Case JG 1883
Case GB 2785
Case HM 1266
Case SD 2832
Recurring problems for two years after her daughter was born; has irritation on the inside of the thigh and had treatment from her GP for fungal problem; if uses the cream the irritation goes. Patient was wearing black and red and wears black, white and red a lot. Problem with right ear for two years painful worse from touch. Two years ago had surgery on the jaw since then does not breath properly through the nose GP gave Beconase which did help – the right nostril is blocked. Had her bottom jaw moved forward because of problems with roof of the mouth she did have pain in the ear before jaw surgery and it may have improved it this was because her bottom jaw stopped growing at the age of ten. The last two summers keeps coming out in boils gets them all year round every four/six weeks under the arms in the groin vagina face etc. Now they are draining her emotionally. They come up with a huge white head and start as a hot lump they seem to appear at mid cycle and last until her period comes which is ten days. They leave a purple scar on her face. Acne as a teenager on her chin and in the first three months of each pregnancy. No migraines until pregnant but did have them during both pregnancy and they continued after her daughter was born. Headache no visual disturbances. Nausea has to go to bed in a dark room and they can last up to two days used to take Migraleve. Head worse smoking. Wakes up with headache. Family history Mother migraines varicose veins died heart attack, palpitations and terrible menopausal problems.
Father diabetic shock of sons death gangrene 76.
Past history: Age 4 severely burnt was hospitalised for three months and still has scarring on the abdomen and thighs used to be very shy but is not now. As a child people used to stare.
Food: Loves aubergines(3) sweets(2) seafood(2)
Psyche: Is terribly moody (3), becoming more intolerant as gets older. Takes on family problems/ from extended family they affect her badly her brothers tend to phone her. Has a lot of anger towards her husband and niece. Was married before ???? most of the time became violent.
21 – first married; 26 – separated; 31 – second marriage.
Very strict with children was bought up strictly herself. Shout and screams about things at times. Husband is the opposite to her. Feels angry if does not get enough time with husband. Hates housework but has to have it tidy.
Suppressed by her father her parents were upset by the stigma of her divorce. Used to worry a lot about what people thought about her. At 26 realised she had to change and take control of her life. Her second husband had an affair for 1.5 years was when her son was young went to counselling because of it. Was unable to forget about it Things were so bad that they did not talk at all.
Fears: Heights (3), cannot stand the sea, did not learn to swim until age 36, Snakes (3). Determined. husband says thinks she is always right. Cynical never sees the best in people at first; about herself; stems from her father; he did not think that women should be educated.
3/96 Rx Elaps 30/1xD
4/96 No spots or boils emotionally terrible this month. Rx Elaps 30/1xD
5/96 Feeling wonderful no spots or boils the longest she has been for two years without. Less moody not blowing her top been less irritable feels happier. More assertive with her husband and her niece . She knew all about coral snakes and their imitations cannot stand to watch sidewinders. Rx Elaps 30/1xD
6/96 OK until last week had lump under right arm again. more in control emotionally she and her husband think wonderful. Rx Elaps 50/1xD
8/96 Husband thinks he is living with another women menses are still a problem every other one comes to soon and they are also heavier. Both mother and grandmother had early menopauses. Rx Elaps 200/1xW
Jayesh Shah, Homeopathic Links 2/94, p. 35
An 18 month old girl who had been in treatment for months. She had been the joy and entertainment of all the people in the practice. Both she and her mother presented all the main features of Phosphorus, which had been given repeatedly with some result. Then she developed an acute illness with very high fever, became irritable, jealous, very possessive of mother, clinging strongly to her, moving her tongue quickly sideways. Only when Jayesh was swinging something in front of her eyes or did some percussion with his fingers on the desk did she respond with excitement. When Phosphorus did not do anything, she was given Lachesis, with no result. Then Jayesh rethought the case and chose the two rubrics from Phatak: motion rhythmic and motion, oscillatory. He gave Elaps which cured the child quickly. Other rubrics: Fear alone. Company aversion to, avoids the sight of people, wants to get into the country away from people.
Case of Massimo Mangialavori
Donata was a small, obese woman, aged 41. She seemed very selfconscious, and she often blushed, and then turned her head away. She did not show her teeth when smiling, and sometimes used her hand to cover her mouth. Her facial expressions were rather childlike, and she wore her hair short, except at the sides of her face, where the cheeks were well covered. For years, she has been working with her husband, on whom she is totally dependent for every type of decision. She is a person with a strong aesthetic sense and works as an interior decorator: she is the creative mind, whereas her husband takes care of the managerial aspects of the business.
She began:
‘I am a very bad patient. Last year, I gained 10 kilos. I let myself go, after I had been regimented for various periods … there is some pleasure in letting everything go.’
After a long pause she added:
‘For some months now, my blood pressure has increased to 110. ‘
After another long pause I asked her what effect the blood pressure had on her:
‘A general sensation of fear: the thought of death.’
I asked her for clarification of this:
‘I cannot assign reasons to it. It is the fear of suffering. My father was 53 when he died of a cancer of the intestines, and my mother had a breast tumour, even though she is still alive. It is a sign that I remember … I don’t see why I should be so fortunate to have a better destiny.’
I asked her to explain this:
‘It is that I cannot find the right way to get old … now I have the continuous nagging worry that something very serious is about to happen … I cannot tolerate this thought … it is not always something precise, but rather a sword of _Damocles hanging over my head, that is crushing me with the thought that something will happen to make me die. I often think of death … it is a thought that torments me, I am afraid that from one moment to the next I will be alarmed about something very serious … from which I will die in a short order of time.’
I asked her what illness she usually thought of: ‘I often feel that something will happen suddenly, something terrible, not just in connection to my death.’
I asked her how long she had been thinking these things: ‘Since I eat to hurt myself, without shame … I become an ugly person in the face of food… I stop eating when I feel bad … when the bad feeling reaches its top … until it is ^,
no longer there. I mix a bit of everything.’
I asked her what she thought of her relationship to food: ‘I eat because of my sadness, my sadness and my insecurity.’
After a long pause she added:
‘It seems as if I am past it … as if I no longer have the courage to make plans. I feel that I am powerfully driven to get results in my work … I obtain those results, and then they no longer interest me.’
I asked her what would keep her from having the courage to make plans:
‘The idea of giving up my selfconsciousness and fear. When I refrain from cultivating a friendship … I have had nice work opportunities offered … they recognized my work, but then I became very afraid and turned the offer down. Often, I do the same in my relations with other people … after a while they forgive me and I am left with the memory of pleasant moments and the pain … I seem to be too insignificant to continue. I do not manage to stand up to the stress of having to do something prior to others … to appear before people who expect something from me and who could judge me. I would almost have preferred them to say that they did not like my work, because then I would be sure that they want nothing from me … instead, I have had some success and I am scared and stressed, it was too demanding for me.
I have never been able to face the public … to make a proper show … it is the fear of offending people and my selfconsciousness that blocks me, and then I start to eat. It feels like a coat of mail with a narrow collar, like a pressure. If I am put under stress or need to do things in a hurry, I become hot and red from my toes to my head. I always thought it was shyness.’
I asked her if she disliked wearing tightly fitting clothes: ‘The first thing I do when I get home is it to change into something more comfortable and a house coat, I also take off my rings. I cannot tolerate anything around my neck, or anything that fits closely.’
I asked about her menstruation:
‘I have had problems with my menstruation for a few years, since 3 or 4 years … for the last year my menstruation has been painful, and I lose dark clots … It is dark and full of dark lumps.’
I reported the following symptoms:
MIND; AILMENTS from; anticipation, foreboding, presentiment (104)
MIND; FEAR; disease, of; impending (88)
MIND; FEAR; happen; something will (98)
THROAT; CHOKING, constricting; clothing agg. (14)
FEMALE; MENSES; dark (115)
GENERALITIES; CLOTHING; intolerance of (77)
GENERALITIES; CLOTHING; loosening, amel. (31)
FEMALE; MENSES; clotted, coagulated (123)
FEMALE; MENSES; clotted, coagulated; dark (50)
MIND; ANTAGONISM; herself, with (20)
I prescribed CARCINOSINUM M and, almost a month later, ELAPS 30 CH: in view of the extreme timidity of the patient, her scant self-determination, the qualities of her menstrual cycle, and the intolerance toward closely fitting clothes, which is typical of snakes.
I saw Donata back after 3 months and was astounded to see how much weight she had lost:
‘The pressure on my neck and chest has disappeared. It is strange, because for years I felt something that pressed on me and made me suffocate… I even managed to wear some clothes that fit closely, probably also because I lost 21 kilos … but I have not followed a diet.
In the evening, I often feel the need to relieve myself, but nothing ever comes. Then the next morning I almost have diarrhoea, but I don’t feel relieved and all day long if feel bloated and constipated. It is something I remember from many years ago: I suffered from diarrhoea and did not manage to relieve myself, not even after defecating a lot.’
I asked her about her mood:
‘When I have something to say, I find it more easy to say it and to get angry … I don’t shut up, and immediately speak up, I say something instead of taking a reprimand.’
I asked her what prevented her from expressing herself: ‘First it was the sense of duty that prevented me from expressing myself … I remained in the corner …I rebelled a bit, but then acted as before. They do not recognize me like this at home, and say that I am no longer the same … I even managed not to be the same any longer.’
I invited her to explain this:
‘I don’t know how I can add anything to that, it is as I said.’
I asked her about her relationship with food: ‘I stopped eating cheese, and now my flesh seems to be softer. This was the food I preferred, that’s why I think I lost weight.’
I asked her about her relationships with others: ‘I still act the idiot, but the thoughts of doing so are becoming dimmer and I try to avoid possible conflicts, since, after these I lose control over my anger and therefore I prefer to avoid them.’
I asked her about her menstruation:
‘My menstruation is less dark and more fluid; it is no longer thick with dark clots.’
She added:
‘I hate humidity, and in the mornings I often wake up suffering from backaches these disappear when I move. Sometimes my feet hurt when I put them on the floor, this disappears too when I move around a bit.’
I asked her about her blood pressure:
‘My blood pressure has become normal, I forgot to tell you … Therefore I no longer take anything for the pressure, there is no longer any need to have high blood pressure; if you lift the lid from a pan, no pressure can build up.’
I prescribed more ELAPS, to be taken once a month. In the meantime I spoke to Donata by telephone and prescribed 200 CH for a sore throat that had not responded to the dosage of 30. A few hours after taking 200, the situation had clearly improved.
I saw Donata again after three months:
‘I had a terrible sore throat … tonsillitis like I used to have when I was small, with a terrible thirst and strong pains in my chest … until I took the drops of dosage 200 I could not get better … afterwards the sore throat disappeared just as it had appeared.’
I asked her about her relationship with food: ‘My weight stabilized after I’d lost the 20 kilos without dieting, and my friends keep asking me if they can take the same medicine … my doctor tells me that you gave me other diuretic medicines or something for my thyroid, and that I must be careful with the medicines I take … my pharmacist told me that the medicine I take is toxic, but I have confidence in it and continue … even if it were a poison, I have taken so many poisons before and felt bad … I hope they poison themselves with their nasty stuff!’
I asked about her blood pressure:
‘My blood pressure is alright and I experience no more palpitations like I used to at night … I have not told you, but I experienced these often and thought they could not be cured, because my doctor told me that everyone can get them and that they would go away by themselves … whereas I had them for at least five years.’
I asked how her work was going:
‘I have decided to start with shows and exhibitions again … I encountered an old gallery owner who phoned me after the first show I gave years ago and since then has been encouraging me to continue … I also sold some paintings and now have much contact with the clients of our company, whereas before I thought that only my husband … now I speak with the clients, and already twice told them that what they wanted was kitsch and that I would not produce it because if showed bad taste … we have lots of work, even if they cannot decorate a house it is not a reason to make a fool of you and play tricks on you …’
I asked her about her mood:
‘It is as if something has been solved … I now see death in a different way … I produced a painting about death and it was a sweeping experience, because I felt as if I had lost a big weight: it shows a caveman surrounded by rock … in one of those caves in Sardinia that can only be entered via the water … but its dimensions were different … you had to find it in a different way, and the colours were strong and dense and the water calm … there was no exit. You enter death without being to get out, but then you don’t need to get out … it would be like exiting from life and it would then be a different death.

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