– Adolph Von Lippe


Aloe is frequently called for in correcting the bad effects from sedentary life and habits (Nux-V.), and is especially suitable to persons of a lymphatic and hypochondriacal constitution. DISEASES OF MUCOUS MEMBRANES; CAUSES THE PRODUCTION OF MUCUS IN JELLY-LIKE LUMPS FROM THROAT OR RECTUM; AFFECTS MUCOUS MEMBRANES OF RECTUM (A.) Mental dissatisfaction and bad humour about himself, more especially during the state of costiveness, or when he suffers from pain. Disinclined to perform either physical or mental labour (G.). Acts most prominently in the region of the liver. Has many symptoms of portal congestion (D.). The taste is bitter and sour and tasteless eructations are present, with portal congestion and a sense of abdominal fullness, heaviness and heat. It should be remembered in chronic types of jaundice that attend bilious states, when the tongue is coated, the breath foul, and there is a sensation of fullness and heaviness in the hepatic region (Bl.) Sensation of a plug between the symphysis pubis and os coccygis, with urging to stool (R.). Bloated abdomen, more on the left side, or along the colon, and worse after eating. Profuse menstruation (Chin., Ferr., Sab.) (Bt.). Pressing down in the rectum, during catamenia (G.). Pain around the navel, worse from pressure (Mang.; better from pressure-Plb.) Is of great value in atonic condition of the uterus, uterine haemorrhages, etc. (C.) Great weakness and weak pulse, after vomiting. Abdominal plethora, with feeling of fullness and pressing down, or weight in anus and bladder (N.). Lumbago, alternating with headache (C.). Backache (Bell., Cimic., Nux-V., Puls., Sep.,) (C.). A DISCHARGE OF MUCH FLATULENCY, BURNING AND SMELLING OFFENSIVE, WHICH RELIEVES THE PAIN IN THE ABDOMEN. Itching and burning in anus, preventing sleep (Ind., Merc., Sulph.) (A.). Giddiness on moving (Agar., Amm-C., Bry., Calc-P., Con., Glon., Phos., Sil.). Longing for juicy things (Br.). HUNGRY, DURING DIARRHOEA (hungry, during dysentery-Nux-V.). (A.) Desire for apples (Ant-T., Guai., Sulph., Tell.). Itch appears each year, as winter approaches (Psor.) (A.). Golden coloured skin (C.). Feeling of weakness in abdomen, as if diarrhoea would come on; heaviness in hypogastrium and rectum (N.). Headache across the forehead, aggravated by every foot-step (Bell., Bry.); with heaviness of eyes and nausea (A.). Headache: pain is situated over the eyes and is attended by a sensation as though a weight were pressing down the eyelids. Relief comes from partially closing the eyelids (F.). HEADACHE: WORSE FROM HEAT, BETTER FROM COLD APPLICATIONS (Ars., Bell., Bry., Calc., Ferr., Ferr-P., Glon., Lach.); ALTERNATING WITH LUMBAGO; AFTER INSUFFICIENT STOOL (A.) Menses too early and copious; cramp, in uterus; determination of blood to uterus (R.). Colic, before and during stool (Coloc.) (Br.). AFTER STOOL, FEELS EXTREMELY WEAK AND PROSTRATED (Ars., ars-M., Bism., Con., Merc., Nat-S., Nit-Ac., Phos., Pic-Ac., Podo., Sec., Verat.) (G.). HAEMORRHOIDS PROTRUDE LIKE GRAPES; VERY SORE AND TENDER; BETTER FROM COLD WATER APPLICATION (bR.). The haemorrhoids bleed often and profusely (Bt.). Stools contains a jelly like mucus, and there is a colic, which is relieved by bending double (F.). Stools are often very hot (Calc-P., Cham., Dios., Merc., Merc-C., Nux-V., Phos., Sulph.). (G.). Solid stool and masses of mucus pass involuntarily (A.). Constant urging to stool, during the day (C.). EVERY MORNING, ON RISING, HAS A HASTY DESIRE FOR STOOL, WITH RUMBLING IN THE ABDOMEN, AND FINALLY SPUTTERING STOOL (EUG., NAT-S.) (G.) Fear lest stool should escape with flatus (Carb-V.) Nat-P., Nat-S., Olnd., Phos-Ac., Podo., Sulph., Verat.). (R.). FEELING OF WEAKNESS AND LOSS OF POWER OF SPHINCTER ANI.SENSE OF INSECURITY IN RECTUM, WHEN PASSING FLATUS (Br.). FAECES AND URINE WILL PASS AT THE SAME TIME; CANNOT PASS ONE WITHOUT THE OTHER (Alum., Canth., Merc., Mur-Ac., Nux-V., Puls., Staph., Thuj.) (G.). Liquid, yellow, copious, involuntary stool, with passing of flatus or urine, falling out without exertion (R.). ONE MUST GO TO STOOL SOON AFTER A MEAL (Ars., Chin., Coloc., Crot-T., Lyc., Podo). Dysentery: Stools are covered with blood and accompanied by griping in the epigastric region (D.). Prolapsus recti (Podo., Sulph.). (B.). Fistula in ano (Calc-P., Sil.) (By.).
In early morning; during hot, dry, weather after eating or drinking; on standing or walking.
From cold water; during cold weather, from discharge of flatus and stool.
LIKE Sulphur in many diseases, with abdominal plethora and congestion of portal vein; develops suppressed eruptions. Similar to Amm-M., Gamb., Nux-V., and Podo.

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