
Aconite [Acon]
Sudden and complete blindness, with anguish bitter complaints and reproaches; fear of death; total blindness after catching cold: vision as if through a veil, difficult to distinguish faces, with anxiety and vertigo; optical illusions in dark colors or black.
Agaricus [Agar]
Feeling of weakness in eyes without having exerted them; indistinct sight; focal distance changes while reading, first grow shorter, then longer, types seems to move, things look obscure as from turbid water; muscae volitantes; vibrating spectra; nystagmus; if she grasped at any object held before her, the hand did not generally come near it; diplopia from over work at the desk; frequent twitching in eyeball while reading.
Ammoniacum [Ammc]
Dimness and obstruction of sight in the evening, amounting almost to blindness; amblyopia after a blow.
Anacardium [Anac]
Flickering before the eyes during the day, blind at night; indistinct vision; blackness before eyes, with vertigo.
Antimonium-sulph-aurat [Ant-s]
Amaurosis in the beginning; iris protruding.
Antimonium-tart [Ant-t]
Vertigo with flickering before eyes; amblyopia after strong emotion; eyes feel tired, as if the lids would close; dim swimming eyes.
Argentum-met [Arg-m]
Amaurosis of left eye, contracted pupil, insensible to light.
Argentum-nit [Arg-n]
Sight vanishes while reading or writing ; at twilight feels as if he would become blind; fiery bodies flash before his eyes; pupils insensible to light; complete but transitory blindness; yellowish complexion; taciturn and apathetic.
Arnica [Arn]
Diminution of visual power, everything looks dim pupils dilated; loss of sight after violent blow.
Arsenicum [Ars]
Loss of vision from use of tobacco; retinitis albuminuria; everything as through a white gauze.
Asafoetida [Asaf]
Mist before eyes; boring pain above the eyebrow; burning pain in eyeballs; of syphilitic origin.
Aurum-met [Aur]
Hemiopia, black spots floating before eyes; tension in eyes, sees things double or mixed up, ()) after sleeping.
Chininum-sulph [Chin-s]
Amblyopia, can only see objects when looking at them sideways; disk and retina very anaemic; peculiar dryness of eyes.
Cicuta [Cic]
Frequent VANISHING OF SIGHT, as if by absence of mind, with VERTIGO, especially when walking; the objects seem to totter and the letters to move when reading; diplopia; frequent obscuration of sight,alternating with hardness of hearing; blue margins around the eyes; photophobia; burning in the eyes; aching pains in the orbits.
Cimicifuga [Cimic]
Aching pain in the centre of both eyeballs; black specks before the eyes, diplopia.
Cina [Cina]
For dimness of sight, when reading, going off by wiping the eyes; dilated pupil; photophobia; pressure in the eyes, as if sand had got in, especially when reading. Pain in the eyes when using them at night by candle-light; dull pains in the eyes, which get easily tired, chiefly in the morning, and aggravated by reading and meditation, colour blindness, sees everything yellow, mistakes red for orange and blue for green; chronic weakness of sight from onanism.
Conium [Con]
Amaurosis; weakness of sight; sluggish adaptation of eye to varied range of vision; feeling of coldness in eyes when walking in open air,((>)) in the morning and on a cloudy day, blindness from sunlight after a sleep.
Crotalus-hor [Crot-h]
Momentary disappearances of vision, with profuse lachrymation; vanishing of vision while reading; great sensitiveness of light; amblyopia from grief; muscae volitantes and colored flamed before the vision
Cyclamen [Cycl]
Diplopia; amblyopia; hemiopia; after suppression of menses or an eruption.
Digitalis [Dig]
He sees objects as in a fog, vision diminished; objects appear green, yellow or as if silvered; pupils not very active; amaurosis.
Drosera [Dros]
For frequent vanishing of sight, especially when reading, the letters look pale and blurred; photophobia; the eyes are dazzled by the light or by the glare of fire, they are very dry; the nose is dry and stopped up, stitches in the eyes.
Elaps-coral [Elaps]
Everything seems white, even at night; gray veil before the eyes; on stooping the blood rushes to the head, with vertigo and pains at the root of the nose; can scarcely tell light from dark.
Gelsemium [Gels]
The eyes close on looking steadily at an object; diplopia when including the head toward the shoulder, but vision single when holding the head erect; mist before the eyes; smoky appearance of the eyes; total blindness, with dizziness, THIRST FOR LIGHT; after apoplexy, congestion of the head.
Hepar-sulph [Hep]
Complete amaurosis; obscuration of vision while reading; the eyes become dim, and he cannot read well by candle-light; feeling of blindness before the eyes on rising and standing up, after sitting bent over flickering before the eyes; pupils dilated and insensible to light after abuse of mercury; anaesthesia retinae.
Hydrocyanic-acid [Hydr-ac]
Pupils insensible to light; paralysis of lids; protrusion of eyes; anguish at pit of stomach; vexed mood, despondency.
Hyoscyamus [Hyos]
Dilated pupils; frequent spasms of the eyes and eyelids; squinting, diplopia, hemeralopia; illusion of sight; as if everything were red or larger than it really is ; aching, stupefying pains over eyes.
Ignatia [Ign]
Asthenopia and amblyopia in females, due to onanism. Dimness before one eye while reading, as if tears were in it, which is not the case; white, glittering, flickering zigzags before the field of vision.
Kali-aceticum [Kali-acet]
Amaurosis coming on suddenly in both eyes, in a patient suffering from acute nephritis.
Kobaltum [Cob]
Dim vision; darting pains in the eyes when writing, with feeling, when opening the lids, as if little strings were holding them together and snapping; letters look blurred; smarting in lids when using eyes.
Lachesis [Lach]
Amblyopia, with lung or heart affections; retinitis apoplectica; severe pain in and above the eyes.
Laurocerasus [Laur]
Amaurotic shortness of vision; eyes burn and everything looks as if seen through mist.
Lachnanthes [Lachn]
The sight is obscured; while looking at anything fixedly, gray, fixed rings are seen. BRILLIANT EYES, PUPILS MUCH ENLARGED, WITH RED CHEEKS; when reading or writing, a small gray spot, as large as a lentil, is running before the left eye; in looking at one spot or in moving the head suddenly, it gets dark before the eyes.
Lithium [Lith-c]
Hemiopia; amaurotic affection of the eye, when caused by reading, fine, sewing and other steady applications of the eyes; sunlight blinds him in the streets; VANISHING OF THE RIGHT HALF OF WHATEVER SHE LOOKED AT; relieved by eating and sleep.
Lycopodium [Lyc]
Hemeralopia; night-blindness coming on at early evening; hemiopia; vision veiled; weakness of vision after typhus; during writing vision would suddenly disappear, as if a dark cloud passed before the eyes. Amaurosis from aneurysm of the central artery of retina; eyes hot, dim, wide open, fixed and insensible to light; obscuration of sight as from feathers before eyes.
Mercurius [Merc]
Amaurosis in left eye, when walking in the fresh air and frequently momentary loss of sight; black motes and points; much (

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12 years ago

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