– Jan Scholten
In the description of Kali-bi we have seen several characteristic traits of the Chromium element.

Shiny surface, smooth and glossy

The most important trait is that they keep their shutters closed, or rather they keep up a bright facade. They try to avoid at all costs anyone knowing what is going on behind the closed doors, either inside the house or inside the family, or inside themselves. They have to keep the facade intact and nobody must be able to notice anything. They would prefer it if there was never anything wrong, but because they know that they are human and that everyone makes mistakes they accept this fact, as long as nobody knows about it. The compulsive character of the Ferrum group shows itself clearly in this remedy.

Slimy, tough, sticky

They are very hesitant in expressing themselves. They always think about their answers before they speak, in case they might show something that is bad. That is why their answers are always slow and long winded: they have to keep playing for time, in order to check everything they are going to say.


A 43 year old woman has inflammation of the sinuses, mostly right sided. The first time she had this very acutely was when she was 20. Then the pain was very intense, as if she had a toothache, (>) ice cold compress. She also has pains in her forehead, feeling of fullness, (

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7 years ago

hai sir.is chromium avail in homeo by tonic state. how much we take per day