
There is another way of classifying the different kinds of dyspepsia besides the one I have adopted above-that is, by taking the leading feature of each case. There are thus- flatulent dyspepsia, painful dyspepsia, acid dyspepsia, and many others. A division of this kind would cut through the classification I have already given, as examples of all these could be taken from any one of the kinds I have described. I have, therefore, decided to add this chapter of Materia Medica, giving under each drug the particular symptoms which indicate its use in indigestion. By looking through the list of drugs I have given the various dyspepsias-flatulent, acid, and the rest-will find their counterparts described. The medicines are arranged in alphabetical order, and only those characteristic symptoms which indicate the medicines in cases of dyspepsia are given.

Dose.-Unless otherwise stated, the dose of each medicine named should be one or two drops in water or on a small piece of sugar, or one disc or two pilules, of the 3rd attenuation. It should be taken about an hour or half an hour before each meal.

Abies nigra. -Loss of appetite in the morning, but great craving for food at noon and night. Severe pain in the stomach after eating; sensation as if an undigested hard-boiled egg were there.

Actaea racemosa (also called Cimicifuga racemosa). -Great depression of spirits and feeling as if under a cloud. Severe headache, with aching in eyeballs. Unpleasant taste in mouth, unpleasant breath, nausea, sinking faintness at pit of stomach, vomiting. Tea dyspepsia.

Antimonium crudum 6.-Milky white tongue, or thickly coated tongue; eructations of wind, and fluid tasting of the food taken.

Antimonium tartaricum 6.-Milky white tongue; nausea; vomiting, and prostration; tremulousness. Useful in the dyspepsia of drunkards.

Argentum nitricum 6.-Flatulent dyspepsia-the flatulence coming away easily and in great quantity. Great pain and tenderness at the stomach-pit, the pain being worse after any food. Palpitation and short breath; anaemia. This medicine is especially useful in anaemic girls, and also for flatulent dyspepsia resulting eating cold food. Threatened ulceration of the stomach.

Arsenicum.-Irritable state of digestive mucous membrane. (Red tongue, or red with thin, white silvery coat); thirst; burning pain at the stomach; faintness; nausea, and vomiting. The bowels are generally loose; there is a low feverish state; wasting; anxiety; restlessness.

This medicine is useful in ulceration of the stomach and in all cases of irritative dyspepsia with great vital exhaustion and depression.

Baptisia.-When there is great dullness and heaviness approaching the typhoid type, tongue foul, no appetite, often vomiting and diarrhoea. The head is heavy, and the face has a heavy expression. This medicine is very useful in indigestion after overloading the stomach, and in those acute attacks of indigestion with fever which used to be called “gastric fever” or “gastric attacks.”

Bryonia.-Feeling as of a stone at the pit of the stomach; sharp pain going through from this region to the back; pain between the shoulders or under one shoulder-blade; pain across the forehead; bilious vomiting; white tongue; constipation ; stools large and light-coloured in rheumatic patients.

Bryonia is useful in many kinds of dyspepsia. An example has been given of its efficacy in the case of an arsenical dyspepsia. But its range is very wide, and any case presenting two or three of the above symptoms will be cured by the remedy.

Calcarea carbonica 6.-Acid dyspepsia; everything turning to acid; sour risings and eructations; heartburn; waterbrash; milk disagrees; offensive white stools; useful in almost all cases where acidity is the leading feature. It is often of remarkable service in those cases where dyspepsia is premonitory of consumption of the lungs.

Carbo veg. 6.-Flatulent dyspepsia; great belching of wind; cutting pains in the chest; acidity; bowels regular or loose; gouty dyspepsia.

Carbo veg. is perhaps the most useful of all medicines in flatulent dyspepsia. The flatulence is chiefly in the stomach and passing away upwards. It is contrasted with Lycopodium, which has abdominal flatulence and constipation.

Carbolic acid.-Acute dyspepsia; great flatulence, passing upwards; pains in the chest and stomach after all food; nausea; vomiting; depression. There is usually a good deal of nervousness connected with the cases which call for Carbolic acid. It is good for nervous dyspepsia, i.e. dyspepsia where nervous symptoms predominate.

Chamomilla.-Fretfulness and irritability are the leading indications for this remedy in whatever disease calls for it. It is especially called for in the dyspepsia of teething children. The special dyspeptic symptoms are : Fullness of upper abdomen; belching of wind; pressure at the stomach as from a stone; burning at the stomach; irritable gastralgia; windy colic; green, watery or mucous diarrhoea; biliousness. Bitter taste in the mouth in the morning. Desire for acids, and thirst.

China.-Dyspepsia after exhausting diseases or vicious habits; dyspepsia of nervous debility; loss of appetite; loathing of food; shuddering and chilliness; heartburn; pressure at the stomach; nausea; vomiting; pain in the liver; light stools. When given in the 0 tincture it lessens the craving for alcohol.

Hydrastis Canadensis.-“Goneness” or sinking sensation after meals; yellow slimy tongue; sour or putrid eructations: alternate diarrhoea and constipation. Ignatia.-Indigestion with nervous symptoms; sinking at the pit of the stomach; sensation of a lump in the throat. When indigestion is brought on or aggravated by worry. Aggravation by tobacco smoke. Stomach symptoms generally relieved by eating. Hysterical symptoms with indigestion.

Iodine.-Dyspepsia with great wasting. The appetite may be ravenous or absent. In dyspepsia from nervous causes, where there is complete failure of appetite, if Iodine is given in 3x strength for half to a quarter of an hour before meal-times, it will often enable the patient to eat.

Ipecacuanha.-Sick dyspepsia; constant nausea; accumulation of saliva in the mouth; loss of appetite; sensation as if the stomach hung down relaxed.

Kali bichromicum.-Indigestion alternating with rheumatic symptoms; vomiting; gastritis; chronic catarrh of the stomach; tongue coated yellow, red beneath; weight rather than pain after food; dyspepsia of beer drinkers.

Lycopodium 6.-Flatulent distension of the bowels; flatulence passing downwards; rumbling ; cannot bear the pressure of the clothes; waterbrash; tongue coated white; constipation; urine depositing a sediment; sleepiness after dinner in gouty patients.

Mercurius solubilis 6.-Pale flabby tongue; depraved taste; foul breath; light stools; depression of spirits. Natrum muriaticum 6.-Bitter taste in the mouth; waterbrash; heartburn ; chilliness; palpitation after food; anaemia; constipation; useful in anaemic girls; also in youths who have indulged in evil habits.

Nux vomica.-From indigestible food; from beer, wine, or spirits; from tobacco; from excesses of all kinds. Suited to spare, swarthy persons of irascible temperament; tongue brown at the back; cramping or spasmodic pains; flatulence; vomiting; constipation.

Petroleum.-Constant sickness, and loathing of all food; bilious vomiting; breathlessness and bloodlessness; “green sickness.”

Plumbum 6.-Cramping contracting pains in body and limbs, with indigestion. Obstinate constipation with colic. Sensation of a ball rising up from the stomach into the throat.

Pulsatilla.-From fat food; mucous derangement; thickly coated, moist, white tongue; nausea with little vomiting; heartburn; absence of much pain; feeling of distension; clothes have to be loosened : bowels loose or regular; suited to persons inclined to be stout, fair, and of a mild disposition.

Sulphur.-In chronic cases generally, where dyspepsia has followed the disappearance of a skin eruption ; pressure and heaviness in the stomach after eating a little, and sour or empty eructations; “sinking” sensation about 11 a.m.; bitter taste in the mouth; tongue coated white; griping about the navel; constipation; rheumatic and gouty dyspepsia. Sulphur is complementary to Nux vomica; they often do well in alternation.

Thuja.-In cases where excessive indulgence in tea has been a factor in the causation of the trouble, Thuja is the first remedy to be considered. It may be given in the 30th potency, at bedtime, or in the 3rd, two drops or pilules, three times daily. Indications for Thuja are flatulence, constipation, chilliness, liability to warts. It is a remedy for the late effects of vaccination.

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