– Tarkas P. and Ajit Kulkarni.


Venous System

Nerves; vaso-motors

Mucous membranes



Allergic. Spasmodic. Plethoric. Depressed


Toxemia (Ergot, Aspirin,



Ptomaine poisoning



Hot drinks

Allergic. Spasmodic. Plethoric. Depressed

Typical Allergic States : Coryza. Asthma. Oedemas. Skin. General prostration. Depression. Fainting spells. Collapse, with sweat, vertigo, somnolence (Anti-f., Chen-a.). Venous medicines cause weakness.

Congestions : Congestive catarrhs of MM (Fago., Sang.). Swellings, leading to ulceration (Xan.). Burning pains (compare Apis., Carl., Eucal., Sang., Spiran.,Urt., Vesp.,Xan.). Pricking (Carl.,Spiran.). Contractures, cramps, jerks, crawling, tingling numbness (Carl.). Orgasms; trembling; nervous shuddering (thrills) without chill; throbbing felt throughout body (Amyl., Fago., Spiran., Urt.).Virtually a universal commotion.

Spasmodic Effects : Asthma. Spasm of glottis. Whooping cough. Partial unilateral twitching. Paroxysmal : pains; fainting (Thyr.); coppery odor; vomiting. Epileptiform seizures (from lethal doses), chattering of teeth,unilateral twitchings.

Oedemas : Of parts; esp. in the skull, conjunctiva, eyelids, nose, face, tongue, above neck, penis, pudenda, skin. Angioneurotic oedemas (Urt.), recurring, from allergic vasomotor imbalance (like Thyr.).

Blood : Anaemia. A leucocytosis similar to from mushrooms, ergotin, salicylates or tuberculins (from physiological doses). Measles. Scarlatina. Erythema. Blood from nose, mouth. Thrombosis of legs (Anti-f.); (Milk leg), (Venous) plethora; phlebitis, toxemias, zymosis. Red spots (purpura haemorrhagica).

In large lethal doses (L.) produces a collapse (like Ant-t.) : profuse sweat, dizziness, cyanosis, somnolence, blood and albumin in urine and respiratory failure; also after a term of convulsions with insensibility, paralysis, respiratory failure.

Medium (physiological) dose (P.) produces a measly eruption; inhibits the formation of glycogen into glucose.

Select Particulars

Mind : Nervous anxiety (Anxious restlessness). Fear of becoming insane, or losing senses. Lachrymose. Hallucinations of sight and hearing.

Head : Constriction. Throbbing headache; behind ears; (occipital); with toothache; in paroxysms.

Eyes : Inflammation : eyes red, puffy, lachrymose. Red conjunctiva; red spots on eyes (Ap.). Puffy lids. Illusions of vision (Carl.).

Ears : Pain. Tinnitus : buzzing (Chen-a.). Illusions of hearing.

Nose : Acute coryza, fluent, nasal MM swollen, dull pain in frontal sinuses (Eucal.). Tingling – burning. Sneezing. Epistaxis. Allergic rhinitis. Hay fever- asthma.

Face : Red and swollen. Oedema and puffiness. Swollen or ulcerated lips. Vesicles and bullae. Small lump in cheek.

Mouth : Burning-tingling in mouth, gums, tongue, throat (peppery?).Stomatitis, vesicles in. Tongue swollen, ulcerated. Bloody saliva. Toothache along lower jaw.

Throat : Tight, constricted feeling. Pain on swallowing. Abscess. White pseudo-membrane.

Stomach : Irritation, nausea, vomiting in attacks. Pain and burning.Expanding sensation rising from stomach. Sensitive to coffee. (Peptic ulcer). Ptomaine poisoning.

Urinary : Urine and urea diminished, kidneys congested; albuminuria. (Uremia). Enuresis (Chen-a.,Urt.).

Male : Dark or black blotches on penis, sometimes with oedema. Pain in right teste. Pricking in (r.) scrotum and teste.

Female : Ovarian neuralgia (P.). Severe after-pains (P.). Itching and burning in vagina. Coppery smelling watery leucorrhea. Dysmenorrhea with profuse menses (P.). Suppressed menses.

Respiratory : Aphonia, spasmodic asthma (P.). Cheyne – stokes respiration. Respiratory failure (L.). Dyspnea and oppression. Pain in right chest (Chen-a.). Cough paroxysmal; whooping (P.). Croup; laryngismus stridulus. Sputa fetid pus.

Heart : Weakened. Pulsations in. Fainting spells with a sensation as if heart stops. High blood pressure (Amyl.). Pulse rapid, weak, irregular.

Locomotor : Pricking on both sides of neck, extending down.Cramps in right arm; fingers clenched, claw-like.

Skin : Circumscribed patches of hyperaemia (red), with swelling (eye, nose, face,tongue), from dilation of capillaries ( a vasomotor centre action). Acute erythema multiforme (Fago.,Urt.); from arms to legs. Scarlatina. German measles, vesicles, sudden rash. Prickly heat, amel. cold applications (Urt-u.; Fago. agg.). Irregular rounded pimples close together in patches. Pemphigus.

Allergic urticaria, sudden, with internal coldness; chronic, of women, with itching and large bullous eruptions (giant U.). Intense pruritus (Agar., Fago., Urt.). (Uric acid? frost bite?).

Thermic : Coldness, as if stuffed with ice inside; of hands and feet; (in collapse). Heat flushes (Amyl.,Carl.). High, toxic fever (compare – Mill.) worse AM (urticaria night).High and apparently dangerous zymotic fevers. Excessive sweat (Amyl.); in collapse.

Relations : A smiplified Agar.

A venous Fago.

An allergic Bell.

An oedematous and allergic Carl. (whose congestion is passive).

An Urt. without gout.

A milder Ver-v.

A version of Apis.

Compare: Anilinum,Thyr.

Antifebrin : Phenylacetamide or acetanilide.

Anti-p. is phenyldimethyl.

Pyrrolinazolone = Phenazone. Antipyrexine-is same as phenacetin whose collapse requires Nux-v.

Used allopathically as an antipyretic (against high fevers with pains-antikamnic) and a sedative, in neuralgias like headaches, sciatica, lumbago, grippe etc. Depressed heart, respiration, blood – pressure (and temperature). Cyanosis and collapse. Reduced red blood cells; pallor; anaemia of optic disc; narrowed visual field; shrinking of retinal vessels. Fainting. Congestion and torpidity of liver; of kidneys (blood and albumin). Thrombosis of lower extremities from cardiac weakness (thrombo- angitis obliterans). Blue M M.Moral depravity. Head feels enormously enlarged. Palpitation. Oedema of feet and ankles. Paralysis of diaphragm (dyspnea).

Anti- p. belongs to the group of alkaloids like atropine, muscarine, eserine, pilocarpine, physostigmine, thereby defining its sphere of action. Of them all it is more akin to Physo., also to Agar. of which it is a simpler version. It also has some features of every alkaloid. Is an antipsoric, and (like Bell.) an acute of Graph.

Antidotes : Bell.

It antidotes : Aspirin , Ergot.

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-Boericke W.

-Phenazone_A Coal-tar Derivative.

Antipyrine is one of the drugs that induce leucocytosis, similar to ergotin, salicylates, and tuberculin. Acts especially on the vaso-motor centers, causing dilation of capillaries of skin and consequent circumscribed patches of hyperaemia and swelling. In large doses causes profuse perspiration, dizziness, cyanosis, and somnolence, albumen and blood in urine. Acute erythema multiforme.
Fear of becoming insane; nervous anxiety; HALLUCINATIONS OF SIGHT AND HEARING.
Puffiness of lids. Conjunctiva red and oedematous, WITH LACHRYMATION. Red spots [Apis.].
Pains and buzzing. TINNITUS.
OEdema and puffiness. Red and swollen.
Swelling of lips. Burning of mouth and gums. Ulceration of lips and tongue; vesicles and bullae. Small lump in cheek. Tongue swollen. Bloody saliva. Toothache along lower jaw.
Pain on swallowing. Expectoration of fetid pus. Abscess, white false membrane. Sensation of burning.
Nausea and vomiting; burning and pain.
Diminished. Penis black.
Itching and burning in vagina. Menses suppressed. Watery leucorrhoea.
Fluent coryza. Nasal mucous membrane swollen. Dull pains in frontal sinus. Aphonia. Oppression and dyspnoea. Cheyne-Stokes respiration.
Faintness, with sensation of stoppage of heart. Throbbing throughout the body. Rapid, weak, irregular pulse.
Epileptiform seizures. Contractures. Trembling and cramps. Crawling and numbness. GENERAL PROSTRATION.
ERYTHEMA, eczema, pemphigus. INTENSE PRURITUS. URTICARIA, appearing and disappearing suddenly, with internal coldness. Angioneurotic-oedema. Dark blotches on skin of penis, sometimes with oedema.
Second decimal potency.

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