– Jan Scholten

Natrum nitricum is described in a very minor way by Allen (1982, vol 6, page 281), Clarke (1985, part 2, page 598), and Boericke (1927, page 463).

Its clinical application has been in the treatment of nosebleeds, although this symptom is not mentioned in the provings. Its general picture is not at all clear.


Natrum Nitricum

Sadness and depression Enjoyment

Closed, alone Need for space, expansion

Restriction Going out

Denial, forbidden Congestion, explosive

Sensitive Tension

Holding on Relaxation

Group analysis

The group analysis gives us the theme of not being allowed or not being able to enjoy life. They have the feeling that enjoyment isn’t for them. The happy and enjoyable side of life is not there for them to appreciate. Or they might feel that they are not allowed to enjoy things, because all the good and rich food will make them fat. Their attitude is very puritan, the way one sometimes observes in people with calvinistic backgrounds: ‘enjoyment is sinful’.

A variation on this theme is found in people who can only enjoy things when they are alone. They feel it is not right to enjoy life, but when they are on their own they will sometimes slip in a little glass of port or something like that. But they will do this when they are by themselves, rather than go to a party.


A man of 35 comes because of sneezing attacks. Once every 4 or 5 weeks he spends whole day sneezing. It always happens on a day off work. He can usually postpone it for a while by ‘willing it to stay away’, but eventually it comes anyway. He sneezes all day, walks bent double, sweats a lot, has a watery, acrid discharge and his eyes become very red. Lying down and sniffing salt water ameliorates; daytime, getting up, washing and dust aggravate.

Past history: pain under left knee, stitching, ever since straining it while playing volleyball.

General characteristics:

Temperature: warm, needing fresh air.

Perspiration: easy, on the back, (

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-Boericke. G.W

+ Nitrate of Sodium.


A Rademacherian remedy for INFLAMMATIONS. Haemoptysis. Haematuria. Purpura haemorrhagica. Haemorrhagic Variola. Drowsiness. Pains of tabes INFLUENZA. Haemorrhages from mucous membranes, particularly nasal. Haemoglobinuria. Uric acid diathesis. Asthma with urine supersaturated with solids. Anemia and hydraemia. Exhaustion, must rest frequently when walking.


Dull. Indisposed to mental and bodily exertion. Pressing inward pain. Otalgia. Inward pressing in malar bones. NOSEBLEED.


Sour risings. Aversions to coffee. Flatulence, with pressure in pit of stomach and pain in chest; worse motion, better eructation.


Abdominal muscles painfully contracted towards the spine. Distended. Difficult stool; feels as if more remained to pass. #Heart

Pain in region of heart. Pulse slower and softer.


Second trituration, also watery solution; 1 dram of salt to 8 oz. water. Dram doses.

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