Attention to health is the greatest hindrance to life.
Potassium arsenite. Fowler’s solution.
CHEMISTRY Fowler’s solution is made of arsenic trioxide [10 g], potassium bicarbonate [7.6 g], alcohol [30 ml], and distilled water to one litre. It is a colourless and odourless, clear liquid, which is very poisonous and incompatible with hypophosphites and sulphites in acid solutions, with salts of ferrum and of most other heavy metals, and with tannic acid. Therapeutically is has been used as an alterative or tonic, in pulmonary emphysema, chronic cough, anaemias, and chronic skin diseases. 1 In its solid form, potassium arsenite is a white hygroscopic powder that reacts with acids releasing toxic arsene gas. It decomposes on contact with air [by atmospheric carbon dioxide] and through the skin.
FOWLER From observations on 320 cases, in the beginning of the 19th century, Fowler came to the following conclusions about the side-effects of his ‘solution’: “The solution, when administered in small doses, will generally be attended with no operation; yet it will frequently produce a nausea, often accompanied with a slight griping, or an open body; seldom with vomiting or purging. When it is given in large doses, especially if three times a day, it will generally excite a nausea and vomiting, or a nausea with griping and purging; and sometimes these effects are combined. Certain swellings, especially of the face, or a loss of appetite, will sometimes attend the larger doses, and now and then even the smaller ones. In several instances it has proved evidently diuretic; yet in two or three it has seemed to diminish the natural urinary discharge. In a few cases it has occasioned an uneasiness and pain at the stomach, or a slight general eruption like the nettle-rash; and in a very few instances it has seemed to produce a sweat, a headache, or slight tremors.”2
MEDICINE Medicinal arsenic has been used in medicine for at least 2,500 years. Particularly since the 18th century, it was used to treat a great variety of illnesses such as acne, diarrhoea, gastric ulcer, asthma, malaria, lupus, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema and rheumatism. The most popular preparation in the western world was Fowler’s solution, which contained 1% potassium arsenite.
TOXICOLOGY The toxicity of potassium arsenite is similar to that of other arsenicals. It can be absorbed by ingestion, inhalation, and through the skin. Symptoms of acute poisoning usually appear 30 minutes to 1 hour after ingestion but may be delayed many hours, esp. when the substance is taken with the food. Symptoms include: sweetish metallic taste; garlicky odour of breath and faeces; constriction in throat and difficulty in swallowing; burning and colicky pains in oesophagus, stomach and bowel; vomiting and profuse painful diarrhoea, often excreta resemble ‘rice water’ stools of cholera, later faeces becomes bloody; dehydration with intense thirst and muscular cramps; initial sinus tachycardia and occasionally ventricular arrhythmias, followed by cyanosis, feeble pulse and cold extremities; vertigo, frontal headache; syncope, coma, occasionally convulsions, general paralysis, ventricular fibrillation, and death. If acute phase is survived, peripheral neuropathy with sensory and motor involvement, and skin eruptions and colourations may develop. During recovery, weakness and diarrhoea may persist for weeks. 3 Occupations with potential arsenic exposure include farmers, glassmakers, herbicide workers, and smelter workers.
SKIN Potassium arsenite is a skin irritant and contact allergen; common skin findings may include diaphoresis, palmar hyperkeratosis, peripheral oedema, hyperpigmentation, branny desquamation, and exfoliative dermatitis. As early as 1888, Hutchinson reported skin cancer in patients who had taken arsenical medications. Numerous reports have since confirmed that ingested arsenic can cause Bowen’s disease, squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma of the skin and less frequently, internal cancers of lung, kidney, bladder and liver. In addition, arsenic also causes pigment changes and very frequently hyperkeratotic lesions of the skin called arsenical keratoses. Arsenical keratosis is the most characteristic skin feature of chronic arsenic exposure. A study of 262 patients who had been taking Fowler’s solution for 6 to 26 years, conducted by Fierz et al in Germany, revealed 40% of them developed arsenical keratosis and 8% with skin cancers. Arsenical keratoses are usually multiple, typically occur at the sites of friction and trauma, especially on the palms and soles, but may also develop on the fingers, toes, heels, dorsum of the hands, arms, and legs. They usually present as small, punctate, non-tender, hard, yellowish, often symmetric, corn-like papules with diameters between 0.2 to 1.0 cm. These lesions may coalesce to form large verrucous plaques. Another type of arsenical keratoses which present as scaly erythematous or pigmented patches on unexposed body areas are seen in most of the patients with arsenical cancers.
HOMOEOPATHY “It is not possible to separate entirely the pathogenesis of Arsenicum album and Kali arsenicosum. Kali-ar. is the favourite form in which Arsenic is prescribed by the allopaths, consequently the bulk of observations from over-dosing are due to this preparation; and as it is named Liquor arsenicalis it is considered as Arsenic and nothing else. However, a sufficient number of pure observations have been made to warrant a separate consideration. The cases of poisoning with massive doses present nothing to distinguish them from cases poisoned with other arsenical preparations. But Kali-ar. has had a short proving, and a number of cases of medicinal provings in allopathic hands are on record. Fowler’s Solution, the form in which Kali-ar. has been tested, consists of Arsenious acid 1 part, Carbonate of potash 1 part, Compound tincture of lavender 3 parts, distilled water 95 parts.”4 Leeser states that Kali-ar. is “occasionally recommended in the lower potencies in severe oedemas of chronic nephritis or myocardial weakness in place of Ars. album.”
PROVINGS Symptoms derived from poisonings and effects of medicinal treatment, e.g. “Boy of 16 took liq. pot. ars. for 7 weeks in doses of 3 minim per day for a scaly eruption on arms and legs”; a man of 35 took for many years pills made of arsenic and afterwards Fowler’s solution; a man suffering from scrofula took Fowler’s solution, 10 drops twice a day; a man of 23 was treated for tubercular phthisis with 5 drops of Fowler’s solution 3 times a day; a lady affected with skin disease took liquor arsenicalis in doses of 5 drops gradually increased to 15 drops, 3 times a day; a young lady of 21 took 2 drops of liquor arsenicalis twice a day under the advice of a physician; a boy of 6, suffering from chorea, was treated with 3 minims of liquor arsenicalis, which were gradually increased to 10 minims, 3 times a day; a man of 42 took full doses of Fowler’s solution for an acute attack of eczema. 5
[1] Merck Index. [2] Fowler, cited in Hughes, Cyclopaedia. [3] Gosselin, Smith and Hodge, Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products; Baltimore, 1984. [4] Clarke, Dictionary. [5] Hughes, ibid.
Cardio-vascular system. Skin. Veins. Blood.
Worse: Touch. Noise. Cold feet. 1-3 a.m. Warmth; warmth of bed.
Better: Rainy days.
Main symptoms
Common traits of all Kali’s: conservative, regular, proper, down to earth.
In Kali-ar. the fears and the aggravation after midnight of Kali are intensified by the Arsenicum-element.
M Great anxiety about HEALTH.
Especially of HEART DISEASE.
[also fear of stroke, cancer or other serious diseases]
• “One of the main remedies that show up in the emergency heart-attack room.” [Morrison]
M Constant fear, but in periods culminating in real PANIC.
Try to cover it up. Overwhelming fear.
M Security – suspicion.
• “The main feeling of Kali arsenicosum is that the people whose support the patient seeks cannot be trusted – they could even rob him. Like all Kali remedies, he seeks the support of the family or the group. Without them he is weak and dependent. Yet he has doubts as to whether this same family or group is trustworthy. … He needs the support of his family and yet he cannot trust them. He feels as if his family or group is out to cheat him, to rob him. He becomes extremely suspicious. His extreme anxiety makes him highly organized, fastidious, careful and cautious. He is extremely anxious his health too. So anxious that he cannot even his physician. … He feels lonely and isolated because he cannot trust anyone.” [Sankaran]
M Resembling Arsenicum.
• “The characteristic analysis shows a temperamental disposition to restlessness, fault finding, exaction, scolding, quarrelsomeness, and discontent.”1
• “Aversion to open air. Can’t get warm, even in summer.” [Boger]
Entering a cold place <. G Night <. • “Nights are filled with suffering.” [Boger] < 1-3 a.m. G < TOUCH. G Sleeps with one HAND OVER the HEART. G Trembling from noise. G DROPSY. • “Under the influence of continued small doses [of Fowler’s solution] a characteristic puffiness of the face arises, with oedema of the eyelids, which at first is most visible in the morning, but it is afterwards more permanent and extensive, occupying the ankles, limbs, and abdomen with a dropsical effusion.” [Hughes] P SWOLLEN LOWER LIDS of eyes [Kali-c. upper lids]. P Nightly attacks of asthma or bronchitis and fear of HEART disease. P Itching eczema < undressing, night and from warmth. • “The skin is the main point of attack as a result of the effect on the cardiovascular system. Here there are innumerable indications, from painful herpes, phagedenic ulcers with a deep base and turned up edges to itching psoriasis. The branlike desquamation following measles is typical. The skin symptoms itch mainly, are worse when the patient undresses, worse at night, like Arsenicum, yet aggravated by warmth. The Kali-ar. skin is pale, dirty yellow, muddy.”2 1-2 Davis, The Kali Family; The Homoeopathic Recorder, June 1939. Rubrics Mind Refusing to answer [1]. Anxiety, in morning in waking [1], in night on waking [1], in a crowd [2]. Aversion to bed, shuns bed [1]. Conviction of death [1]. Delusions, head is enlarged [1], having a heart disease [2]. Fear, of cancer [1], of heart disease [2]. Sudden impulse to kill [1]. Sadness, when alone [1], with jealousy [2/1]. Thoughts, tormenting, at night [1]. Rage leading to deeds of violence [1]. Head Pain, > warm drinks [1], > warm application [1], > wrapping up head [1].
Swelling, lids, lower lids [3].
Colours, green [1], yellow [1].
Coryza, < cold air [2], on becoming cold [2]. Dryness, inside nose, at night [1]. Teeth Pain, during menses [1], > external warmth [2].
Sensation of a lump, > eructations [1].
Nausea, after cold drinks [2]. Pain, after cold drinks [1]. Vomiting, after drinking cold water [1].
Diarrhoea, after cold drinks [1], after milk [2].
Difficult, after midnight, 2-3 a.m. [3].
From cold drinks [1].
Pain, heart, < lying on left side [2]. Limbs Numbness, of palms of hands [1*]; of soles of feet [1*], with feeling as if walking on velvet [1*]. Skin Burning spots [1]. Eruptions, itching, in cold air [2], when undressing [2]. Itching, in cold air [1], without eruption [1*], on becoming warm [2]. Generals Going to a cold room < [3]. Trembling, from noise [2]. * Repertory additions [Hughes]. Food Aversion: [2]: Meat. [1]: Farinaceous. Desire: [2]: Sour. [1]: Sweets; warm drinks. Worse: [2]: Cold drinks when heated. [1]: Cold drinks; cold food; fat; ice cream; milk. Better: [1]: Warm drinks [> headache].