A boy of 13,from Malaysia suffering from snoring,tonsils enlarged,adenoids. Responded well to CALCAREA CARB in 50 Mellisimal potency.
Dear Dr Devender Kumar,
This is Mrs TLV.. here. Very nice to see your newsletters of successful treatment.
Regarding my son of 5 years old, He is still having the problem of snoring ( gur gur sound while breathing) more while sleeping. He don’t have running nose or cough or flum anything. The Doctor who checked him always says that his lungs are clear. I see him feeling uncomfortable while sleeping and disturbed sleep. Sometimes he breathes with his mouth and also saliva escapes from his mouth while sleeping. This problem is lasting from one month.
Last time in October 2011, he had the same problem for few days and suddenly hesuffered fromhigh temperature.
I request you to treat him regarding this.
Thank You
Dear Mrs TLV…
I suggest you to give him a dose of ANTIM TART 200C – 4 PILLS NOW.
OK sir, thank you
Dear Dr…,I have given my son ANTIM TART 200C – 4 PILLS on 19-02-2013, till now I didn’t find any improvement, infact I noticed that the symptoms are aggravated. Please follow up
Dear Mrs TLV…I suggest you to give him a dose of SULPHUR 200c – 4 pills and report the problem after 3 days.
Dear Dr…,I have given my son one dose of Sulphur 200 on Wednesday, no change in his symptoms till now. While sleeping he feels uncomfortable as if his nose blocked but no discharge from nose.
Dear Dr…,I have given my son one dose of Sulphur 200 on Wednesday, no change in his symptoms till now. While sleeping he feels uncomfortable as if his nose blocked but no discharge from nose.
Dear Mrs TLV…,Now I suggest you to give him a dose of KALI BICHROMICUM 200c – 4 pills and report the problem after 3 days.
Dear Dr…,I have given KALI BICHRIMIUM 200C on 02.03.2013, no change till now
””I have given KALI BICHRIMIUM 200C on 02.03.2013””’
Dear Mrs TLV…I suggest you to wait for another 7 days and let me know, symptoms will come down slowly.
Dear Dr…,I have given KALI BICHRoMIUM 200C on 02.03.2013, his symptoms are before only, till now
Dear Dr…,I have given KALI BICHRoMIUM 200C on 02.03.2013, his symptoms are same as before, no chnage till now
Dear Mrs TLV…I suggest you to give him a dose of ARSENICUM ALBUM 200c – 4 pills and report the problem after 4 days.
Dear Dr…,I have given ARSENICUM ALBUM 200c – 4 pills on 13-3-2013,
His symptoms seems to be relieved a bit.
Dear Mrs TLV…I Suggest you to wait for another 3 days.Let me know after 3 days.No need to repeat medicine now.
Dear Dr…,Suddenly he is suffering from fever 100 deg ( at present). He is complaining of legs pain and eyes r burning. Also feeling cold. His mouth is smelly. I feel as if he is having flum inside. No other symptoms
Dear Mrs TLV…give him a dose of Bell 200c, if not relieved give one dose of RT 200cFeel free to consult for further advice.
Dear Dr…,I have given him Belladona 200c, 2 and half hours back, his temperature is still rised to 102 deg. Can I give him RT 200c now, if need to give any other medicine after that please suggest and also minimum gap between the dosage
Dear Mrs TLV…you can give now rt 200c, with in two hours fever if not relieved you can change the remedy.
depends on condition you can change remedy at the gap of 10 mits also.
Dear Dr…,I have given him rt 200c after 3 hrs, he had high temperature through out the night and kept his mouth wide open to breathe. In the morning doctor checked him and told that he had slightly blocked nose which resulted in redness of throat. But he don’t have running nose. His lungs are clear.
Dear Mrs TLV…How is the fever,temperature now?
Dear Dr…,Given suppository at 12pm ( malaysia time) as temperature is 40 F. At present it is normal.
no need to repeat homeopathic medicine now, wait till evening and let me know.
temperature is rising after every 4 hrs even after fever medicine is given. can u please suggest any medicine regarding his other complications which are causing high temperature.
Give him a dose of NATRUM MUR 200c – 4 pills.Let me know after 1 day.
Dear Dr…,My son got admitted in hospital as the temperature going high and not coming under control. His left tonsil enlarged alot and it looks white. He didn’t have problem with tonsil since last one and half year and also the doctor said they r normal, when last checked in december 2012. Now he got this problem all of a sudden.
You need to start giving calcarea carb in 50 millesimal potency.
Dear Dr…,Please prescribe the dosage
Dear Mrs TLV…up to what o/?, potency you have used remedy calc carb?, let me know please.
Dear Dr…,,0/3
OK I SUGGEST YOU TO START GIVING 0/6, If not available let me know I will send the medicine.
Will find for the medicine. Can u please tell how can u send the medicine here
Dear Dr…,Please let me know how to use the medicine. Doctors said may he is snoring because of the adenoids, his tonsils contracted much when compared to last week. Very much worried as he suddenly fell sick severly.
I have gone through your mail, I suggest you to give him CALCAREA CARB 0/6 , (50 millesimal potency) daily for 15 DAYS and let me know the symptoms after 15 DAYS.
Please follow the below link for Instructions on How to use 0/6,?
If you need I can send you Readymade medicne to use,
you can prepare according to the above instructions.
Hi Mrs TLV.., quite it is a long time back you visited me. How is the health problem? Feel free to write for further advice.
Thank You.
Dear Dr…,Its already more than 10 days I have been using Calc Carb 0/6 for my son, no change has been found, he is also getting fever in between.
Please let me know is there any food that should be avoided. I give him curd everyday, at present can he have it or no?
Dear Mrs.TLV….There are some food to avoid
Pickles, ghee, seasoned food, sour butter, salt in butter milk, sweets,
lemon, black grapes,
cooked cucumber, cooked Calabash/ Bottle Gourd, tamarind juice, sea foods, yellow banana,Sorrel Leaves.
Take Hot and fresh food items,
Avoiding the above food items can except quick result.
Mentioned are the food should be avoided in in his case, feel free to write further doubts.
Dr.Devendra Kumar MD(Homeo)
Dear Dr…,Its already 15 days I have been using Calc Carb 0/6 for my son, no change has been found.
Are you giving strokes as mentioned in the below post?
Dear Dr…,I am following all the instructions as given in the post
Dear Mrs TLV..,Now I suggest you to give him a dose of SILICEA 200c – 4 pills and report the problem after 7 days.
Feel free to write for further advice.
Dear Dr…,, till now he is doing better regarding the problem of tonsils and adenoids. The problem is having quite often, that is for every 15 days is post nasal drip/discharge. It starts with itching at the tip of the nose and he will get white flum into the mouth from nose, when he drags back. Because of this he has difficulty while sleeping and he snores. Please suggest the medicine.
Dear Mrs TLV.., Now I suggest you to give him just 3 pills of KALI BICH 1M , and wait for 7 days.
Dear Dr…,I have given kali bich 1M on 25-5- 2013, no difference found yet. The flum he is getting from the nose is like string strechting, it is not cutting.
Dear Mrs TLV..,kali bich 1m is deep acting medicine, let us wait for another one week.
Dear Dr…,Still he is suffering with the same block nose but no discharge from the nose, so he has to drag the flum into the throat and split it through his mouth. The same thing is happening every 15 days and lasting for 15 days and also sometimes having temperature.
Dear Mrs TLV.., when it is fever give him a dose of ars alb 200c just 3 pills, if not wait and watch the symptoms, no need to repeat medicine now.
Dear Dr…,still suffering with same problem of post nasal drip of greenish flum, very uncomfortable while sleeping, not having proper sleep because of that.
Dear Mrs TLV.., now give him a single dose just 3 pills of PHOSPHORUS 200c, let me know after 10 days.
Hi Mrs TLV.., quite it is a long time back you visited me. How is the health problem? Feel free to write for further advice.
If you no longer wish to receive remainders, please mark this case as resolved.
Dear Dr…,I have given my son a dose of PHOSPHORUS 200c on 08-07-2013. At present he don’t have stuffy nose but gets thick greenish flum into the mouth every morning and after that whitish flum 4 to 5 times a day. While sleeping, when he inhales he snores as if he has blocked nose.
As you know we stay in Malaysia, at present here has HAZE, from yesterday my son is again suffering from same problem starting with sneezing and now stuffy nose but the thick greenish flum dripping back into the throat and lightly running nose. At present he his also having severe cough. Very uncomfortable while sleeping because of the above reasons.
Pls reply.
Dear Mrs TLV..,sorry for my late reply, give him a dose of KALI BICH 200c – 4 pills, wait for one day let me know after one day.
give me SMS to 91-9440369772, in case of emergency.
Dear Dr…,Given kali bich – 200 on 27th, no difference yet. This time he is coughing too and spliting flum sometimes
Dear Mrs TLV..,it takes 3 days to notice the action of kali bich, what is the intensity of symptom now?
sorry for my late reply.
Dear Dr…,Very slight discharge from the nose but while breathing I notice him snoring as if his nose is blocked, more while sleeping and very uncomfortable, makes me worry about his adenoids because of which he fell very sick last time after prolonged snoring problem.
Dear Mrs TLV..,no need to worry just wait and watch the symptoms. adenoids will disappear slowly. avoid sour food.
Dear Dr…,His snoring has been intensified. No other symptoms.
Dear Mrs TLV..,no need repeat medicine just wait and watch.
Dear Dr…,My son is still continuing with snoring and every morning he splits thick greenish flum by dragging it into the mouth and later he splits whitish flum two or three times a day.
Dear Mrs TLV.., now give him a dose of THUJA 200c and wait for 15 days. ( 4 pills), sorry for late reply.
Dear Dr…,Again he is suffering with stuffy nose with greenish discharge from nose and mouth and snoring( as he gets every time), Initially he had itching at the tip of the nose and sneezing for two days after that from the third he had the above regular symptoms. All these are repeating every month.
Dear Mrs TLV..I have gone through your current status of health.Now I suggest you to give him a dose of CAUSTICUM 200c – 4 pills and report the problem after 3 days.