by Pierce W.I.


An important point in the differentiation between Am. carb. and mur., is the decided increase in the catarrhal secretions under the latter remedy, and noticed especially in the air- passages, vagina and intestinal tract. A symptom having greater prominence under this remedy than under any other, is a feeling of coldness between the scapulae (168), and notice especially in association with catarrhal conditions. The coryza is profuse and watery, with sneezing, running of clear water from the nose and loss of smell (170). The discharge is scalding hot (39) and acrid (37), making the nose, internally, very sore to touch and excoriating the upper lip. Associated with the coryza we are apt to have a feeling of coldness between the shoulder-blades. The Ammonium mur. patient may be constipated, due to a chronic congestion of the liver, and associated with much rumbling in the abdomen (11) and emission of flatus. The stools in constipation are hard, crumbly and scanty, requiring great expulsive effort, or what is more characteristic of the remedy, hard stools covered with mucus (35). We may have diarrhoea, with much flatulence, alternating (58) with constipation, or a chronic diarrhoea occurring during menstruation (58), with green (59) mucous stools or bloody and watery. Menstruation, which is usually attended with flatulent distention of the abdomen (138), is too early and too profuse (135), with increased flow at night (134). The leucorrhoea is profuse (126), looking like the white of an egg. The cough of Ammonium mur. may be dry and accompanied by stitches in the chest (49), or it may be dry during the day and loose during the evening or night, which is an unusual order (45). Generally the cough is loose, with much rattling of mucus in the chest (45) and profuse expectoration of ropy, tenacious mucus (69). The cough is worse when lying on the back (42) or right side (42). It is of value for broncho-pneumonia (151) and for the chronic cough of old people (47), but in all catarrhal conditions of the chest we are apt to have a sensation of coldness between the shoulders (168). It is a remedy to be thought of for chronic sprains (173) and it is useful when there is a contraction of the ham-string tendons (88), which seem tight when walking and better or looser by continued motion. The sciatica is worse when sitting (164), somewhat better when walking, and entirely relieved when lying. It is one of the remedies that has been used with success for neuralgic pains in stumps of amputated limbs (15), and for tearing, stitching pains from ulceration in the heels (71), worse at night in bed, better by rubbing. I use Ammonium mur. 3rd.

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