Homeopathic Medicine for Gastro duodenal ulcer

Homeopathic Medicine for Gastroduodenal ulcer:

Allopathic medications are often necessary during the acute phase of a gastroduodenal ulcer. Homeopathic medicine is essential for the treatment of chronic peptic ulcers or gastroduodenal ulcer. Four elements determine the choice of Homeopathic remedies for Peptic ulcers:

Homeopathic Medicine for Gastro duodenal ulcer
  • Dyspepsia,
  • Vasomotor disorders
  • General behavior
  • Allergic state

The younger the patient, the symptoms are related to the suppression of syphilitic skin ulcers. The older the patient, the symptoms are more related to the suppression of Tubercular lung disease.

Homeopathic Remedies for Duodenal Ulcer Pain treatment:

Below are the wonderful Homeopathic Medicines for Duodenal or Peptic Ulcer Pain.

If burning pain in stomach relieves by eating:

Petroleum is a very useful remedy for Peptic ulcers. In this case, pain in stomach relief by bending forwards. Uranium Nitricum is also a great remedy in curing duodenal ulcers. In this case, the patient feels an increased appetite. Craving for food is in excess.

Anacardium Orientale is useful in Gastric ulcer cases when pain in the stomach associated with a deep depression in mind. Graphites is a Homeopathic remedy for the treatment of Peptic Ulcer when the patient is suffering from slow digestion. In this case, pain in ulcer relief from hot food. Arsenicum Album is helpful as a Homeopathic Remedy for Duodenal Ulcer when the patient feels better in pain from taking hot food or drinks.

Also, see Homeopathic medicine for headache due to gas

Homeopathic Medicines for Gastric Ulcer – Not feeling relief from taking food:

Robinia is a great remedy in the case of Gastric ulcers when patients having Pyrosis. Drinking warm relieve pain, especially indicate this Homeopathic medicine for gastric ulcer. Relief in stomach pain after drinking warm liquids also indicates Sulfuric for gastroduodenal ulcers. 
Severe acute vomiting with peptic ulcers guides us to use Bismuthum Homeopathic medicine for gastroduodenal ulcer pain relief. Acid vomiting on the other hand, suggests Kalium Bichromicum. Kreosotum is also a very good Homeopathic remedy for treatment of vomiting during pain in gastric ulcers.

Homeopathic Medicines for Gastric prolapse:

Sepia is the best Homeo Remedy for Gastric ulcers when a person suffering from emptiness and faintness. Which is relieved after eating but eructations?

Tabacum is the best remedy for gastric complaints if you are suffering from vomiting before breakfast. In addition, vagotonic aggravation is at menopause. That related to hormone imbalance and hot flushes etc. Nausea and vomiting increase by taking sweets, fruit, fat, and pork to suggest Ipecac for gastric prolapse.

Kalium Bichromicum is a wonderful remedy when there is a burning pain in the stomach in the morning. Gastric complaints increased after taking a beer alcoholic in this case. Moreover, increased appetite observed in Kalium Bichromicum patients.

Homeopathic Medicines for Gastric Ulcer from Mental Stress:

Best Homeo Remedies for Gastric ulcer pain after anger (cause and, or consequence) are:

Chamomilla is a suitable Homeopathic Medicine for the treatment of Gastric ulcer symptoms. Here the patient feels a sensation like a stone in the stomach. Shooting pains, those are relieved being carried and restless.

Peptic ulcers after restrained anger and humiliation indicate Colocynthis. For indignation with a gastroduodenal ulcer, Colocynthis and Staphysagria are the Best Homeopathic medicines.

Bryonia gastric symptoms always increase after eating. The patient feels as if a stone is in the stomach. Gastric symptoms relieve from pressure and local cold. Lycopodium Homeopathic medicine helps in Gastric ulcers patients of easy satiety. That means patients feel a full feeling from the first mouthful. Burning eructations are another key point.

Kalium Carbonicum patients experience nausea and vomiting that increased from the least emotion. and great flatulence after a meal.

Homeopathic Remedies for Peptic Ulcer from Fear or fright:

Argentum Nitricum will be the best Homeopathic Remedy for the treatment of periodical gastric pains. Noisy eructations, increase from least emotion, are key points in this case.

Arsenicum Album is the Homeopathic Remedy for Duodenal Ulcer of pains increased at night especially at 1 to 3 a.m. In this case, patients suffer from an extremely nervous stomach with easy vomiting.

Causticum gastric symptoms are like cramps and burning when breathing deeply. Slow digestion and burning eructations chiefly call for this Homeopathic medicine for gastroduodenal ulcers. Aconitum is the Homeopathic medicine for the stress of the young adult with Peptic Ulcers.


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Drdevendra Kumar munta

Pls try a dose of ARGENTUM NITRICUM 200C

7 years ago

Mind: Severe social phobia, anticipatory anxiety with palpitation and butterfly in stomach, depressed, introverted, fear of failure, lack of self confidence, restlessness, severe nervousness when talking to people followed by weird expression on face due to muscle tension and trembling,difficulty making eye contact and concentrating, hurry doing any thing like walking, talking, brushing, eating, etc. No patience to wait for anything, tries to do multiple tasks in hurry, not satisfied with anything, always think of the negative side, fear of failing, worried about what will happen and whether I can achieve it, think everyone except me are smart and intelligent… Read more »