Natural order: Small weed belonging to the Primulaceae.
Mode of preparation: For Homeopathic use the tincture is prepared from the whole fresh plant.
The essential features
Anagallis is a seldom-indicated remedy, but one that cannot be replaced if needed. In homeopathic therapeutics most of our treatment failures are not the result of an inadequate knowledge of the large polychrests, but a lack of familiarity with the smaller remedies; as a consequence, we inappropriately attempt to employ polychrests for tasks better suited to the “lesser” remedies. Our success rate would be much higher if we knew the entire range of pathogenesis of these seldom-indicated remedies and when to use them.
Our materia medica shares many similarities with the natural diseases: some remedy images are common and appear as frequently as certain diseases; such as, influenza, the common cold, certain rheumatic or arthritic conditions, etc., and some remedies, like some clinical syndromes, are so rare that a general practitioner may require them only once in his lifetime, if ever. The difficulty in practice is that, though there is a reasonably predictable scale of frequency for remedies and diseases, no one can predict just when he will have a rare case on his hands; consequently, a good homeopathic physician should be familiar with all remedies, at least inasmuch as information about them is available.
The pathogenesis of Anagallis consists primarily of symptoms involving the skin and the brain. It is a remedy that produces dry, itching, circular eruptions (ringworm), mostly on the hands and palms of the hands, which, if suppressed, may be replaced by bilious headaches or serious mental pathology or even convulsions (epilepsy).
In my experience it cures eczema located primarily on the palms, fingers, and dorsum of the hands. At first the skin becomes dry; soon crops of vesicles appear which contain a very thin fluid, thinner than water; the vesicles increase in number all about the original colony of lesions, and the amount of fluid within each vesicle also increases until it ruptures. The skin within the base of the ruptured vesicle remains raw and cracks, leaving the skin feeling painful and unprotected. Then a new colony develops in another location and goes through the same progression; in this manner the eczema spreads. Just before the vesicles break open they itch intensely.
The nails are affected similarly. It appears that the first layer of the nail is destroyed and subsequently cracks. The skin around the nails is also affected.
Anagallis suits sensitive and rather hysterical persons who are very easily excited, both mentally and emotionally. It affects the mind in a very pleasant way, producing a state of exhilaration, of intense activity of the mind. This exhilaration and activity is of a pathological degree; consequently, Anagallis can prove useful for manic-depressive states. An individual under the influence of Anagallis feels literally on top of the world, very self-assured and graced with a surfeit of mental power. There is also great joyfulness and hilarity; he finds pleasure in everything he does. He feels that he perceives everything that goes on around him, and, at the same time, his mind is full of ideas, thinking many, many thoughts. However, he cannot apply his mind in a constructive and disciplined way; his mind seems frenzied, flying capriciously to whatever subject, unable to concentrate on any one subject. The state is similar to a mild inner delirium. Nonetheless, the patient feels that his mind is very clear and strong and maintains that he is enjoying the best time of his life.
Such mental pathology is most frequently encountered in younger people who are engaged in intensive spiritual practices and who, at a certain point, feel that they have attained a superconscious state. While it is clearly apparent to the observer that the affected individual looks full of joy, the state is an unhealthy one, leading to irresponsible behavior. The insanity is not overt; it is not readily apparent that the patient’s mental state is unbalanced. Usually the person claims that he has attained a high spiritual consciousness and has, therefore, transcended the necessity of attending to earthy, practical matters; he feels he need do nothing mundane at all. He is quite willing to discuss his inner spiritual state with anyone who comes along.
Consistent with his excitability is a very high sex desire which drives him to pursue frequent sexual encounters. There is also at times an erethism of the urethra, a tickling or burning that prods him to rather compulsive copulation.
The Anagallis state is one which can be seen in those taking drugs, such as amphetamines or cocaine, which exert an exactly similar effect: the speeding up of mental processes. Similar states are provoked by some homeopathic remedies: the manic phases of Agaricus muscarius are similar, and, of course, the resemblance to Coffea cruda symptomatology is quite apparent.
After a period of such intense activity of the mind the whole organism seems very tired, almost prostrated; depression and despondency settle in, as well as a form of anxiety which is felt in the chest. Hypochondriacal anxiety is seen.
Anagallis has a reputation for expulsion of splinters from the body, much like Silica. This quality is most probably due to the fact that contained within its pathogenesis is a pain like splinters. It will heal wounds from splinters.
Trembling of the whole body in the evening in bed. Tremulous weakness, enervation. Epileptic, clonic convulsions. Bloody perspiration. General weakness from mental exertion. Trembling and shivering at the same time – a chilly trembling. Trembling is felt in the heart and in the whole body, especially in the evening in bed. Clonic convulsions and epilepsy are seen.
Headache associated with digestive disorders, such as eructations and rumbling in the abdomen. Intense headache with nausea and pain all over the body in liver dysfunction. Headache on coughing. The headache is relieved by coffee.
Constriction, tension in the forehead, over the eyes. Itching of the scalp. Perspiration on the forehead.
Pain in right eyeball, worse touching the lid. Sees glittering objects in candlelight, worse before left eye. Objects seems to be moving, floating about, towards noon. Itching of the eyelids.
Tickling and itching, worse in left ear. Humming noises in ear. Twinging pain; in right ear. Sensation as if ear were obstructed.
Watery, yellow discharge. Epistaxis. Violent sneezing, with tickling of the tip of the nose.
Herpes circinatus. Tearing pain on right side of the face.
Sensation of coldness of the tongue; near fraenum. Viscid saliva. Salivation. Swelling of gums around decayed teeth. Tearing toothache; in molars.
Urinary organs
There is some erethism in the urethra driving to coition. Burning pain during erections, ceasing during coition. Burning pain during urination. Tingling in urethral meatus. Voluptuous sensation. Acrid, gonorrheal discharge. Must press before he can pass urine. Urine is of a dark color.
Drawing pain in spermatic cords; in right testes. Tearing pain in spermatic cords. Increased sexual passion.
Dry cough.
Anxiety in the evening, in bed. Itching of mammae, nipples. Pain in chest after eating. Trembling of the heart.
Coldness. Pain from lifting; before sneezing; in lumbar region; in sacral region when lifting. Pressing pain in lumbar region.
The hands are primarily the seat of Anagallis eruptions, especially the palms and the fingers. There is intolerable itching, which is ameliorated by rubbing. Dry, bran-like eruptions; ringworm. Vesicles, in crops on hands, between the fingers, which appear in continuum, as soon as the older vesicles disappear new crops appear. Hands and fingers are dry. Psoriasis on the fingers. Wandering pains in practically all of the joints. Pain in shoulder extending from the arm to the neck. Pain in the upper arm, worse on motion. Pulsative pain in finger. Swelling of joints. Trembling of lower limbs during chill.
Sleepiness. Restless, unrefreshing, short sleep. Wakes up too early. Amorous; anxious; confused dreams.
Manic-depressive states. Epilepsy. Hysteria. Ringworm. Unhealthy skin. Arthritic and uric acid diathesis. Gout. Neuralgia.
Compare: Primula obconca, Cyclamen, Agaricus, Coffea [joyous, excited], Lithium carbonicum [rough skin, ringworm], Sepia, Tellurium [ringworm], Pulsatilla [chilly, catarrh] and Rhus toxicodendron.
From 6c upwards.

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