– Dr.Farokh J.Master.

Copper head snake of North America.

N.O. Ophidians.

Solution of Venom.

This pit viper in its natural habitat is extremely irritable and strikes its enemy with slightest provocation. The potentized venom also demonstrates the above nature viz.

Anger, interruption, from

Disturbed, averse to being.

Here, the central theme in the mind revolves around threat to one’s own chastity. There is a constant threat from the surroundings which makes the person extremely suspicious about the people who are around her.

Delusions, people, behind him, someone is

beside him, are

persecuted, that he is

Dreams, animals, pursued by, wild.

animals, snakes, bitten by, of being.


nakedness, about

rape, pursued for purpose of

threats of


Suspiciousness, mistrustfulness, every on to


Censorious Death, presentiment of, sudden Dreams, of copulating animals Dreams, of indecent behaviour of man and woman.

Fear of being bitten by snake Aversion to domestic duties.

Desire to wander.



Right sided symptoms.

Intolerant of tight clothing.

Pulsating sensations, synchronous with heart beat.

Allergies in spring

Desire : Cold drinks


Aversion: Breakfast.


I. Ventricular tachycardia.

Anxiety about the heart with palpitations.

Feeling as though the whole chest was distended and the heart very sore.

Extreme realization of the heart.

Pulse rate increased

Fluttering sensation of heart, feeble pulse.

II. Angina Pectoris

Sudden, sharp, stitching pain in the heart, followed by a dull pain which gradually subsided.

Sharp stitches in the heart.

Dull pain in region of heart.

III. Irritable bowel syndrome.

Diarrhoea with tenesmus.

Stool looks like bran porridge and of the same consistency

Stool gushing, frequent, watery, with a dark sediment at first without pain, after several hours great pain before stool.

Severe diarrhoeic stools at night, copious, grey in colour, not debilitating.

Spluttering flatus with bloating of abdomen after the smallest amount of food.

Great thirst for cold water in the evening with dry mouth.

Craves salt bacon.

Disgust for food at breakfast.

No appetite.

IV. Asthma Dyspnoea as if dying from, anxiety.

Suffocating feeling after lying down in the evening.

Must be with head drawn back, as she chokes so.

Frequent sighing.

Dry, hacking cough, coming on at 3 P.M., Continuing through the evening.

Cough (

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5 years ago

My brother’s wife has an issue. She used to get chest pain(elevated chest in the center to left side). The radiation of the pain is upto the left hand. We got her tested for heart issues but to result. Recently, one chest specialist refered to ortho specialist. He got her tested for Cervical spine MRI and found that there is a problem in the spine(disc compression). He recommended for surgery. Today, I visited one Homeopathy doctor locally, he gave LACHESIS 6 one dose(pill) and CENCHRIS 30 One dram. I have belief that this issue can be solved by Homeopathy. Sir,… Read more »

chest pain