Fainting; vertigo when walking; objects seem to turn in a circle.
Vertigo due to cerebral anemia with noises in ears.
Vertigo in old people.
Head drawn forwards.
Headaches, but without acute crisis, occurring in old people; heaviness rather than pain. Heaviness of head so that he cannot keep it up.
Headache with angina.
Headache with vomiting.
Headache when moving eyes.
External headache aggravated by pressure.
Tinea capitis extending to sides and posterior portion of neck.
Tinea, with abundant discharge of pus. The whole scalp covered by a thick, offensive crust.
Itchlike eruption on scalp and neck.
Eczema; moist eruption; offensive eruption.
Suppurating eruption.
Pupils dilated and immovable.
Eyes sunken.
Eyeballs much inflamed.
Eyes stiff, cannot move them.
Lids on both eyes swollen and inflamed.
Ophthalmia scrofulosa. Child lies on its face in order to avoid light.
Staphyloma on inner edge of left cornea.
Ulceration of lids.
Paralysis of left lid.
Offensive otorrhea (especially right). It has cured whizzing and buzzing in ears; noises on chewing and swallowing. Deafness.
Earache right side; worse lying on painful side; better by sipping cold water.
Discharge from both ears of an odor like rotten cheese.
Postscarlatinal otorrhea.
Otorrhea after frequent otitis.
Abscess behind both ears, discharging offensive pus.
Parotid on right side swollen, with a swelling of submaxillary and cervical glands.
Both parotids, especially right side, swell after scarlatina.
Sneezing in sleep, four, five times before midnight, not wakening.
Catarrh of nose.
Coryza, with fever heat.
Nodular eruptions on nose. Broad, red nodule on side of point of nose; biting, tickling soreness and with fine stitches in it when touched. Red pimple on side of tip of nose.
Pain in nose on touch; on biting.
Stitching pain in nose.
Rawness in nose.
Nasal speech
Face pale, with anxious expression.
Red face, with fever.
Tension in whole face, with nausea and diarrhea.
Sensitive drawing, twitchings and spasmodic contractions in facial muscles.
Enlarged, indurated and painful submaxillary glands.
Inflammation, hard swelling and induration of (right) parotid gland.
Crusty, scabby eruptions.
After fine stitching a pulselike jerking and throbbing toothache; worse after midnight; worse after sleep; is compelled to sit up in bed.
Putrid taste in mouth, even food has a putrid taste; tongue and mouth dry.
Ulcers on tongue.
Tongue furred; covered with mucus; collection of slime on tongue.
Salivation, with looseness of teeth, swelling of salivary glands and palate, odor like from mercurialism.
Salivation with convulsions.
Offensive breath during menses.
Paralysis of tongue.
Valuable in loss of power, paresis of the pharynx and Eustachian tube, with clacking sounds on swallowing or sneezing; air is forced into the tympanum too easily.
Chronic hypertrophy of tonsils.
Tonsils enlarged.
Recurrent inflammation of tonsils.
Disposition to tonsillitis, with suppuration each time after taking cold.
Chronic scrofulous enlargement and induration of tonsils.
Hard swelling of cervical glands, that can become enormous in size. Swelling of uvula and palate.
Elongation of uvula, with hyperaemia.
Varicose veins in throat and tonsils.
Pharynx and esophagus inflamed.
Difficult swallowing.
Catarrh extends over tonsils, epiglottis, glottis, into tubes.
Angina tonsillaris, with suppuration, after every cold.
Severe pain in right side of throat and ear; with every paroxysm saliva in large quantities of a deep red color runs out of mouth and fauces, especially on right side; tonsils but little swollen.
Discoloration and redness of uvula.
The whole neck and throat full of hard glandular swellings.
Desires dry bread, white bread; dry food, bread and butter.
Indurated and narrowing of the cardiac orifice with pain immediately after eating, and epigastric tenderness.
There is great indigestion.
Below stomach to left a hardness from which paroxysms of dyspnea come.
Nausea, with vomiting and violent colic
Vomiting with pain in abdomen; of everything taken, with stringy mucus.
Violent vomiting and purging, with anxiety.
During six hours he vomits small quantities of a disgusting matter.
Burning pain when vomiting.
Incessant vomiting.
Ineffectual retching.
Stomach feels heavy; a pressure in stomach, most after eating solid food.
Cramps in stomach.
Warm sensation rises up to chest and head. Flushes of heat extending over chest and to head.
Abdominal aneurysm.
Hardness of mesenteric glands.
Liver and spleen full of thick black blood; gall-bladder filled with pale yellow, watery bile.
Tumefaction of liver.
Induration of pancreas.
Aching, dull pain in region of navel; worse in morning; dry cough.
Pain in abdomen, rising from lying ameliorates.
Sore pain in abdomen in inguinal region.
Distressing throbbing in abdomen (abdominal aneurysm).
Abdomen much swollen, distended and hard.
Swelling and induration of abdominal glands, mesenteric glands and lower limbs.
Swelling of liver.
Inguinal glands swollen and painful. Suppuration of inguinal glands.
Fetid, ichorous ulcers in inguinal region.
Bubo after suppressed gonorrhea.
Obstinate constipation. Stool only after injections, excrement white and hard as stones.
Hemorrhoids protrude during urination.
Stools of a jellylike appearance, with blood, no pain at all, discharges every 15 or 20 minutes, covered with mucus.
Dysentery in emaciated undersized children.
Yellow, slimy stools; vomiting and exhaustion.
Stools green, thin, watery, chopped and very fetid.
Paralysis of sphincter ani.
Passage of ascarides and slime.
Urinary organs
Micturition painful, constant.
Frequent urination during perspiration.
Continual violent urging to urinate; sometimes involuntary.
Pain in urethra during urination.
Urine yellowish, of a very offensive odor, whitish sediment.
Great increase in uric acid.
Genitalia – male
Sexual desire tremendously increased leading to satyriasis. Violent sexual passion.
Nightly seminal emissions.
Gonorrhea and gleet.
Hypertrophied testicles after suppressed gonorrhea.
Testicles increased in size, hard and painful stitches.
Swelling of testicles and scrotum, painless.
Buboes after suppressed gonorrhea.
Genitalia – female
Menstruation induced.
Induration, tumor, or atrophy of ovaries.
Violent desire leading to acute insanity.
Squeezing pains in pelvis.
Aneurysm of the descending aorta.
Bronchial affections of old people with cardiac dilation. Facilitates expectoration.
Mucous expectoration. Catarrh in chest.
Weak, husky voice.
Attacks of anxious dyspnea; rolls on floor, several attacks a day, also at night.
Dyspnea and oppression.
Respiration difficult, impossible when lying; upright ameliorates.
Has to sit up, head bent forward; slime and saliva run from mouth, without cough.
Chronic cough of scrofulous children.
Inner heat in upper chest.
Heart beats irregularly, pulse scarcely perceptible.
Phthisis scrofulosa, with herpetic eruption and indurated testicle.
Pulse rapid, full.
Pulse soft and irregular.
Pulse 120.
Enlargement and induration of cervical glands.
Submaxillary and cervical glands swollen to size of pigeon eggs, two like hen’s eggs, very hard, and painful on slight pressure.
Inflammation of cord.
Curvature of spine.
Itching eruptions.
Tinea from scalp to neck.
Inflammation of knee.
Heat of knee.
Painless jerking in arms, principally at night. Convulsive jerkings of hands and feet.
Twitching of arm, worse at night. Twitching of foot.
Eruption like millet seed on hands.
Brownish scurfs. Scurfs on lower limbs; on thigh.
Tension in thighs.
Emaciation of thighs and nates.
When kneeling, a violent stitch, followed by a peculiar tension in right patella, making it difficult to walk.
Tension and increased warmth in knee.
Feet swollen. Swelling of lower limbs after dropsical fever. Swelling of hands and feet.
Cramps in toes.
Trembling of limbs.
Pulsation of shoulder.
Paralysis of upper and lower limbs. Paralysis of left hemiplegia.
Suppressed perspiration of foot.
Weariness of muscles of extremities.
Fever: thirst; loss of appetite; dry mouth and tongue; dysphagia; frequent, full pulse; flushed face; catarrhal; with chilliness; prostration generally lasting seven days, occasionally accompanied by catarrh of eye, ear or nose, or inflammatory action of skin.
Chill with thirst in evening.
Chills with heat, alternately with angina tonsillaris.
Dry heat all day; pulse excitable; head affected.
Heat, with coryza.
During fever increased suppuration of ulcers with boys, and enlargement of swollen cervical glands with girls.
All day dry heat; pulse irritated; head affected.
Cold sweat.
Perspiration has offensive odor.
Perspiration staining the linen.
Spasmodic contraction of skin.
Discoloration; bluish spots.
Itchlike pimples on head, nape of neck, abdomen and thighs.
Herpes on various parts. Herpes favinosus all over body, face excepted.
Scrofulous eruptions
Yellowish, scaly eruptions.
Fetid ichorous ulcers in inguinal region.
Scurf, profusely suppurating, on scalp.
Biting pain in skin.
Cold surface; cold extremities.
Whole body covered with ulcers.
Aneurysm. Abscess of anus. Asthma. Convulsions. Epilepsy. Deafness. Fistula. Glandular swellings. Idiocy. Mania. Acute insanity. Nymphomania. Leucorrhea. Mumps. Otorrhea. Pancreatitis. Paralysis. Scrofula. Sterility. Affections of testicles. Tinea capitis. Tonsillitis.
Useful after Arnica, in extravasations of blood.
Similar to Conium in indurations of abdominal glands.
Compare: Con. (indurations of abdominal glands); Iod., Kali iod. and Iris (pancreas); Selen. (pulsations in abdomen).
Compare in sclerotic degenerations, especially of spinal cord, liver, and heart. Plumbum met. and Plumb-iod. Also Aurum mur. which will often accomplish more in sclerotic and exudative degenerations than other remedies. Multiple sclerosis, fulgurating pains, tremors, Morvan’s disease, hypertrophy of fingers.
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