
Aconite [Acon]
Stiffness in nape of neck, especially felt on motion; drawings in muscles of throat and neck in scapulae; stiffness and shooting in back and impossibility to take a deep breath when the back is very painful, not relieved by rest, worse by pressure; tensive, pressive pain in lumbar and sacral region, () by straightening out and bending stiffly backward.
Agaricus [Agar]
Great sensitiveness of SINGLE VERTEBRAE TO THE HOT SPONGE; pain and sensitiveness in lumbar region and sacrum, especially during exertion in daytime and while sitting; violent, electric like shocks, shooting from lumbar region to lower part of body; extremities go to sleep easily; feeling as if her limbs do not belong to her; formication of all extremities; COLDNESS OF GLUTEI; sensation as if a cold air were passing from spine over whole body; painful stitches in cardiac region; palpitation of heart in old people, due to spinal irritation; pulse full, slow, intermittent; twitching of eyes and eyelids; frequent erections, great sexual desire, after coitus great weariness and relaxation and night-sweats; () by standing or walking.
Berberis [Berb]
PAIN FROM BACK TO STOMACH, OR VICE VERSA, going around abdomen towards the bladder; tenderness of back aggravated by acrid, sour vomiting; pain and numbness in back during menses; (

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