This remedy consists of an interesting combination of two important polychrests; the resulting synthesis, endowed with some of the characteristics of both remedies, yet presents with a unique and completely individualized pathology. It is this peculiarity, this individuality that we are seeking to recognise in the patients and in the remedy.
This remedy makes the person very introverted and critical towards himself and especially towards others. The Aurum sulphuratum individual is never satisfied with himself or others; the critical tendency in him causes him to be rude; his mood is usually disagreeable. This is an individual who has a tendency to brood, thinking of reasons for his miserable and depressed state. What will impress you is the moaning and lamenting. This remedy presents us with an individual who is gloomy, anxious and wretched. Another strong element in this remedy is an anxiety of the conscience, a deep anxiety or guilt, with fear and self-doubt.
The remedy causes such sensitivity in the individual that eventually these patients become very isolated in themselves, very introverted, as if any contact, any real communication would generate only pain for them. That is why we see a real aversion to company. There is mostly a desire to sit alone and brood. He can sit for hours and hours mulling over his thoughts, finding fault with others, criticising them mostly because they did not “treat him well”, or were “unjust” with him.
The Aurum sulphuratum individual has a desire for solitude. There is an indisposition to talk, because of a feeling that discussion will be unpleasant. These patients do not want to discuss their psychological problems, but even if they do they immediately take a critical stand towards the person they talked to. They will criticise the attitude of the friend towards themselves and will complain that they are misunderstood, that the friend or the doctor does not take them seriously etc. etc. You may actually feel the presence of an individual full of psychological spikes that are ready to prick anybody who comes near. Indeed we also see that these individuals do not like contact, they do not like to be touched. There is an aggravation from coming into close contact with anybody. As the pathology progresses they may become irritable, irascible, or sometimes violent.
This remedy is internally and externally argumentative. Even if the arguments are not expressed to others, these patients carry an argumentative, quarrelsome mood inside themselves. They may stay up the whole night thinking about their problems. At night there is great excitement and restlessness of body and mind. Weeping, worse at night; alternating with laughter.
The strange thing is that while criticising others so heavily, Aurum sulphuratum patients themselves do not have any selfconfidence. They do not feel that they are really better than others. They feel that their mind becomes more and more weakened, they are confused as to their approach towards life, they reach a state in which they do not realise what is right and what is wrong in life. At first we may have a strong mental activity, later confusion and further on imbecility. These states change to excitement and a mania for work.
Eventually a feeling of weak-mindedness and indolence may take over, with loss of initiative and dislike for doing anything at all. It is an attitude that presupposes the obligation of others to support one in life; it is the psychology of the “demanding beggar”, who never admits to it. In the texts we read “becomes like a tramp”. There may also be frightful dreams about thieves, robbers, tramps etc.
You may see a grown man who is supported entirely by his family and does not question this situation, as though it were in fact the duty of these other people to support him. He is not fit to work, though in conversation he does very well, and you wonder why such a person does not really work. Any effort of mind makes him feel tired, unable to cope and in general much worse. This state comes when the mental pathology has progressed quite a lot and it is the result of a long process of internal battle and turmoil. But be aware: in this remedy the turmoil and the grief are exaggerated.
Kent writes: “It should become an excellent remedy for insanity, irresolution and extreme irritability” giving emphasis to irritability. It is an irritability that can irritate anyone in the vicinity, it is a constant state of irritation of the nervous system. The following symptoms can thus be seen: Maniacal conduct and loquacity, insane mirth. Marked increase of imagination. Delusions about animals.
Two key-note symptoms produced by this remedy should be understood in the context of irritability of the nervous system, and they are: constant nodding of head (suggesting paralysis agitans) and great sensitiveness to touch, to least contact. When the grief has not been expressed, but remained suppressed for a long time, the nodding of the head sets in. It is a motion that appears in this remedy, though not necessarily because of Parkinson’s disease. This disease should however be considered within the sphere of action of this remedy, and could be prescribed especially if it has been preceded by a psychological state similar to the one described above.
The symptomatology of this remedy develops slowly after long periods of grief and vexation. It is a very useful remedy for chronic complaints that date back to prolonged grief.
Further symptoms include confusion in the morning, worse from mental exertion, weakness of memory; very forgetful, absent-mindedness.
Fears include going into a crowd, fear of people; of robbers; of death; of evil.
Worse from cold in general; from cold air; from becoming cold; after becoming cold.
The symptoms of this remedy appear in the morning, forenoon, afternoon, evening, and during night. Desire for open air. The open air aggravates many symptoms. Ascending brings on many symptoms.
Marked aggravation follows hurried actions, like running. Worse during and after eating and from exertion. Sitting erect aggravates some symptoms; standing aggravates many symptoms. Motion intensifies most symptoms. Desire to lie down, but lying aggravates some symptoms; worse lying in bed.
Within the sphere of action of this remedy we have: Cancerous affections; ulcers. Induration of glands. Pain in bones and glands; bearing downward sensations in different parts. Congestion of blood. Violent orgasm of blood in chest and head. Hysterical convulsions. Paralysis of organs. Staggering gait. Formication. Asleep feeling in single parts; a sensation of a band around parts. Mucous secretions much increased.
Pulsation in internal parts; the pulse is small, fast, irregular and weak.
Oversensitivity to pain. Complaints are predominantly right-sided. Swelling of affected parts; of the glands.
Constant hyperaemia of brain. The hair falls out. Alopecia. Heat in head; burning scalp. Nodding of head like in paralysis agitans. Pain in head; better in open air, worse from binding up the hair; from coughing; worse lying; from motion; from strong odors; from warm room; in windy, stormy weather. Pressing pain in head; in forehead; in occiput; in temples; in vertex. Tearing headache. Lancinations in occiput.
The eyelids stick together in the morning. Discharge of yellow mucus from the eyes. Heat in eyes. Inflammation of eyes; ulceration of cornea; of iris.
Itching of lids; of canthi. Opacity of the cornea. Pain in the eyes; from motion; when reading; aching, burning in the eyes and canthi; cutting, pressing; as from sand; stitching. Paralysis of the optic nerve. Protrusion and pulsation in eyes. Redness of eyes; of lids. Scrofulous affections of eyes. Dim vision; diplopic. foggy vision. All the eye symptoms are worse from any exertion of vision. Hemiopia; can see only the lower half of objects. Vision lost from paralysis of the optic nerves.
Discharge from the ear; fetid; offensive; purulent; sequelae after suppressed eruption; the ears are red; dryness in ears; humming; ringing; roaring; rushing sounds.
Catarrh of nose; discharge bloody; hard; offensive; purulent; thick; yellow. The nose is red and swollen; offensive odor from nose; ozaena. Swollen nose. Ulceration in nose. Redness and swelling of nose; crusts; dry coryza.
Epithelioma of lip; cracked lips. Eruptions on face; forehead; nose; acne rosacea. Pain in face; right side; in submaxillary gland; burning pain in lip.
Swelling of the face, cheeks, glands in general; lips; parotid gland; submaxillary gland; ulceration of lip.
Numb feeling in teeth. Aphthae in mouth and on tongue. The tongue is cracked. Speech is difficult. Taste: bitter, insipid, metallic. Vesicles in the mouth. Sensation of elongation of teeth. Grinding teeth in sleep. Pain in the teeth.
Inflammation of throat and tonsils, with elongation of uvula. Sensation of a lump in throat. Swelling of throat and tonsils; swelling of thyroid gland.
Ulceration of throat.
The appetite is ravenous. Aversion to food, to meat. Desires stimulants, coffee, cold drinks, milk. Distension to stomach. Digestion very slow; a sensation of emptiness. Eructations ameliorate. Fullness in the stomach; flushes of heat. Hiccough. Nausea after eating; during headache. Pain in the stomach; burning, pressing. Thirst burning; extreme. Vomiting bile.
Inclined to vomit after eating.
Atrophy of the liver; enlargement of liver. Abdomen distended with gas. Flatulence obstructed. Pain in abdomen: from colic; on coughing; after eating; during menses; in inguinal region as though a hernia would appear.
Rumbling in abdomen; swelling of inguinal glands.
Condylomata of anus. Constipation; alternating with diarrhoea; difficult stool; inactivity of rectum, during menses. Diarrhoea; morning night, with burning in anus. Fistula in ano. Flatus passed from rectum; offensive, which ameliorates. Bleeding piles; external piles. Stool: gray, green-mucus, thin mucus, hard, knotty, large.
Urinary organs
The bladder symptoms are very numerous and important. Pressing in the bladder. Retention of urine. Urging to urinate constant; ineffectual. Urination dribbling, difficult, frequent, involuntary at night; unsatisfactory.
Suppression of urine. Prostatic discharge. Urine: albuminous, bloody, burning, cloudy on standing, copious, offensive; sand in the urine; scanty; mucus sediment; thick, yellow.
Genitalia – male
Nocturnal enuresis. Impotence. Frequent erections, with desire for an embrace, but ceasing immediately. Heat, smarting, and lancinations in the penis. Condylomata of the glans penis. Hydrocele in boys. Inflammation of glans penis; of testes; of epididymis. Itching of the scrotum.
Induration of the testes. Pain in the testes; aching in testes; drawing pain in testes; lancination in penis; pressing in testes. Swelling of testes; especially the right. Perspiration of genitals; scrotum. Seminal emissions. Sexual desire increased, with relaxed penis.
Genitalia – female
Sexual desire increased. Inflammation of the uterus. Itching of the vulva.
Lancination in vulva. The vulva is swollen. Leucorrhoea: worse in the morning, acrid, copious, thick, transparent, white, yellow. Menses absent; copious; irregular; first menses delayed in girls; too frequent; late; scanty; suppressed. Pain in ovaries, in uterus; bruised; bearing down in uterus, especially during menses; burning in genitals and vagina. Prolapsus uteri. Heaviness in genitals. Heat, lancinations, and itching of vulva.
Swelling of the breasts; they are painful to touch; nipples are cracked; lancinating pain in point of nipples.
Nightly paroxysms of loud cough. Frequent thick cough. Suffocative attacks at night. Respiration is rapid, asthmatic: dyspnoea at night; on ascending, while lying, while walking. Expectoration in morning and evening; bloody, difficult; scanty, greenish, offensive, purulent, yellow.
Congestion of chest with anxiety; spasmodic constriction of chest.
Oppression of chest worse at night. Heat in chest. Cracked nipples. Milk disappearing or is suppressed. Fluttering of the heart. Trembling of the heart. Palpitation at night; on ascending; anxious; from least excitement; on slight exertion; during menses; on motion; tumultuous; visible; when walking. Swollen mammae; swollen axillary glands.
The back is cold. Itching of the back. Stiffness in back. Pain in the back in the morning; on breathing; lumbar region, worse while sitting.
Weakness in lumbar region. Heat in lumbar region.
Gouty nodosites in the finger joints. Caries of bone. Cold hands, legs and feet. Cracked skin of hands. Blueness of finger nails. Hip joint disease. Itching of the upper and lower limbs. Numbness of the limbs while lying and on waking; lower limbs. Tearing in the limbs, joints, upper limbs, upper arms, fingers, finger joints, thighs, toes. Painless paralysis of limbs. Staggering gait. Stiffness of knees. Dropsical swelling of legs and feet. The feet feel heavy.
Comatose sleep. Dreams: amorous, anxious, of assassins, of dead people, of death, distressing, frightful, of thieves; pleasant, vivid. Sleep is very restless; sleepiness afternoon; after dinner. Sleepless before midnight; after midnight. Waking easily.
Eczema; herpes; pustules; scabby; urticaria; vesicles. Erysipelas; excrescences. Itching. Ulcers: burning, cancerous, deep, offensive, discharging yellow pus; fistulous, sensitive, suppurating, syphilitic. It has cured syphilitic warts.
Enuresis. Goitre. Nodding of head. Impotence. Jaundice. Affections of mammae. Nightmare. Swelling of nose. Paralysis agitans. Pruritus vulvae. Staggering.
Compare: Causticum and Natrum muriaticum.
From 12c to the highest.

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