
Abrotanum [Abrot]
DEMENTIA; feebleness and dulness of mind; no capacity for thinking, as if all mental and bodily power were gone; good- humored, happy or gloomy and desponding; easily tired out by conversation or mental effort.
Aconite [Acon]
Great mental anxiety and physical tension; ailments from fright, anger, chagrin; gloomy, taciturn; afraid of a crowd or of crossing a busy street; fear of ghosts; apprehensive of the future and approaching death; restless, agonizing tossing about; MENTAL AND BODILY OVERSENSITIVENESS; mood peevish, irritable,malicious; delirium,patient weeping and laughing alternately; music unbearable, makes her quite mad.
AEthusa-cyn [Aeth]
IDIOCY, in some cases alternating with furor; cannot retain any idea; hallucinations; GOOD-NATURED FORENOON, ILL-HUMORED AND SAD AFTERNOON.
Agaricus [Agar]
DEMENTIA from mental palsy; cryptomania; fancy excited, makes verses, signs,talks, but does not answer questions; constant talking and laughing , considers himself immensely wealthy and happy ( second stage of dementia paralytica); mischievous melancholy, trying to do injury or damage from inward restlessness and anxiety; confusion of head, cannot find the right words and wants to be alone; frequently caused by mental overexcitement and worry; epilepsy.
Agnus-castus [Agn]
PUERPERAL INSANITY with suicidal tendencies, aversion to husband, babe and to all sexual intercourse, dissatisfied with herself and incapable of any mental or bodily exertion; absent- minded, cannot recollect things; anxious, fear and weakness.
Alcohol [Alco]
DEMENTIA PARALYTICA; INSANITY OF DRUNKARDS, weak and loitering gait, limp and uncertain movements of the whole body; tremulousness of lips and tongue, thickness and hesitancy of speech; uncertain expression of eyes; transcendent notions of wealth and power; tremors and muscular twitching; hemi- anaesthesia, amaurosis, epilepsy.
Alumina [Alum]
Consciousness of his personal identity confused apprehensive of losing his reason; EVEN IDEAS FORCE THEMSELVES ON HIM AGAINST HIS WILL; low spirits, trifling things appear insurmountable, desire to cut his throat, but fears death; time passes too slowly; variable mood, at one time confident at another timid; peevish and whining , with heat in the earlobes, cannot retain his urine; MENTAL SYMPTOMS (

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