
Abrotanum [Abrot]
Cross, marasmic infants, diarrhoea and constipation alternating; food passes undigested, emaciation, mostly of legs; appetite often ravenous, while emaciating; skin flabby and hangs loose.
Aconite [Acon]
Watery diarrhoea; stools like chopped spinach, with colic, which no position relieves; skin hot and dry; restlessness.
Acetic-ac [Acet-ac]
Old chronic cases with bloated abdomen; oedema of lower extremities, undigested stools, intense and constant thirst; stools liquid, profuse, offensive, light-colored; large quantities of pale urine passed day and night; poor sleep; face waxen, pale; great prostration and emaciation.
AEthusa-cyn [Aeth]
Green, thin, bilious stools, or bright yellow and slimy, with violent tenesmus before and after stool; excessive griping pain in abdomen, with drowsiness after stool; child restless and irritable; pale and drawn face; excessive prostration.
Agaricus [Agar]
Grass-green, bilious stools, liver involved; prickling itching in rectum and anus, as from worms; diarrhoea () in warm water; feverish heat; peevish and fretful.
Antimonium-tart [Ant-t]
Cutting colic before watery, slimy, bloody or offensive stools; desire for cooling things; vomiting forcible, long lasting until becoming faint; face pale and sunken.
Apis-mell [Apis]
Anus wide open and involuntary escape of faeces; frequent, painless, watery diarrhoea.
Argentum-nit [Arg-n]
Much loud flatus passing with the stools, which are dark brown, green like spinach flakes, watery, foetid, () from belching up wind; DIARRHOEA AS SOON AS THE CHILD DRINKS; child is very fond of sugar or the nurse used too much; urine profuse and watery, or scanty and nearly suppressed; uneasy sleep, or drowsiness and stupor with dilated pupils; child looks prematurely old, feels and looks prostrated.
Arnica [Arn]
Languor and drowsiness; pale face, sunken features; head and chest warm, abdomen and limbs cold; involuntary mucous stools mixed with blood, resembling brown yeast, or accompanied by great urging and straining at stool; foul flatus; scanty urination, staining the napkin a yellow brown.
Arsenicum [Ars]
Much exhaustion and rapid emaciation; copious excoriating diarrhoea, smelling like rotten eggs, or profuse greenish, muddy stools or of undigested food, () from discharge of flatus; thin, watery diarrhoea with soreness and extreme tenderness of anus; stool passes when urinating; itching and soreness of anus as if from pinworms; chilliness and shivering; prostration; cold extremities; dry mouth; restless sleep with frequent waking.
Natrum-mur [Nat-m]
CHRONIC DIARRHOEA OF CHILDREN; marasmus, emaciation of neck, greasy appearance of face; longing for salt; salt fish; violent thirst with dry, sticky tongue; map tongue; herpes labialis; stools profuse, gushing, grayish, greenish, watery; RAVENOUS APPETITE AND STILL EMACIATION; child cross and irritable; slow in learning to walk.
Natrum-phos [Nat-p]
Diarrhoea from excess of acidity; stools sour-smelling, green, with yellow, creamy coating of tongue; vomiting of sour fluid, of curdy masses.
Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]
Emaciation, especially on upper arms and thighs; putrid smell from mouth; green, mucous, bloody or putrid stools; exhaustion; mercurio-syphilis.
Nux-moschata [Nux-m]
EXHAUSTING DIARRHOEA WITH INDOMITABLE DISPOSITION TO SLEEP; dryness of mouth and still thirstlessness; stools offensive, copious, (

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