Aphthae; choking, p.m.; stitching pain, when not swallowing. Throat amelioration belching. Some alarming cases of diphtheria have been reported cured by Ign. As of a lump rising into throat, from stomach, aggravation drinking, water.

Empty, weak, faint feeling, sighing. (L): Aversion to smoking tobacco; flabby; indigestion, after grief. Empty retching, amelioration eating Stomach aggravation pressure, amelioration, eating, often has to rise at night and eat. Thirst only during chill. Constant desire to take a deep breath to amelioration Stomach sinking. Craves cold food, which is digested, where warm food disturbs and creates indigestion. Wants cold things in stomach and heat externally.

Ignatia tobacco
Aversion to tobacco

Anxiety, after breakfast. (L): Pain, after excitement. Excessive flatulence.

Constriction, amelioration sitting, aggravation standing; pain, while lying; periodical pain, every day; prolapsus, p.m. (L): Griping pain; stitching pain, upward. Urging aggravation in upper part of rectum, Nux more lower down. Rectum contracted, anus constricted, most painful after stool, walking and standing, amelioration sitting. Violent stitches shoot up rectum, and forward into abdomen. When, like Nux, in diarrhoea, there is almost constant urging but no stool.

Ignatia pain rectum
Pain in rectum after stool

Copious urine in nervous women, reverse of Agar. Urine increased, lemon color, clear; watery.

Heat in vagina, before menses; grief suppresses or brings on menses; cramping pain in uterus, aggravation touching part. (L): Excoriation on edge of prepuce; sore, bruised pain at edge of prepuce; retraction of penis.

Ingnatia small penis
Retracted penis

Irritation of larynx, p.m., while lying. (L): Irritation in larynx, the more one coughs. Said to stop at once laryngismus stridulus that can be heard all over the house.

Constant desire to take a deep before to amelioration sinking at stomach.

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