeth)

Looking sideways

Walking (dyspnea)



Rising (heavy limbs etc.)

Long after eating

After suckling

Touch (mind, skin)


Thinking of it

Fats. Radish. Honey



Lying (vertigo, head)

Walking (anxiety)


Discharges sweat deflation

Citrus fruits


Neurotic. Apprehensive. Congestive. Anaesthetic

Paralytic. Neurasthenic. Pre-ataxic. Senile.Tense

Depression ` Congestion ` Paralysis

A congestive – paralysing depressant. Localized congestions (hyperacidogenic or otherwise) with their ramifications (Chin.,Raph.), with resulting atony and paralyses (or spasms like Phys.). Numbing tensions, congestions, or paralyses.

Weakness and general lassitude, a severe sick feeling; indolence, aversion to do anything, even faint and down-hearted with a general giving way; legs (esp. knees) painfully weak, heavy or tired (on rising) as after a long walk or standing (Led., Nux-v.). Great muscular weakness; weariness in bed in morning; reeling / whirling on rising and tottering while walking (Ambr.). Weakness on rising from stomach or abdomen.Tremulous weakness: hands tremble when writing, when hungry or while eating (Cocc.); after nursing babe, (Voluptuous trembling).

Decline. Loss of vital : irritability (Carb-v.), reaction (Op.), heat (Chin.). Rapid decline and ebbing vitality (Hyd-ac.,Kali- ph.). Faint-like languor, with anxiety, as if life were about to terminate; a little walk is so fatiguing; even syncope; (>) after sweat. Functional torpor (Carb-v.); gastro-intestinal (e.g. lientaria, enuresis); digestive failure (athrepsia); dull mental functions (Alum.). Senile involution (Carb-s.).

Simple paralysis without tissue damage. Painless paralysis (Op.). Paresis after infantile paralysis (Lath.). Post-apoplectic hemiplegia. paraplegia, paralysis of legs, with crampy convulsions in arms, preceded by weakness (of legs) with numbness of soles when walking (Sec.). Paralytic rigidity of limbs. Wrist drop (Plb.). Functional paralysis with bowel incontinence and some heart damage, preceded by vertigo. Spinal congestion and paralysis (Nux-v., Phys.).Paralysis agitans. Momentary paralytic numbness (of arm etc.), on waking (Chel.).

Sensation of vibration and resonance in the whole body, or in legs and feet, but esp. in soles (“strumming’?). Buzzing, whizzing, humming, or surging (“Quivering” in Rep. cp. Lec.,Lyss.); in legs, esp. soles.

Localised emptiness or fullness (due to congestions).

Emptiness in (upper) abdomen and / or chest (Cal-phos., Dios.).

Emptiness in pit of stomach or abdomen with fullness in chest (Puls.).

Emptiness in pit of stomach with fullness in abdomen (Chin.).

Emptiness in chest with oppression / fullness in pit of stomach (Nat-p.),or with tension in abdomen and palpitation.

Pains: burning. Pressing. Cramp-like drawing (in ears, limbs).

Numbness in : skin, head, back of nose, upper lip, arms, feet, soles (Onos.). Whole body anaesthetic. Tingling in : palms, soles.

Cramps in : whole body, head, arms, fingers, legs, feet, (toes). Violent contractions of muscles of l. side. Jerks of limbs during sleep. Tension in whole body.

Convulsions : eyes turned up, lock-jaw, thumb clenched on palm. More of upper part of body.

Dropsy. Oedema of limbs.

Veins of hands stand out; emaciation.

Injuries: bites and stings (external).

Select Particulars

Mind : A neurotic, but not hysterical (unlike Gel., Ign., Raph.). Nervous and anxious; after conversation (Ambr.) with urging to stool (Arg-n., Gel.). Lack of confidence. Restless; feet fidgety (Ars., Caust., Zinc.). Heedless. Ailments from scorn. Cannot bear the slightest handling (interference); angry even at a touch (“touchy”).

Dementia : slow perception (Carb-s.). Weak memory. Absent- minded, distracted. Sopor ; coma.

Head : Vertigo, with anxiety; on rising; walking in open air; looking down or fixedly; while eating. Reeling, whirling (and staggering). Prodromal / prehemiplegic vertigo of apoplexy (a congestive narcotic depression of sensorium, like Op.); or of paralysis.

Headache : Stupefying. Bursting, splitting. () looking cross-eyed (squintingly) or sideways (askance).

Scalp : Gnawing-itching. Itching-numbness. A biting-itching eruption. Crusta lactea oozing a sticky fluid.

Eyes : Feel drawn backward into head (Crot-t.,Lach.). Lachrymation, burning and tension (in lids) when reading.

Dim vision, () rising), standing or walking, causing deep anxious, laboured respiration. Constrictive. Congestive tightness; from flatulence (Raph.). Breathes with great heaving of chest, after palpitation, sans mental anxiety. Chest feels expanded.

Pleurodynia and perichondritis. Pains in chest, sides (esp.l.), sternum. Obtuse stitches in l. chest, sternum, diaphragm, () eructations. Tenderness in r. (or l.) side.

Heart : Constriction. Congestion; sympathizing with chest (Rhus- t., Spig.), or vice versa. Anxiety, even anguish, sans anxious thought; or on thinking of it; distress; palpitation; from flatulence, before stool (Ambr.,Poth.); from sudden exertion (Dig.). Dull, drawing pain, () heat; on first scratching. Desquamation of epidermis.

Thermic States : Cold: chest, hands (with hot face), feet (constantly). Chilliness predominant. Periodical chills.

Heat : flushes on hurrying (also anxiety), from mental work (Lach.) when contradicted. Sweat : dry skin, unable to perspire (a paralysis of function).

Relations : Antidotes : Camph., Sulph.

Contains Hydrocyanic acid. Prun-v is a mild Hyd-ac. (hence collateral). Also collaterals: Am-c., Chin.

Similars : Ambr., Ars., Carb-v., Carls., Conium., Dig., Dios., Gel., Lath., Lyc., Op., Phys., Raph., Rhus., Stry.

Chronics : Arg-n., Lyc., Nat-m., Syph.

Compatible : Bell., Bry., Calc., Con., Lach., Nux-v., Pul., Rhus-t.,Sep.,Sul.

Trios : Olean.-Lach.-Lyc. Olean.-Arg-n.-Nat-m.

Earlier Stage : Carls. Later stage : Phys.

Symbiotic : Kali-i.

Compare : Anac., Carb-s., Caust., Clem., Crot-t., Kre., Nat-m., Plb., Spi., Vinc.

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-Boericke. G.W

+ Rose-laurel.


Has a marked action on the skin, heart and nervous system, producing and curing paralytic conditions with cramp-like contractions of upper extremities. Hemiplegia. Difficult articulation.


Memory weak; slow perception. Melancholy, with obstinate constipation.


Vertigo and diplopia, when looking down. Vertigo, when looking fixedly at an object, and on rising in bed. Pain in brain, as if head would burst. Numb feeling. Dull, unable to think. Indolence. ERUPTION ON SCALP. Humid, fetid spots BEHIND EARS. [GRAPH.; PETROL.] and occiput, with red, rough, herpetic spots in front. CORROSIVE ITCHING ON FOREHEAD AND EDGE OF HAIR; worse, heat.

#Eyes Can see objects only when looking at them sideways. Eyes water on reading. Double vision. SENSATION AS IF EYES WERE DRAWN BACK INTO THE HEAD.


Pale, sunken, with blue rings around eyes. [PHOS. AC.]


CANINE HUNGER, WITH HURRIED EATING, without appetite. Thirst. Empty belching. Vomiting of food; greenish water. Throbbing in pit.


Borborygmus, with profuse, fetid flatus. Gnawing around navel. Ineffectual urging. UNDIGESTED FAECES. STOOL PASSES WHEN EMITTING FLATUS. Burning pain in anus.


Oppression as from a weight; asthmatic when lying down. PALPITATION, with weakness and empty feeling in chest. Dyspnoea. Obtuse stitches in chest.


WEAKNESS OF LOWER LIMBS. Paralysis of legs and feet. Want of animal heat in limbs. Cold feet. Painless paralysis. Constant cold feet. Swelling, burning stiffness of fingers. Veins on hands swollen. OEdema. Stiffness of joints.


Itching, scurfy pimples; herpes; sensitive and numb. Nocturnal burning. VERY SENSITIVE SKIN; slightest friction causes soreness and chapping. VIOLENT ITCHING ERUPTION, BLEEDING, OOZING; want of perspiration. Pruritus, especially of scalp, which is sensitive.


WORSE, undressing, rest, friction of clothes.


Compare: CON.; NAT. M.; RHUS; CAUST.; LATHYR. Oleander contains Oleandrin and also Nerein which latter is said to be closely related if not identical with Digitalin. The pulse becomes slower, more regular, more powerful. DIURESIS; palpitation, oedema and dyspnoea of valvular disease, disappear. Antidotes: CAMPH.; SULPH.


Third to thirtieth potency.

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