The word ‘Synthetic ‘ is derived fro the word Synthis which means ‘Assembly’ of separate or sub ordinate parts in a new form, also the complex whole resulting from this.
Kent’s repertory published in 1987
Corrections & additions were made & yet it was incomplete.
Apart fro Kent’s effort still new remedies were proved & confirmed by young authors, they too had to be reviewed & incorporated.
Dr.Horst Barthel & Dr. Will Klunker prepared a repertory covering only the mental & general symptoms.
In this effort they were supported by Dr. P.Schimdt of Geneva , who had his possession , Kent’s repertory with additions made by Kent in his own handwriting.
In the area of mental & physical general symptoms, this repertory is the most complete & has been utilized by the authors of relevant computer software’s for homoeopathic repertory
Various rubrics of mental symptoms is enlarged & has proved of great value in working out the indicated remedy in a case.
Philosophical background
Based on generals esp. after learning the utility of Kent’s repertory
Disease occurs from center to periphery
The changes in the feeling state as well as in physical generals represent the whole person. Hence they are the sure guides in understanding the totality & selecting the similimum
4 typography
Capital underlined – NUX V – 4 marks
Capital – NUX V – 3 marks
Bold – nux v – 2 marks
Ordinary – nux v – 1 mark
According to hierarchy of general symptoms, it is divided into 3 vol
Vol I –mental symptoms
Vol II – Physical generals (except sleep dream & sex)
Vol III – Sleep, Dreams & sex
Arrangement of rubrics
Rubric are arranged in alphabetical order in all 3 vol
Vol I – main rubric start as a side heading & list a group of medicines in different grades.
The main rubric is followed by a sub rubric like time & various modifying factor
Ailments from is given as a separate rubric which contains various factors alphabetically
Vol II – main rubrics start with time modality, which does not follow alphabetical arrangement.
The fraction of time is mentioned as per progress of time, like daytime, morning, etc.
Time modality follows alphabetical arrangement of main rubrics throughout.
Wherever possible the rubrics follow the arrangement in order of side, time, & modalities
Most clinical rubrics are independent
Food 7 drinks rubric follow the order of ailment from, agg, amel, aversion & desire.
Vol III – time & other modifying factors in alphabetical order follow thee main rubric wherever possible
Sleep followed by dreams & then sex male & female
Cross references mentioned throughout the repertory in 3 vol. They are found below the rubric at expected places in italic letters
Concept of totality
Based on Kent’s concept of totality
It is evident clearly from the arrangement of all generals in 3 vol
The prominent generals at mental & physical levels form the basis of totality in the whole case
Hierarchy in erecting totality
Mental expression –causative modalities – ailments from
Characteristic of emotional expressions
Expressions of intellect
General modalities – time, heat & cold, side affinity
Physical generals – food & drinks
– sleep
-sexual functions
– general physical condition with modalities
Method of repertorization
Cases which are rich in generals
Prominent mental & physical generals form the totality of such cases
The cases can be repertorised by following methods, based upon the data of the case
Using generals: if case has both mental & physical generals
Mental expression –causative modalities – ailments from
Characteristic of emotional expressions
Expressions of intellect
General modalities – time, heat & cold, side affinity
Physical generals – food & drinks
– sleep
-sexual functions
– general physical condition with modalities
Using only mentals: case lacks in physical & particulars only mental rubrics can be used.
Mental expression –causative modalities – ailments from
Characteristic of emotional expressions
Expressions of intellect
Using only Physical generals: if case lacks mental & if only prominent physical generals are present
General modalities – time, heat & cold, side affinity
Physical generals – food & drinks
– sleep
-sexual functions
– general physical condition with modalities
Using generals & particulars:
Here for particulars use Kent repertory & for generals Synthetic repertory
Mental symptoms
Physical symptoms
Importance of generals
Success in repertorising depends on the ability to deal with the symptoms
Symptoms are of 2 orders:a) those to generals b)those to particulars
Among generals the symptoms of first grade if well marked , the mental symptoms.these take the highest rank
Strong marked mentals always rule out any number of poorly marked symptoms of lesser grade
After mental symptoms the general symptoms of the patient as his reactions as a whole to bodily environment, to time, season, heat 7 cold etc
Next will be the craving desires & aversions
Next to this will be the menstrual state with modalities
Do not expect a remedy that has the generals must have all the little symptoms. It is a waste of time to run out all the little symptoms if the remedy has generals. Nothing disturbs me so much………” Kent
In the field of general symptoms the synthetic repertory represents the synthesis of homoeopathic knowledge.
1.Synthetic Repertory-vol-1,vol-2-Barthel& Klunker.
2.Essentials of Repertorization-Dr.S.K.Tiwari.
3.Evolution of Homoeopathic Repertories& Repertorisation- Dr.Jugal Kishore.
4.Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy-Dr.J.T.Kent.
5.Logic of Repertories-Dr.J.B.D.Castro.
6.What the Doctor Needs to Know in order to Make a Successful Prescription-Dr.J.T.Kent.
7.Repertory of Homoeopathic Materia Medica- Dr.J.T.Kent.
8.A Study of Kent’s Repertory-Dr.Margret Tyler.
9. Repertorising- Dr.Margret Tyler & Dr.John Weir