-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb:
Medicinal treatment:
Carbo vegetabilis
Is in general the most appropriate medicine, but an experienced physician should be consulted.

Gums, scurvy of the – canker of the mouth. (stomacace):

Description of disease :
Offensive smell in the mouth, with a glutinous bloody discharge from the gums, which are hot, red, soft, spongy, very sensitive, retracted from the teeth, and subsequently ulcerated along their margins.

Medicinal treatment:
Carbo vegetabilis
If the gums bleed much, or if they are sore and ulcerated.
Dose. -Two grains in a dessertspoonful of water every four or six hours.
Mercurius solubilis
Is the most prominent remedy when the teeth are loose and ready to fall out, and the gums are fungous, livid, and ulcerated.
Dose. -As Carbo Vegetabilis.
Nux vomica
Sometimes useful in very bad cases with putrid and painful swelling of the gums.
Dose. -Two drops, repeated as Carbo Vegetabilis.

Accessory treatment
The mouth should be frequently washed, and kept very clean, and the diet should be wholesome, easily digestible, and nourishing, with plenty of vegetables.

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