It could be said that the main features of this remedy are depression with restlessness, particularly if the time of aggravation is during the night. The Aurum arsenicum symptoms of a case is tired and goes to sleep in order to relax and instead the restlessness supervenes and forces him to get up and pace up and down. There are depressing thoughts and an anxiety which make him feel that he has done something wrong. A guilty conscience is characteristic of this remedy. The Aur-ars. patient is one who is angry about himself and about others. He is critical of himself and constantly finding fault with others.
He is a hard individual, hard with himself and others. He is hard working, precise, conscientious but without many feelings. His mental faculties are clear but the emotions are hardened, and in the same way the glands, the liver, etc. are also indurated. Sometimes he will be almost malicious in his conduct with others, and in the same way the hardened glands will sometimes become malignant. Malignancy and cancer run through this remedy.
The lymphatic glands that have as their main action the purification of the organism do not function properly; they become hardened and retain toxins that poison the whole system. Anger and irritability prevail in the initial stages of this pathology, and later on evolve to the level of suicidal depression.
Easily offended, the Aurum arsenicum symptoms of a patient is closed in upon himself, he often will not communicate with others, but is ready to criticise himself and others. Once he is angered he becomes withdrawn and sulky and refuses to talk. He will think about the situation and will probably come to the conclusion that everything is his own fault; his anger at himself will then aggravate his physical symptomatology. It is an anger that turns inwards, it is self destructive. He tends to reproach himself thinking he has done something wrong. If this continues, he finds himself in a state of depression with suicidal thoughts and impulses; during such time he will have the impulse to jump out of the window, particularly if he is in a state of grief. He grows weary of life and tends to a suicidal disposition, particularly during perspiration. This state is characterized by sadness in the evening, or sadness from suppressed menses. But Aurum arsenicum symptoms will not have the tendency to commit suicide to the same degree as Aurum metallicum.
You will have to imagine a rather thin, wiry, anaemic individual, very restless and anxious expecially at night in bed, with a lot of mental excitement but without the warmth of positive emotions, of love and affection. You do not see the metallic emotional coldness of Aurum met. but rather a hardness of the emotions and sense of guilt. Sexually she or he is very active but soon his or her sexuality turns to deviations, she or he develops perverted desires. This sexuality is dominated by the mental faculties; thinking interferes with the sexual act; therefore the sexual relationship becomes one that gives only physical and not emotional pleasure. Romance and the erotic element are missing. Such individuals give the impression that they are totally detached in a relationship, that they are not emotionally committed, and they exhibit an indifference to others bordering on hardness. But all along they can perform sexually, even committing sexual excesses. This remedy is one that fits the kind of state which comes about after the practice of excessive sexual perversions; sexual excesses, or excessive masturbation produce mental symptoms.
Aurum arsenicum 200c will suit a certain group of homosexuals, whose health has been undermined by repeated syphillitic infections. They are anaemic, they have an obstinate catarrh of the nose and hardening of the lymphatic glands; they suffer from guilt, they are perverted in their thinking and sexual practices. They are emotionally hardened and display a certain amount of malice.
The remedy is an example of a certain contemporary group of people with syphilitic ancestry, where the disease has left its mark upon the deepest recesses of the human organism. You will notice a kind of stubbornness in certain ideas or principles, a kind of perverted thinking that borders on fanaticism. Their out of the way thinking will perhaps lead them to mental aberrations or insanity, often taking a religious turn. Religious fanatics, health fanatics, political fanatics, and over-conscientious types who develop goitre and exophthalmus can be classed under this remedy.
This remedy makes the individual deviate from straight thinking. He plunges into little details, he is industrious but you feel as though something were wrong with the way he perceives things. You do not see the normal emotions and thoughts of a healthy individual, you see the thoughts and emotions of someone whose mental faculties and powers of understanding are perverted; not lack of clarity, but perversion. You see underneath all this behaviour, the insidious, destructive action of inherited or acquired syphillis.
The symptom of Contradiction in Arum Arsenicum 200c is intolerable and will anger them so much as to cause real and severe symptomatology. Despair is another state characteristic of this remedy. Despair that he will never be well, that he will not even be well in the other world. His guilt leads him to fear condemnation and damnation. It is despair with anguish. These are truly complicated and many-faceted individuals.
Sometimes fears prevails: fear in the night; in a crowd. Fear of death and of heart disease. The symptoms become worse when he thinks of them. Fear of people, and when alone.
They can display hysterical behaviour and reactions; weeping in a hysterical manner.
Some physical pathology should be mentioned here:
It is a most useful remedy in: cancerous affections; in epithelioma; in caries of bone.
Aurum arsenicum 200c is useful in Induration in glands; cancerous induration.
Inflammation and congestion in many parts; in mucous membranes; bones; glands; periosteum; serous membranes.
It is a useful remedy in many kinds of convulsions; clonic spasms with consciousness; epileptiform; hysterical.
Dropsy of the extremities and of cavities.
Lupus erythematodus.
After-effects of syphillis. Chronic syphilitic headaches.

Generalities of Aurum arsenicum Materia Medica:

The first effect of the remedy is to cause rapid increase of appetite. The symptoms resemble persons much debilitated by sexual excesses and vices.
The peristaltic contractions of stomach and intestines are excited and absorption accelerated. Asleep-feeling in single parts. Formication all over the body. The body and limbs feel heavy. A sensation of a band around parts. The body emaciates, complaints come on after slight exertion and after cold drinks. Desire to lie down, but lying brings on great restlessness and many symptoms are worse lying. Restlessness at night; anxious. Marked physical irritability. Oversensitive to noise; to voices. Numbness of many parts; in suffering parts. Painless paralysis. Symptoms appear on going to sleep and during sleep.
Better in summer and worse in winter. The symptoms are worse during and after eating. Symptoms are worse from mental exertion, worse in cold, wet weather.
Fullness and heat of head worse from mental exertion. Pulsations felt in head. Heaviness in the head in the morning on rising. Eruptions on the scalp; crusty; pimples. Itching of the scalp. The hair falls out. Pain in one or the other side of the head or in both sides. Drawing, tearing pain in head. Uncovering head brings on complaints. Hydrocephalus.
Inflammation of the cornea; of the iris. Redness of the eyes; of lids. Granular lids. The lashes fall out. Paralysis of the optic nerve. Photophobia. Protrusion of eyes, staring. Vision blurred; bright colors before the eyes; dim; foggy; hemiopia, upper half lost.
Aphthae in the mouth. Ulcers in mouth. Cracked tongue, red, dry. Sensation of elongation and loosening of teeth. Grinding of teeth during sleep.
Discharge from the ear offensive, purulent. Noises in ears. Hearing acute at first; for noise; later impaired.
Stubborn, persistant catarrh, of bloody, purulent offensive discharge. Crusts; greenish discharge. Ulceration in nose. The nose is swollen. It is a useful remedy in ozaena. Pain in the bones of the nose. Frequent sneezing.
Epithelioma of face and lips. Ulcers on lip. Cracked lips, bluish. Lupus. Acne rosacea, comedones; coppery eruptions. Swelling of the face, of the lips, of the parotid and submaxillary glands.
Aversion to food; to meat; pain in stomach; violent; burning.
Distension of abdomen. Enlarged liver. Hardening of the liver. It has a specifc effect on the liver and conditions originating from liver disfunction.
Constipation; alternating with diarrhoea. Urging in the rectum and prolapsus ani.
Urinary organs
Retention of urine. Urging constant; ineffectual. Urination dribbling; dysuria; involuntary at night; seldom; unsatisfactory.
Genitalia – male
Inflammation of glans penis; testes; sore pain in testes. Perspiration of genitals.
Swollen testes. Ulcers on the penis; chancres.
Genitalia – female
It is a very useful remedy in cancer of the uterus. Desire is increased. Menses absent; scanty; suppressed. Prolapsus of uterus.
It is a most useful remedy in heart affections. Angina pectoris. Anxiety in chest; in the heart. Constriction of chest; of heart. Fluttering of heart. Heat in chest. Oppression of chest, from rapid motion; when lying; while walking; of the heart.
Palpitation: at night; anxious; on least exertion; during menses; on motion; tumultuous; on walking; trembling of the heart, weak heart.

Extremities symptoms of Aurum arsenicum Materia Medica:

Chilblains on the feet and toes. Cold hands; icy cold legs, feet, during headache. Blueness of nails. Numbness of limbs; during rest; upper limbs; lower limbs. Pain in limbs; at night; gouty, rheumatic, wandering. Drawing pains in limbs. Gnawing pain in legs. Tearing pain in limbs. Painless paralysis of limbs. Sensation of paralysis in fingers. Ulceration of nails. Weakness of joints; of upper limbs; lower limbs; knees.
Dreams amorous; anxious; of dead people; of death; frightful; vivid; restless sleep.
Sleeplessness before midnight. Unrefreshed after sleep.

Skin symptoms of Aurum arsenicum Materia Medica:

Eruptions: blisters; boils; burning eczema; herpes; painful, pimples; psoriasis; red; scabby; scaly; bran-like; smarting; syphilitic; urticaria; vesicular; erysipelas.
Formication, itching; sensitive; sore feeling in skin. Ulcers: bluish, burning; cancerous; deep.
Anaemia. Cancer. Chlorosis. Headache (syphilitic). Lupus. Phthisis. Syphilis.
From 30c to the highest.

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