German measles

German measles is a disease which resembles very closely true measles, but is usually much milder in character.
Its onset is more often characterized by sore throat than is true measles, and there is usually enlargement of the glands of the neck.
The eruption is somewhat like that of scarlet fever, but the red spots appear first on the chest and face and spread rapidly over the body, and are larger than the pin point spots of scarlet fever. The eruption disappears more quickly than in true measles, and the disease is not as likely to be accompanied by the severe cough which occurs in measles.
The temperature is rarely above 101°, and the disease has no serious after effects. It is chiefly of interest on account of its resemblance to true measles, and it is usually difficult to distinguish between the two.
Nursing : The management and treatment of German measles is the same as that for a mild attack of ordinary measles.

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