– Jan Scholten

If they touch my wife Ill kill them

Cinnabaris is a mercury compound that is found in nature in the form of a red mineral, called mercury sulphide, or Mercurius sulphuratum. Its chemical formula is HgS.


Mercurius Sulphuratum

Disturbing Love

Tyranny Marriage Partner

Conservative Self love Egotism

Anti revolutionary Jealousy

Revolutionary Joy Satisfaction

Division Harmony Aesthetic

Suspicion Clothes

Igniting Lazy

Manipulation Ugly


Group analysis

Acting like a tyrant to hold on to love.

Manipulation at the cost of love.

Suspicious towards your partner.

A suspicious partner.

Using love in the fight against revolution.

Disturbed relationships.

Tyrannical love.

Manipulating clothes.

Decline of power leads to neglect.

Picture of Cinnabaris

Essence: Acting like a tyrant to preserve love.

Acting like a tyrant to preserve love They feel they have to achieve an awful lot in order to be loved.

The think that their partner or their friends wont love them if they don’t reach a high position in society. They have to get and hold on to a good managerial post. The first part of it is not so difficult, but holding on to it is not easy as their are always predators around who want to take over. So they have to be on their guard all the time, they even have to apply dictatorial tactics to make sure they can keep hold on to the position as leader. They have to be the best manager in the best job, but they are afraid of failure and of being pushed aside.

Suspicious towards your partner

They don’t really dare to show their inner feelings to their partner, out of fear that he or she will look through them and not love them anymore. If their partner really sees what is inside them they are bound to leave them, take over their position, threaten them or even kill them. Because they are so suspicious they find it hard to really love their partner.

A suspicious on behalf of your partner

Or they may be afraid that their partner is going to be threatened, especially if their partner is involved in politics and he has to take some rather unpopular decisions in his function as leader. Then they are afraid that the revolutionary factions will try and take revenge. They can get terribly angry with people who threaten their partner, they may even want to kill these enemies.

Decline of power leads to neglect

As soon as they realise that they can’t hold on to their power they get depressed and suicidal. They may neglect their partner and refuse to take care of themselves. Their first reaction is to start working even harder, to try and regain some sort of dignity and respect. But deep inside they still feel unloved and will soon also begin to neglect their work.


Fears: heights, falling, murder, being murdered, death, suicide, heart disease, stroke, insanity, crowds, people, religious, salvation, conscience, devil, God, poverty, dirt, ugliness.

Dreams: heights, falling.

Delusions: superior, alone, mania.

Irritability: suppressed (3!), angry, murderous impulses, () open air; (

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– T. F. Allen.

Clinical. Inflammatory affections of the eyes, blepharitis, kerato-iritis, ulcers of the cornea, etc.; inflammations, mostly superficial or characterized by severe pain in the bones bit, especially by a pain running from the inner to the outer canthus, in the bone.
Clinical. Nasal catarrh, subacute and chronic, with pain about the root of the nose, extending into the bones on each side.
Clinical. Angina faucium, with accumulation of stringy mucus passing through posterior nares into throat.
Sexual Organs
Clinical. Indurated buboes, condylomata on prepuce, which bleed easily. Enlarged testicle, resulting from gonorrhoea; chronic gonorrhoea.

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by Pierce W.I.


This ancient remedy was first proved for us by Hahnemann, who incorporated in his Mat. Med. Pura some forty-five symptoms. Allen in his Encyclop, has added to this a number of additional provings which, however, only make a total of three hundred and seventy-two symptoms.
An important thing for us to remember about Cinnab. is in reference to the eye. It is of value in inflammations and ulcerations of the cornea (77), usually superficial, but characterized by severe pain in the bones of the orbit, extending from the inner to the outer canthus, with nightly aggravation. This pain, while usually above the eye, may encircle the eye in the bones of the orbit. It is also valuable in ciliary neuralgia (75), with this pain extending over or around the eye. In the nose it is to be thought of for chronic nasal and post nasal catarrh (143), with pain about the root of the nose (97) and an accumulation of stringy mucus which passes through the posterior nares into the throat (143). We can think of Cinnab. for indurated buboes (260 and for chronic gonorrhoea (83), with enlargement of the testicle (188). I use Cinnab. 3d.

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– Kent J. T.

(Red Sulphide of Mercury).

The symptoms are worse at night from warmth of the bed, and when perspiring, like Mercurius. Worse from both heat and cold. Catarrhal inflammation. Fig-warts (Thuja). Ulcers. Many complaints from eating. Syphilis in all stages. Suppurating glands; changes. It is best to study this remedy as a form of Mercurius, which has a few cunning phases of its own. It is a deep acting remedy in sycosis.

The patient desires to be alone. Aversion to mental work. Forgets things which he intended to do. Mind crowded with thoughts preventing sleep.

The pains in the head are violent; worse after eating; better by heat forehead, which is ameliorated by heat. Tearing in the forehead before the menstrual flow. Pain in the forehead and vertex in the morning, worse lying on the left side and back, ameliorated lying on the right side, and it passes off after rising. Shooting pains in the left side of the head with flow of saliva and copious urine. Headache with nosebleed. Sensitive scalp and skull Supra-orbital neuralgia.

Stitching and dull pains in the eyes. Inflammation of the conjunctiva; worse at night. Red, congested lids. Ptosis. Weak vision. Iritis of syphilitic origin. The symptoms are worse at night. Sharp paroxysmal pains from the warmth of the bed.

Roaring in the ears after eating. Itching in the ears. Cold spot on root of nose. Pressure on the bones of the nose. Coryza with dirty yellow mucus drawn from posterior nares. Epistaxis; pains in back and limbs.

The symptoms of the teeth are similar to Mercurius.

Tongue coated white every morning. Taste putrid, metallic and bitter. Sore ulcerated mouth. Salivation. Inflammation of mouth and throat with great thirst, worse at night. Dry mouth, and viscid mucus in the throat. Fulness in the throat, with constant desire to swallow. Dryness of the throat.

Aversion to food. Eructations, and vomiting. Tenderness of the stomach. Syphilitic buboes.

Dysentery, worse every night; bloody mucous stools; much straining. Diarrhoea, with greenish stools, worse at night. Protrusion of anus during stool.

Copious urine. Pain as from an ulcer in urethra when urinating; it wakes him also at night. Albumin in the urine.

Inflammation of glans penis with profuse secretion of pus. Increased sexual desire. Swelling of prepuce with much itching. Warts on the prepuce and fraenum, bleeding when touched. Chancres on the prepuce of gangrenous odor. Inflamed and swollen chancers, hard, discharging pus. Indurated, or neglected chance.

Gonorrhoea, of yellowish green discharge, much pain during flow of urine. Symptoms worse at night, and from the warmth of the bed. The patient is sensitive to both a warm room, and to cold air. Induration of testes.

Syphilitic laryngeal ulcers in a tubercular patient. Hoarseness in the evening.

Pulse fast in the evening and night.

Stiff neck with pains shooting to occiput. Stitching pains each side of spine in dorsal and lumbar regions, worse on deep breathing.

Pain in the limbs at night. Sensitive to sudden changes in the weather. Lame, bruised and stiff in all the limbs. Pains worse from motion. Syphilitic nodes on tibia. Pain in tendo Achillis and os calcis after walking. Numbness in the feet. Cold feet, day and night. Wandering gout.

Burning itching of the skin, worse scratching. Itching all over. Redness, and red spots on the skin. Pustules. Gangrenous ulcers. Elevated ulcers. It is antidoted by Hepar and Nitric acid. It is closely related to Thuja.

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