– Pulford

Persistent constant anxious nausea with clean or nearly clean tongue, pale face, cold sweat on forehead and thirstless; if vomiting occurs it does not relieve the nausea.

Irritable; morose. Desires knows not what, like Bry. Depressed mentally, tissues irritable. Oversensitive to warm atmosphere, heat, cold, and to touch. Profuse salivation. Pulse weak. Chilly externally, heat internally. children cry and scream. Nausea especially, and vomiting usher in the acute attacks. COMMENT.

Holds everything in contempt. children cry and scream continually. Mental depression, tissues irritable in combination. Ipec. is sometimes as restless as Ars., but unlike Ars., its prostration comes in spells, that of Ars. is continuous.

Pain in head, to tongue. Bruised or crushed sense in head, with nausea and vomiting is the most characteristic of Ipec. As if bruised, pain piercing, to root of teeth. Constrictive and contusive head aches in left side parietal region, begin daily at 11 a.m, increase gradually until intolerable, and decrease in the same manner, like Stann., ceasing completely at 2 p.m.

Heache and Nausea

Staring, a.m., on waking. Pain in eyeballs shoots into head, tears gush. Extremely valuable in pustular conjunctivitis of children.

Muscles of face stiff, during cough.

Child puts its fingers in its mouth. Salivation compels constant swallowing. In the sweetish, bloody taste it differs from Berb. in that Berb. has also a bitter taste and the mouth is pasty or sticky, while with Ipec. the mouth is clean; again, Berb. has dry mouth, Ipec. moist.

Nausea, with itching, must scratch until one vomits. Nausea, during labor; vomits, after stooping. Vomits green mucus, jellylike, grass green, or, black, tarlike blood. Persistent nausea accompanies all the haemorrhages of Ipec. In vomiting Ipec. differs from Ant-t. in having more nausea and a clean or only slightly coated tongue, while Ant-t. has more retching and vomiting and a thickly coated tongue.

Cutting pain, left side to right, reverse of Lyc.; paroxysmal stitches in sides, left side to right, or, in region of navel to uterus. (L): Pain in region of navel, to uterus; sore, bruised, tender pain in region of navel; stitching pain, downward. distressed, relaxed sense.

Diarrhoea, during cholera epidemics.

Green as grass, or greenish mucus and frequent. Dark pitchlike blood in some cases of dysentery.

Urine very bloody, especially from kidneys, with nausea and cutting pains.

Bloody urine

Labor pains cutting, in navel region. (L): Copious menses, with faintness. Thick leucorrhoea, feeling of desperation, frightful irritation in vagina.

Laryngismus stridulus, before cough.

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