
Abies-Can [Abies-c]
Prolapsus from general defective nutrition, with little or no local congestion.
Aconite [Acon]
Prolapsus usually of sudden occurrence with or without haemorrhage, with inflammation of genitals; heat, dry skin, anxiety, with cold perspiration, nervousness, with fear of death; bitter vomiting.
Aesculus-hip [Aesc]
Inflammed cervix uteri attended with retroversion; throbbing in the abdominal and pelvic cavities, Prolapsus, Ulceration, enlargement and induration with great tenderness heat and throbbing; thick, dark and corroding leucorrhoea, with constant backache, especially in hip and sacrum, great fatigue when walking; dull pain in occiput, with flushes of heat over occiput, neck and shoulders and lame feeling in small of back.
Agaricus [Agar]
Prolapsus uteri, after cessation of menses, with intolerable bearing-down pains; cramps as if she must have a child, obliged to lie down itching and irritation of the parts, with strong desire for an embrace, profuse menses, with tearing pressive pains in back and abdomen; leucorrhoea very profuse, dark- colored, with much itching internally and externally, swelling of vagina and several nodules.
Agnus-cactus [Agn]
Engorgement and thickening of the uterus, extensive ulceration of os uteri; haemorrhagic menses, which are also painful, ovarian neuralgia, PERFECT ABHORRENCE TO ALL SEXUAL INTERCOURSE.
Aletris-far [Alet]
PROLAPSUS UTERI FROM MUSCULAR ATONY; Leucorrhoea from loss of fluids or defective nutrition; debility from protracted illness; obstinate indigestion, the least food distresses the stomach; fainting, with vertigo, extreme constipation, great effort being required to discharge faeces; great accumulation of frothy saliva – STERILITY FROM UTERINE ATONY heavy dragging pains about the hips, profuse, painful and premature menses, profuse leucorrhoea.
Aloe [Aloe]
Heaviness, weight and dragging down of all pelvic organs, paretic weakness of the sphincters, uterine congestion and prolapsus, with fulness and heaviness and labor-like pains in loins and groins, (

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