It is what we value, not what we have, that makes us rich.
Calcium fluoride. Fluorspar. Fluorite.
SUBSTANCE Chemically a white powder or cubic crystals, calcium fluoride consists of 51% calcium and 49% fluorine. It becomes luminous when heated. Practically insoluble in water, slightly soluble in diluted mineral acids, and dissolved by concentrated mineral acids, e.g. sulphuric acid, with liberation of hydrogen fluoride.
OCCURRENCE Calcium fluoride occurs in nature as the mineral fluorite or fluorspar, belonging to the class of the halides. Its name is derived from L. fluor, flow, from its use as a flux. It commonly occurs as a glassy, hued, vein in a variety of mineral environments, most often in metallic hydrothermal deposits associated with lead, silver, galena [lead sulphite], sphalerite [zinc blende], pyrite, barite, calcite, quartz, cobalt and other economic minerals. The mineral is usually quite pure, but as much as 20 per cent yttrium or cerium may replace calcium. It also occurs in cavities of granite, in hot-spring areas and in sedimentary rocks, primarily limestones that have been permeated by aqueous fluoride. Illinois-Kentucky contained vast deposits of fluorite, which are now largely depleted. Found worldwide, notable occurrences include Cumbria [England], and Swiss and French Alp regions. Called ‘the most colourful mineral in the world’, fluorspar is well known for its rich variety in colours. Purple is most common, followed by blue, green, yellow, colourless, brown, pink, black, reddish orange, and all shades in between. Specimens of fluorspar may have a single colour, or, more rarely, multiple colours. The colours of the multiple coloured ones are arranged in bands or zones that correspond to the shapes of its crystals – which typically is cubic. It forms in crystals that range from simple cubes to complex combinations with as many as 48 faces or more. Fluorite is used in opalescent glass, and at one time, Blue John, a variety from Derbyshire, England, was widely used in ornamental vases and other objects.
USES Fluorspar is the main primary source of fluorine and its compounds. In ferrous metallurgy it is used as a flux to increase the fluidity of the slag. The steel industry is the largest consumer; the chemical industry, second and glass and ceramics, third. Synthetic fluorspar is used in the optical industry [transmits UV rays], and pure calcium fluoride is used as a catalyst in dehydration and dehydrogenations. Used to fluoridate drinking water. 1 Also used in the refining of lead and antimony, and in the manufacture of high-octane fuels. Due to its low index of refraction and low dispersion, the clear crystals [which are rare] are valuable in making lenses and prisms for optical systems using ultraviolet light.
LIGHT Fluorspar is frequently fluorescent, often blue or more rarely green, white or violet. Like all other fluorescent minerals, fluorspar emits visible light when activated by invisible UV light, X-rays or electron beams. Absorbing the energy from the light source brings the mineral into a higher energy state. When that energy state decreases again, the mineral emits a light of its own: the fluorescent light. [This is beautifully illustrated in the Tyler Museum in Haarlem, Holland]. Fluorspar has two other properties connected to light: thermoluminescence and triboluminescence. Both are unusual and occur in a very small amount of minerals only. Thermoluminescence is the release of light as the result of heating, which occurs in some minerals when they are subjected to temperatures of between 50 and 475 degrees C. Triboluminescence is emission of light by imparting mechanical energy – by means of crushing, scratching or even rubbing – to the mineral. Best known for this property are fluorspar and sphalerite [zinc blende].
BONES An international study suggests that calcium supplements taken with fluoride may be more effective at preventing bone fractures in postmenopausal women with mild to moderate osteoporosis than calcium supplements alone. In the study the rates of vertebral fractures in 200 women were compared over a period of 4 years. One group received 20 mg of oral fluoride [monofluorophosphate] plus 1,000 mg of calcium daily, and the other group received only the calcium. At the beginning of the study bone measurements were recorded, with a follow-up each year to detect new bone fractures. Results showed that the rate of new fractures was lower in the group of women who took fluoride and calcium supplements [2.4%] compared with calcium alone [10%]. A moderate increase in the density of the spine was also observed in the women who received both supplements but no difference was seen in the density of the hip. 2 No side effects were reported from the fluoride, in spite of the fact that a daily dosage of 20 mg is 20 times higher than the recommended dietary intake of fluoride. Fluoridated water usually contains 1 part per million fluoride, providing the average consumer with about 1 mg of fluoride per litre tap water.
FLUOROSIS Fluorine compounds are added to toothpastes and mouth rinses; usually in the form of sodium fluoride, sometimes as calcium fluoride. Water may be fluoridated. The consumption of 10 to 45 mg of fluoride per day can cause a condition called fluorosis. The first sign of fluorosis is mottling of the teeth, caused when the chalky-white irregular patches on the surface of the enamel [mainly of the incisors of the upper jaw] become infiltrated by yellow or brown staining. Prolonged high intake of fluoride may result in skeletal fluorosis and calcification of muscle tissue and spinal ligaments. This shows that excess of fluoride elevates calcium absorption and deposition within the body. In addition, appetite decreases and nerve disturbances may occur as a result of the changes in the spinal column. Elevated fluoride levels are also found in the kidney and aorta. Recent studies indicate that fluoride may increase the rate of hip fractures in elderly men and women. In cattle and sheep grazing on land contaminated with fluoride-containing dust both teeth and skeleton are affected. Sometimes bony outgrowths appear, as well as weakness and reduced milk yield. Calves exposed to fluoride were found to be stunted and lame.
PLANT POISONS Fluoride injury has always been a problem to vegetation growing in the vicinity of super-phosphate plants or industrial areas where steel and aluminium are processed. Fluorides enter the air as waste products and enter plants through the stomata in the leaves. Acting as a cumulative poison, they cause collapse of leaf tissue as tip necrosis progressing down the margins of the leaves. The cause is thought to be inhibition of enzymes concerned with cellulose synthesis. In Florida thousands of acres of citrus groves have been damaged by such fluorides. Others dispute the view that everything that goes wrong with plants is fluoride toxicity, claiming that fluorine combines with calcium to form a very insoluble calcium fluoride, making the fluoride no longer available in the soil solution for plant uptake. The answer to fluoride problems apparently is to get calcium into the system [soil].
EXPERIMENTS “In the early part of the last century a series of very interesting experiments designed to demonstrate the effects produced upon a sensitive subject by the touch of precious stones and minerals, were made in the case of the ‘Seeress of Prevorst’, Frederike Hauffe [b. 1801], a woman believed to possess remarkable clairvoyant powers. When pieces of granite, porphyry, or flint were placed in her hand, she was not affected in any way. The finest qualities of fluorspar, on the other hand, had a marked action, relaxing the muscles, causing diarrhoea, and producing a sour taste in the mouth; occasionally a somnambulistic state was induced.”3
CRYSTAL HEALING “The gatherer. Fluorite is a fire mineral, produced in association with the sulphides of lead, zinc and sometimes silver in high-temperature hydrothermal veins. Hydrothermal activity occurs mainly in volcanic areas; super-heated water is forced through surrounding rocks, dissolving metals and minerals. As the water cools the dissolved minerals drop out of solution at specific temperatures. This gives rise to a veined structure, the bearer of much gathered energy from numerous sources. As would therefore be expected, fluorite, ‘the gatherer’, has a far-reaching potential. It can be capable not of calming but of extracting excess energy from you at times when concentration or a level head is required. This is beneficial for anger or drastically impulsive behaviour, and can lead a person to take time to examine matters more closely, and to be in touch with intuition and most of all with common sense. … Fluorite can help unblock barriers with right-hand brain activity, often a cause of confusion, frustration and anger.”4
PROVINGS •• [1] Bell – 3 male provers, 1874; method: single doses of 15x and 30x of triturated fluorspar.
•• [2] The drug picture largely derives from Schüssler’s [1821-1898] assumptions regarding the biochemical properties of calcium fluoride as a ‘bone salt’.
•• [3] Mezger – 39 provers [26 males, 13 females], 1953; method: three times daily 5 drops of 12x for three weeks. The remedy was made from fluorspar [“containing traces of silicon”]. At present some homoeopathic pharmacies prepare the remedy synthetically.

[1] Merck Index. [2] Annals of Internal Medicine, July 1998. [3] Kunz, The Curious Lore of Precious Stones. [4] Stuart, The Colour Guide to Crystal Healing.
VEINS. Glands. Elastic fibre. Periosteum. Bones; teeth. Throat; larynx; thyroid.
* Left side.
Worse: Beginning motion. Cold; wet. Drafts. Changing weather. Sprains.
Better: Eating. Continued motion. Heat; warm applications. Rubbing. Cold; air; application. Pressure; lying on abdomen.
Main symptoms
M FEAR of poverty.
• “Depression of spirits and disposition to set a higher value on money than natural to him [avarice?].”
• “Feeling of anxiety about money matters; thought he would come to want or would soon be ‘running astern’ financially [entirely without occasion].” [Hering]
M Quickness.
• “Quickness of comprehension and quick in getting to work, but not purposeful and effective; always getting into trouble; work in the end irregular and chaotic; cannot master his own reactions; tendency to rely on other people, due to instability; wants guidance and support; born acrobat; actor; decides suddenly, doesn’t contemplate first; indiscreet, loquacious; intelligent, but making many mistakes due to thoughtlessness.” [Fortier Bernoville]
M Indecision.
• “In the Fluor Calcium we find a decided spirit of indecision. The man who was once forceful and aggressive finds himself bereft of decision, and what was once a slight or easy proposition is now fraught with many difficulties and he hesitates, becomes bewildered, refuses to advance, and the first thing he knows he is ‘running astern’ in his business or profession. This spirit of indecision so perverts the powers of volition that, when the mind assumes a boldness sufficient to plunge forward it is very prone to take the wrong rather than the right road. This, very naturally causes many fears – fear of want – fear of failure – fear of insanity. This member of the [Calcarea] family is parsimonious and much of his spirit is indecision hinges on the obtaining, or retaining of the lucre which is sometimes called filthy.”1
M Dreams.
• “Unrefreshful sleep, on account of indistinct dreams of unsuccessful efforts to do various things, leaving an unpleasant impression on waking.”
• “Dreamed of the death of his daughter and of great grief and weeping.”
• “Vivid and distinct dream of the death of a relative, causing grief and weeping.”
• “Dreams of new scenes, places, books, etc.; of new scenes and places, not unpleasant, but with a sense of impending danger.”
• “Distinct and apparently long-continued dream of cutting a woman to pieces, as an animal for salting.” [Allen]
G Acuteness of special senses.
Eyes sensitive to light; images retained too long while reading.
Sensitive to noise during headache; oversensitive to the sound of a radio in an adjacent room.
Sensitive to smells; can smell a sausage being eaten by someone at a considerable distance.
Sensitiveness of skin; feeling as if lying on crumbs or painfulness of parts lain on.
G High energy – low energy.
• “Feeling of strength and vigour; heightened concentration and increased receptiveness; works intensively without getting tired; lively activity and buoyancy. This stimulation of the mental faculties soon changes into its opposite: marked reduction in concentration, no desire to work, loss of initiative and loss of pleasure in one’s work, so that one refrains from everything that doesn’t absolutely have to be accomplished. Or there is a mixture of positive and negative symptoms, for example desire to work despite fatigue, or increased mental strength in spite of considerably disturbed sleep. The physical tiredness and the difficult concentration are improved by satisfying the strongly increased feeling of hunger.”2
G Excessive mobility, physical and mental; lack of coordination; great laxity of ligaments and muscles.
• “Walks fast and jerky, stops suddenly and jerks along; looks as if he will fall forward, first the body moves, then the legs; exaggerated movements, not in proportion with mood; senseless and clumsy movements.” [Fortier Bernoville]
G Ailments of gymnasts, dancers, ballet-dancers and sportsmen.
Due to STRAINING and OVERSTRETCHING of ligaments, muscles and joints.
G Most likely on the warm side.
May be considered a “more chilly Fl-ac.” or a “warm Calc.”
Of the five Calc-f. cases, presented by Morrison, four are warm-blooded. 3
G Ravenous appetite; insatiable.
And EMACIATION. [Mezger]
G Sleep disturbed between 3 and 5 a.m. by strong flow of thoughts.
After falling asleep again, waking at normal time with unrefreshed feeling, tiredness, headache, vertigo and palpitation.
Or inability to fall asleep after waking between 3 – 5 a.m. [Mezger]
[rheumatic-neuralgic pains; toothache; pain in throat and larynx]
[head and vertigo – from venous congestion; feet; itching of skin]
G INDURATIONS; of stony hardness.
Glands, tonsils, neck; piles, tumours, edge of ulcers, nodes in breasts.
Swellings and hard nodes in ligaments [connective tissue], muscles and tendons.
• “The bony thickening, exostosis, is present in a stronger degree with calcarea fluorica, for example, even ranula. Generally there exists in this preparation a stronger tendency to new formations, esp. of a fibrous type: stone-hard tumours, arising from tendons, ligaments and fascia, ganglion, hard glandular tumours as well as tonsillar enlargements, hard cystic formations [for example, of the thyroid], fibroma of the mammary gland; moreover, myoma of the uterus is reported as an indication. To these may be added recurrent hordeolum, chalazion, and cysts of the lids. Displacement and particularly prolapse of the uterus with downward pressure and tugging designate the supportive tissue weakness. Moreover, calcarea fluorica has been recommended to prevent adhesions after operations.”4
Induration of muscles.
G Birthmarks, vascular tumours, varicose veins, varicose ulcers.
• “In some areas, it is wise to be very careful of possibly harmful effects from fluoride added to the diet through salts of fluorine used in cooking or in the form of tablets given to children and pregnant women. If the level of fluorine in the local water supply surpasses 0.5 milligrams per litre, fluoride supplementation of any kind should be avoided. For example, where I live in the Fréjus-St. Raphaël area of France, the water contains as much as 0.8 mg per litre of fluorine, and we find many Calcarea fluorica children in the area. … A cleft uvula, cleft palate [harelip], calcification of the eardrum, angioma [tumours of blood or lymph vessels], cephalhematoma [a large, blood-filled bump on the head, usually after birth], deficient tooth enamel, skeletal disharmony [a funnel-shaped chest, for example]: these symptoms will direct the health practitioner toward Calcarea fluorica.” [Grandgeorge]
G TARDY development of bones; slow learning to walk.
P Chronic suppuration of middle ear; thick yellowish green discharge.
Diminished hearing due to calcareous deposits on tympanum.
P Deficient ENAMEL of teeth; premature caries.
P Swelling of the thyroid.
Must loosen the collar.
Sensation of constriction in the region of thyroid and pulsation.
Basedow’s disease; dysthyroidism, hyper or hypo.
Digestive troubles and hyperthyroidism. [Julian]
And Tremor, internal restlessness, ravenous appetite, and weight loss.
P LUMBAGO, or pain in small of back.
< BEGINNING MOTION and during rest; after failure of Rhus-t.
P – Skin problems [occurring in seven of Mezger’s provers].
Acne; pustules; pimples; herpes; boils; small abscesses.
Orifices stronger affected: herpes around mouth and on margins of lips; excoriation of nostrils; moist eruption behind ears; herpes on glans penis and scrotum; pruritus ani.
[1] Dienst, ‘The Spirit of Calcareas’; Transactions of the Intern. Hahn. Assoc., 1914. [2] Mezger, Das Arzneibild des Flußspats nach einer Arzneimittelprüfung; Deutsche Homöopathische Monatschrift, Juli 1954; reprint and translation in: Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy, July 1959 and Sept. 1959. [3] Morrison, A clinical study of Calcarea fluorica; IFH 1989. [4] Leeser, Textbook of Hom. MM, Inorganic Medicinal Substances.
c Stephenson’s translation in the Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy is, again, a very poor one. [see remarks under Bellis perennis]
For example:
[1] Stephenson: “The powerful influence of the feeling of strength and vigour, both upon the psyche and the body, is particularly evident in the expression of the eyes.”
Mezger: “The strong effect on the feeling of strength and vigour, both emotionally-mentally and physically, is very striking.”
[2] Stephenson: “This mental stimulation occurs soon …”
Mezger: “This mental stimulation soon changes into … ”
[3] Stephenson: “In only a few cases was there only slight disturbance [of sleep].”
Mezger: “Only in a few cases there were difficulties with falling asleep.”
[4] Stephenson: “Excessive use of tobacco produced muscae volitantes.”
Mezger: “The muscae volitantes as a result of excessive use of tobacco improved considerably in one prover during the proving, although he did not reduce his tobacco consumption.”
[5] Stephenson: “Smell also became extremely acute so that the smell of salami eaten at the beginning of a train trip would last until the end.”
Mezger: “The smell became extremely acute; the smell of a sausage eaten by someone at one end of a train compartment could be clearly smelled at the other end.”
[6] Stephenson: “Headache < by humid weather, climbing steps, ascending in an elevator …”
Mezger: “Headache < by sultry weather, ascending stairs, descending in an elevator …”
[7] Stephenson: “Two other provers noted a pain along the length of the saphenous vein on motion.”
Mezger: “Two other provers noted a pain along the saphenous vein when touching it.”
[8] Stephenson: “As the headaches disappeared, she became very hungry.”
Mezger: “The headaches came on when she was hungry.”
[9] Stephenson: “The stomach symptoms were aggravated from lying on the stomach, ameliorated by pressure of the hand.”
Mezger: “The pains in stomach and abdomen ameliorated by placing one’s hand on them; lying on the abdomen also gave relief.”
[10] Stephenson: “Fortunately, thirteen of the provers were in puberty.”
Mezger: “A plus-point of the proving was that there were thirteen female provers, all of which were in the age of sexual maturity.”
[11] Stephenson: “One prover reported an increased sensitivity to cold during the first few days of the proving with such a definite feeling of warmth throughout his entire body that he felt as though he was boiling.”
Mezger: “In one prover the increased sensitivity to cold only developed after he had experienced a distinct feeling of heat throughout the whole body accompanied by flushes of heat during the first days of the proving.”
[12] Stephenson: “Three provers reported intensification of feeling in the left side of the body …”
Mezger: “Prover 3 reported a bruised feeling in the left side of the body …”
[13] Stephenson: “Twenty-nine provers complained of drawing pains in the limbs of the left side.”
Mezger: “Prover 29 had drawing pain in the joints of the left side.”
Stephenson repeatedly confuses the number of the [individual] prover with the amount of provers, which results in bizarre statements as “29 provers suffered with skin itching from 9-11 p.m. ” instead of “prover 29 suffered with skin itching from 9-11 p.m. ”
Buoyancy [1*]. Concentration difficult > eating [2/1]. Delusions, thinks he is poor [1]. Eating > mental symptoms [1]. Fear of poverty [2]. Irritability [‘very bad mood’] after afternoon nap [1*]. Restlessness, back, during tired aching in [1/1].
Cooling the head > [1*]. During headache [2*].
Pain, > open air [1*], > draft of air [1*], < ascending stairs [1*], > cold application [1*], < downward motion in elevator [1*], > eating [1*], < noise [1*], < exposure to sun [1*], < sultry weather [1*].
Photophobia during headache [1*]. Recurrent styes [1].
Blurred, > pressure [1/1]. Images too long retained, while reading [1*].
Noises in ears during headache with vertigo [1*].
Eruptions, herpes, around mouth [1*]. Sensation of swelling of lips [1*].
Sensation of swelling of tongue [1*].
Pain, burning, after cold drinks [1], > warm drinks [1]. Suffocative sensation, cold drinks [1/1], > warm drinks [1/1].
External throat
Sensation of constriction in thyroid region [1*], < clothing [1*]. Pulsation in thyroid region [1*].
Ravenous appetite [2*]. Pain, > lying on abdomen [1*].
Flatulence during pregnancy [2]. Pain, > lying on abdomen [1*].
Diarrhoea after fat food [1*].
Voice, hoarseness, while reading aloud [2].
Sensation of heaviness in heart region, as from a stone, > pressure with both fists [1*]. Pain in mammae before menses [1*].
Cramps in calf at night [1*], > stretching leg [1*], > uncovering [1*]. Sensation of heaviness in legs [1*]. Growth of nails rapid [1*]. Sensation as if legs were pulled downward, with weakness and trembling of legs [1*]. Doughy swelling of feet during warm weather [1*]. Uncovers feet during the night [2*], but immediately covers them again because of coldness [1*]. Varices thighs [1*].
Sleeplessness 3-5 a.m. [2*], 3-5 a.m. from activity of thoughts [1*]. Waking 3-5 a.m. [1*].
Of death of relatives [2]. New scenes, places, etc. [1/1].
During slight exertion [1*]. Odour, offensive [1*].
Itching, without eruption [1*], > scratching [1*], > uncovering [1*], < warmth of bed [1*].
Burns from x-ray [1]. Sensation of strength [1]. Exposure to sun < [1].
* Repertory additions [Mezger].
Aversion: [1]: Eggs; fat; meat.
Desire: [1]: Cold drinks [*]; eggs, soft [*]; pickles [*]; salt; sour [*]; spicy [*]; sweets.
Worse: [1]: Cold drinks; cold food; alcohol [= nausea and headache]; fat [= diarrhoea]; sweets.
Better: [1]: Warm drinks.
* Mentioned by Morrison [see above].

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Flourspar. ca f2
1. It is indcated in swellings or tumefaction in different parts particularly in bones, ligaments, fasciae, and muscles, which are indurated and having the tendency to suppurate and ulcerate.
2. Discharge of thick, yellow, offensive pus from ulcerated parts.
3. Strumous phlyctenular keratitis.
Subcutaneous palpebral cysts, cataract, flickering and sparks before the eyes.
4. Sclerosis of petrous part of temporal bone with deafness, ringing sound.
Chronic suppurative otitis media.
5. Nasal obstruction with dry coryza.
There may be copious, offensive yellowish, thick discharges.
Atrophic rhinitis with crust formation.
6. Pain and burning in throat, better by warm drinks.
7. Acute indigestion from fatigue and brain fag.
8. Bleeding haemorrhoids with pain in back and flatulence.
9. Vascular tumors with varicose veins, aneurisms.
10. Chronic lumbago, aggravated on beginning to move and better by continued motion. (Rhus. tox.).
Rachitic enlargement of femur in infants.
11. Ganglions and exostoses on various parts.
12. Adhesions after operations.
13. Modalities : Worse : during rest, change of weather.
Better: heat.

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