To day morning I made another observation on ALUMINA 200 ch. An old lady constipated, with joint pains and slow in conversation came to my clinic. After recording the case I connected temperature sensor to her fore arm and recored 2 reading of temperature variability with my datalogger. and another reading after ALUMINA 200 ch. To my surprise the varibility pattern and shift in frequency of peaks are very marked after Alumina. Who said Homeopathy  placebo? Skeptics of Homeopathy must see this observation. Homeopathy works by its impact on automated regulatory mechanisms in the body, can be measured by hypothalamic activity. Human body is an automated mechine. Body regulates fuctions by itself to preserve life by means of life force. The life force has vibrating nature. In cource of time the automated fuction of life force taken physical form as hypothalamus during evalution. function created the orgon.

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12 years ago

True. Im taking alumina, the alumina patient rearly sweats, not healthy. On taking the remedy, my tempreture has been fluctuating quite rapidy, even though tempreture in my surounding environment remained stable. Could never stand weather that was too hot or too cold. Hopefully alumina will make me more tolerant of changes in the weather.