Calcarea phosphorica is a tubercular remedy and belongs to the mineral kingdom. The main feeling of Calcarea phosphorica is: “I am not loved at the place of security (home), so I should seek love elsewhere (outside of home), and come home for security”. This is seen in the rubric:
– Home, desires to go and when there to go out.

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Calcarea persons need to have people around, they want to be protected as they feel insecure. The feeling of Phosphorus is: “I must prepare to be alone, to be able to live on a distant island”. Thus Calcarea phosphorica has the need for security, but ability to live alone if the need arises.
The ability to make new connections also comes from the Phosphorus element of Calcarea phosphorica. Calcarea phosphorica people are friendly and make friends easily. They love to travel. Calcarea phosphorica persons tend to make a new home wherever they go. The friend’s home becomes their home. They care even for strangers in such a way that they soon become part of that family. This may seem like Phosphorus but the difference is that Phosphorus persons do not make a home wherever they go – this additional element is found in Calcarea phosphorica because of the Calcarea element, with its need for stability and security.
Calcarea phosphorica is a chief mineral component of bone which not only provides security and stability to the body but also facilitates its mobility. The Calcarea phosphorica people are active physically as well as mentally, and are very sensitive. They are often found to be sportsmen. This is probably due to the fact that sports involve friendliness activity and mobility.
The Calcarea phosphorica persons are often of an athletic build – tall, muscular, of rigid fibres. They tend to be lean, have white spots on nails, and sweaty palms.
There is craving for meat, fish, spices, potato and potato chips.
– Anxiety in children when lifted from the cradle.
– House, desires to go, and when there to go out.
– Travel, desire to.
– Violent, when hearing another reproached.
– Jealousy.
– Taste, bitter for water.
– Desires smoked meat.
– Desires fat, ham.
– Craves condiments.
– Growth, affected, disorders of.
– Mammae, nodes in, walnut-like, in males.

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