
Abies-nigra [Abies-n]
Total loss of appetite in the morning, but great craving for food at noon and at night; sensation of an undigested, hard- boiled egg in the stomach, the food sags in stomach and lies there like a load (Nux v., a knotted feeling); continual distressing constriction just above the pit of the stomach; painful sensation as if something were lodged in the chest and had to be coughing up, hardly any amount of coughing dislodges the painful object; waterbrash follows and often large quantities of mucus are brought up, but the offending subject remains causing much distress and profuse lachrymation. (H.N.G.) DISTRESS IMMEDIATELY AFTER EATING.
Abrotanum [Abrot]
Gnawing hunger; craves bread boiled in milk; appetite sometimes ravenous while emaciating; burning in stomach as from acidity; sensation as if the stomach were hanging or swimming in water, with a peculiar feeling of coldness and a dulness to all irritants; pains cutting, gnawing burning, sometimes contracting and stinging, mostly () by stretching and moving the neck. Suitable to delicate nervous, women, especially when the affection arises from depressing causes, nightly watching, etc. The pain gradually increases in intensity; when at its acme the patients often press their clenched first into the region of the stomach for relief, and then the pains gradually decrease again; irresistible desire for sugar and piquant food and drinks.
Arnica [Arn]
Gastrodynia, with feeling of nausea and repletion DURING and after eating; pinching, spasmodic griping, as if posterior wall of the stomach would be forcibly pressed against the spine; colicky pains in abdomen and sides; FOUL BELCHING like rotten eggs, especially mornings; vomits all solids, but retains liquids; obstinate constipation.
Arsenicum [Ars]
Gnawing corroding pains, alternating with pressure in the stomach, with weight as of a stone or hard lump (objectively confirmed by the hardness of the stomach); sensation of soreness and of ulceration in the stomach, which is tender to pressure; fruitless retching; vomiting immediately after eating or drinking; violent vomiting of food and gastric fluids; pain in stomach () by eating; fulness, cold feeling in stomach, after slight meal, relieved by laying hand on it; eructations tasting of food eaten long ago.
Carbo-veg [Carb-v]
ATONY OF DIGESTION. Suits old people, the male sex and the haemorrhoidal world; pains in stomach from loss of nutrition; excessive hunger at night, must eat to appease it; painful burning pressure, with anguish trembling, and aggravation by contact, at night and after a meal, especially after taking flatulent food; spasmodic contractive pain, compelling the patient to blend double, with short breathing and aggravation in a recumbent position; heartburn; nausea; loathing of food, even when merely thinking of it; frequent flatulence, with oppression of chest and constipation, () leaning towards or lying on right side, with great thirst for large quantities of water and with headache; feeling of emptiness with sick headache.
Sepia [Sep]
Sense of lump in stomach; an ALL GONE FEELING IN STOMACH, NOT RELIEVED BY EATING; pain in stomach after the simplest kind of food, during or immediately after eating the pains are renewed or aggravated; heartburn extending from stomach to throat; sensitiveness of pit of stomach to touch; twisting in stomach and rising in throat, tongue becomes stiff, speechless; afterwards the body may become rigid; indifference to household affairs, to which she was formerly attentive; (>) by motion, keeps motion, keeps quiet only during severity of attack; (

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