Magnesium phosphoricum

Nervousness is when you feel in a hurry all over and can’t get started.
[Dibasic] magnesium phosphate.
SUBSTANCE White crystalline powder, slightly soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol; freely soluble in dilute acids. The trihydrate occurs in nature as the minerals newberyite, phosphor-roesslerite. Compared to the powdered metal, magnesium phosphate is only very slightly reactive, being neither a fire hazard nor an explosion hazard.
BIOCHEMISTRY Magnesium and phosphate share a close relationship as they are both important intracellular ions, with phosphate being the most abundant anion and magnesium, the second most abundant cation, after potassium. Magnesium and phosphate are necessary in all reactions involving the expenditure or release of energy; in almost all reactions involving carbohydrate, lipid, protein, and nucleic acid metabolism; and in those reactions related to the synthesis, degradation and stability of DNA. The presence of phosphate exerts a regulatory role in magnesium absorption, with increasing absorption if magnesium intake is low, and decreasing absorption when the intake is high. 1
SCHÜSSLER Schüssler believed that the disease process was always associated with a deficiency of one or more tissue salts that are normally present, in correct balance, in body tissue cells. According to him, magnesium phosphate is an earthy constituent of muscles, nerves, bone, brain [especially grey substance], spine, sperm [especially rich in it], teeth and blood cells. Like potassium phosphate it maintains a healthy nervous system, and a disturbance of it causes cramps, pains and paralysis. “Schüssler says that the action of Mag-p. is the reverse of that of iron. By functional disturbance of the molecules of the latter the muscular fibres relax; through the functional disturbances of the magnesium molecules they contract; hence it is the remedy for cramps, convulsions and other nervous phenomena.”2
PROVINGS •• [1] H.C. Allen – 19 [?] provers, 1889; method: regularly repeated doses of 30c, 200c or 1M; short observation periods.
[1] Fisher, The Clinical Science of Mineral Therapy. [2] Boericke and Dewey, The twelve tissue remedies of Schüssler.
NERVES [face; head]. Muscles. * Right side.
Worse: COLD [AIR; uncovering; drafts; water]. Touch. Periodicity. NIGHT. Motion. Exhaustion.
Better: WARMTH. HOT BATHING. Pressure. Doubling up. Friction.
Main symptoms
M Personality more like Phosphorus, more outgoing.
Can be more irritable and may have Phos. type of fears [thunderstorms, darkness].
M Resembling Calc-phos.
• “They are the same thin, weak, and sensitive types, with the same nutritional, psoric and allergic problems, yet characterized by the fiery magnesium impulsivity rather than the calcarea passivity. They often are thin, dark complexioned, very sensitive artistic or intellectual people, extremely nervous, intense, restless, spastic, and neurotic with cramps and colics all over.” [Whitmont]
M • “ALWAYS TALKING of her PAINS.” [Boger]
• “Much inclined to tearful lamentation.” [Gibson]
G Restlessness from pain [Mag-c.].
[Restlessness in Mag-m. arises more from anxiety.]
• “Abdominal pain caused great restlessness; walked about hurriedly, said he must have relief; lying on stomach gave short relief, but in a few minutes the pains compelled him to walk again.” [H.C. Allen]
G Rapid exhaustion by pain.
G CHILLY [but unlike Mag-c. and Mag-m. no amelioration in open air].
< COLD in general. G Sleep disturbed by pains or bad dreams. • “Awake with an impression of some one being in the room – saw some one standing over me.” [H.C. Allen] Sleepiness from mental effort. G < NIGHT. G < Walking in open air. G < Touch and coldness. > HARD pressure and heat [esp. PAINS].
G CRAMPING pains, or shooting, wandering and stitching [neuralgic].
G SUDDEN paroxysms of pain; in waves; extorting cries; causing restlessness.
Pains appear suddenly and disappear suddenly.
G Sensation as of electric shocks.
• “Sensation as of a strong shock of electricity, beginning in the head and extending to all parts of the body.”
• “Sensation in limbs like a shock of electricity followed by a soreness of the muscles.”
• “Drowsiness; fall asleep and awake as from an electric shock, and then become drowsy again.”
• “Tingling sensation in all parts of the body, more noticeable in the extremities, like an electric shock.” [H.C. Allen]
P Vertigo on exertion of vision.
P Headache STARTING in the nape of the neck [or in the occiput].
Spreading over the head and settling over the RIGHT eye.
Headache of schoolgirls.
< 4-8 p.m. > Warmth and pressure.
And Flushed face.
And Defective accommodation.
And Diplopia or sparks before eyes.
[Difficult to distinguish from Sil., but in Sil. there is no relief from pressure.]
P Toothache.
• “Severe pains in decayed teeth or in teeth which had been filled and given no trouble for years [occurred in seven provers, three of whom ‘discontinued proving on account of pain in teeth and had the teeth treated by dentist.’]” [H.C. Allen]
P Premenstrual pains [< right side] > start of flow.
P ERRATIC, wandering GROWING pains.
* Drug picture by H.C. Allen, as well as some provings, in International Hahn. Association, 1889.
Ailments from mental exertion [1]. Fruitlessly busy [1]. Delusions, she could not move [1]. Fear, of motion [1], of being touched [1]. Lamenting about pain [2]. Sadness, with sleepiness [1]. Talking to himself [1]. Teasing [1].
From exertion of vision [2]. Walking in open air > [1].
Pain, from becoming cold [3], > darkness [1], > hard pressure [3], from straining eyes [1], > warm application [1], > wrapping up head [2].
Defective accommodation during headache [2]. Diplopia, horizontal [1]. Sparks during headache [3].
Pain, > warmth and wrapping up [2].
Choking on swallowing liquids [2].
Hiccough > warm drinks [1/1]. Vomiting > drinking warm water [1].
Pain, must bend double [2], radiating [3], > warm drinks [2].
Diarrhoea alternating with brain trouble [1/1], with spasms [1/1].
Asthmatic, from flatulence [1].
Trembling, upper limbs, on slight motion [2].
Aversion: [1]: Coffee.
Desire: [1]: Spices; sugar.
Worse: [2]: Cold drinks.
Better: [1]: Warm drinks.

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Magnesium phosphate. mghpo47H2O
1. Right side of body is mostly affected (Bell., Bry., Chel., Kali carb., Lyc., Pod.).
2. Cutting, stitching, lightening like pain which comes and goes suddenly.
Intermittent, rapidly shifting (Lac c., Puls.), with constrictied feeling (Cact., Iod., Sulph.).
3. Great dread : of cold air, of uncovering, of touching the affected part, of moving.
4. Complaints of children during dentition, spasms with no fever (with fever, Bell.).
5. Headache : starts from occiput and extends over the head. (Sang., Sil.); from mental emotion, exertion, worse 10 to 11 A.M. or 4 to 5 P. M.
Better by pressure and external heat.
6. Toothache : at night, shifting; worse eating, drinking especially cold things; better by heat. (better by cold, Bry., Coff., Ferr. phos.).
7. Flatulent cutting colic, forcing patient to bend double; better by heat, rubbing and hard pressure (Col., Plumb.).
8. Menses : early, dark, stringy flow; Pains worse before, better when flow begins. (Lach., Zinc., Cycl.) Lightening like pains worse right side, better by heat and bending forward.
9. Nocturnal enuresis, from nervous irritation, urine pale, copious, after catheterization.
10. Cramps : of extremities, during pregnancy, of writers, of piano or violin players.
11. Modalities : Worse : Cold air, cold draft, motion, rough, right side.
Better : Bending double, heat.

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