
Agaricus-musc [Agar]
General ataxia, great restlessness, tremors, twitchings, constant desire to get out of bed; skin hot and dry; tongue dry, brown, tremulous, constant delirium, dull headache, stupor, pains in legs, especially in hips, with twitching of gluteal muscles; cramps in hands and feet; desire for liquors.
Antimonium-tart [Ant-t]
Stupefying headache in forehead and over root of nose, from without inward; white, pasty tongue; anxious nausea; suffocative cough, with profuse rattling of mucus and threatening oedema pulmonum.
Apis-mell [Apis]
Fever sets in with a strange trembling feeling and a racking pain through head, with great prostration; head feels gloomy and confused; stupor with muttering delirium; even to unconsciousness; tongue red, dry, cracked; nausea and vomiting, with eructations; abdomen tender, bloated with foul, involuntary stools; urine scanty or suppressed; accumulation of tough mucus in throat; white miliary eruption over front part of body; general trembling and nervousness.
Argentum-nit [Arg-n]
COMPLETE DEAFNESS; at night very much excited and murmuring constantly; tongue dry, hard and black; foetid breath, swallowing difficult; short, oppressed breathing, interrupted by cough; heart’s stroke feeble, pulse filiform; hands tremble; lassitude of lower limbs; stool and urine passed involuntarily; bleeding from anus; emaciation with paralytic weakness; voluntary motion impressible; complete apathy; utter insensibility of body, except sensitiveness to lowered temperature, chilly when uncovered.
Arnica [Arn]
Patient dull and stupid, but not delirious; confusion of head; stupefaction with foetid breath and large, YELLOWISH- GREEN SPOTS ON SKIN; unrefreshing sleep with anxious dreams; desires to be constantly moved, the bed is so hard; thirst at night unquenchable; trembling of lower lip; brown streak through centre of tongue, which is dry and cracked; involuntary defaecation and urination, petechiae and ecchymoses.
Arsenicum [Ars]
A single vomiting or a diarrhoeic stool is at the beginning of typhus already accompanied by great prostration and sleepiness, with burning heat; rapid failing of strength; burning hot skin, with spots resembling petechiae, face pale with sunken eyes; lips dry, parched, blackish and dry, cracked, brown or black tongue; excessive thirst, with oppression and anguish in pit of stomach; oppression of chest, with labored breathing, irregular action of heart.
Baptisia [Bapt]
Dull, pressive headache, with hot, flushed face and shining eyes; dull hearing; vertigo with sensation of weakness all over, (>) in fresh air; restless sleep with frightful dreams, on waking feels stupid and irritable, lips dry and cracked, tongue yellowish-brown in centre with red and shining edges; flat and bitter taste, excessive thirst for large quantities at long intervals; hoarse cough with increased secretion from bronchial tubes; sensation of a second self alongside in bed; HANDS FEEL TOO LARGE; patient feels weak, exhausted and irritable.
Belladonna [Bell]
Congestion of brain with delirium, the regular CEREBRAL TYPHUS from the start; starting, jumping during sleep; constant desire to leave the bed and to go home; attempts to bite, strike and spit at attendants; pressive pain in forehead, as from a heavy weight, forcing him to shut his eyes; glowing redness or great paleness of face; dryness of mouth, tongue and throat; trembling and heaviness of tongue, with trembling speech; difficult swallowing; involuntary defaecation and urination; dry, spasmodic cough, (

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