-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb

Not every thing that is recorded in our books on the homoeopathic treatment of gonorrhoea, is the result of clinical experience; a good deal of it is based upon theoretical hypotheses. Let us try to separate as much as possible the chaff from the wheat.

1. First stage.-At this period, Wahle has used with distinguished success, Bignonia rad. min., provided the discharge had not yet made its appearance, and the patient only complained of titillation burning and itching during micturition. He effected a cure with the 20th to the 30th potency in from three to seven days. Drs. Mueller and Noack (in the All. hom. Zeit., vol, 15), and Stapf (in Arch, vol. 18, no. 3); confirm the curative power of this agent. Regarding the curative virtues of Cannabis in this stage, most practitioners seem to agree. As for Hartmann’s praise of the curative virtues of Copaiva in this stage, I have never seen them verified in my practice, no matter in what dose this agent was used.

Gonorrhoea in female

2. Inflammatory stage.-Most practitioners recommend Cannabis as the best remedy in this stage. Beside Cannabis, other practitioners have used with more or less good effect: Copaiva, Cantharides, Mercurius, Petroselinum and Polygonum (See § 32), (a). For painfulness of the neck region of the bladder: Cantharis, Capsicum, Petroleum, Pulsatilla; (b) for dysuria; Cannabis, Cantharis. Mercurius, Petroselinum; (c) for suppression of the discharge: Cantharis; for painless discharge: Cubebs, Capsicum, Ferrum; for bloody discharge: Cannabis, Cantharis Tussilago; for thin discharge: Cannabis; for thick discharge: Capsicum, Mercurius; greenish discharge: Cannabis, Mercurius, Cubebs, Petroselinum; white: Capsicum, Ferrum.-For phimosis: Cannabis, Mercurius; for violent, painful erections: Cannabis, Cantharis, Mercurius.

3. Syphilitic gonorrhoea, with or without figwarts.-In a case of balanorrhoea: Merc, corr.-for figwarts: Nitri. ac., Thuja.
4. Metastasis-For orchitis: Agnus, Aurum, Clematis, Mercurius, Pulsatilla, (Tussilago); and for induration of the testicles and the inguinal glands: Clematis. For affections of the prostate; Pulsatilla, Selenium, Nitri. ac., Sulphur, Thuja.-For gonorrhoeal ophthalmia: Aconitum, Pulsatilla, Nitri. ac., Merc. subl.-For rheumatism: Merc., Sarsaparilla.
5. Gleet.-Agnus castus, Cannabis, Capsicum, Cubebæ, Ferrum, Fluoris ac., Merc., Mezereum, Natrum mur., Nitr. ac., Petroleum, Sepia, Sulphur.
This is a general list of the remedies that have been used by homoeopathic physicians in the different stages of gonorrhoea and its sequelæ. In the following paragraphs we will furnish more special information concerning their therapeutic value and use.

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