– Jan Scholten

Cadmium sulphuratum is the best known of all the Cadmium compounds. We have to make a subtle difference between Cadmium sulphuricum or Cadmium sulphate. Boericke gives us a description of Cadmium sulphuricum but this is probably a mistake because both Allen (Vol. 2, page 330) and Clarke (Vol. 1, page 328) are clearly talking about Cadmium sulphuratum.


Cadmiumsulphide is a semiprecious stone with a yellow or red colour and it is called greenockite.

It is used as a yellow or red colouring agent.


Cadmium Sulphuratum

Powerless Love

Dwindling talents Marriage Partner

Reproductions Self love Egotism

Forgery Jealousy

Dramatic Theatrical Joy Satisfaction

Artificial Harmony Aesthetics





Group analysis

Reproducing success in order to be loved.

Forging success with the loss of love.

Powerless against your partner.

Powerless as a partner.

Using love in the fight against decay.

Dramatic relationships.

Artificial love.

Artificial, exaggerated clothes.

Dwindling of talent leads to neglect.

False love.

Picture of cadmium sulphuratum

Essence: Reproduce success in order to hold on to love.

Reproducing success to hold on to love

They feel they have to continue their success whatever opposition they may encounter. Otherwise people, particularly their partner, wont accept them anymore and will leave them for the sake of someone else. But it is not easy to maintain their success, there are predators all around and they have to be on their guard all the time. By relying on the old and trusted methods they hope to be able to continue their artistic or scientific career, because they are convinced that only successful people will be loved.

Forging success at the cost of losing love

When love is withdrawn they may seek compensation in their success. If they wont be loved they might at least get praised.

They escape from the troubles in their marriage and throw themselves into their work, which is after all their strong side.

They are very good artists or scientists etc. But even here they have to face the fact that there are newcomers on their way to the top who might soon take over. Holding on to the old ways is the only hope they have got to keep their position. In extreme cases they might even falsify scientific data in order to keep on presenting something new and interesting to the public.

Powerless against your partner

They feel powerless in front of their partner, or in front of powerful and authoritarian figures in general. They feel they can’t talk to or get through to them. And when their partner talks to other women or flirts with the opposite sex they feel even more powerless and jealous. But they wont leave him because they haven’t got the strength. They can’t stand the sight of other women who follow their partner like a little lamb. This situation might come about from having a very dominating father.

A powerless partner

Or they choose a partner who is very weak and who can’t maintain his position at work. They prefer to marry someone who has a creative profession, so they can easily be the stronger of the two. They want their own work to be better than their partners and they often use his meagre creations as a comparison against their own brilliance. They may even use his success to create an even bigger success for themselves. They can also be quite bitchy towards their partner if he doesn’t do exactly as they say. Thus the partner will often feel weak and threatened in his own creative career.

But on the other hand they don’t have any respect for men who are too docile.

Dramatic relationships

All this often makes for a very dramatic relationship. They have great difficulty surrendering to love, because they are afraid of losing themselves. Their love may even become a bit artificial until they no longer know whether they really love their partner or not. But all the drama that is created around the whole thing makes it look as if there is quite a strong tie between them. In extreme cases they may even use this drama to keep the relationship together.

Artificial clothes

The same difficulty with keeping things in proportion is reflected in the type of clothes they wear. They may have quite good taste in principle but it is often a bit exaggerated. Their clothes are often just a little bit too far out, a little bit overdone, it doesn’t quite go together.

Dwindling talents lead to neglect

They are also extremely sensitive to criticism, especially as far as their clothes and their creativity is concerned. Again they feel as if everyone is against them and that they can’t win, because the fight is unequal. They may try to turn the tide in the name of love, but this only means more drama. Eventually they feel that everyone, including their partner, is against them so they give up. They let themselves go, neglect their appearance and don’t bother about their clothes or their creations anymore.


Fears: heights, narrow spaces, performances, speeches, dark, threatening; being approached, poverty, ugliness, dirt; easily frightened (

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