Acidum-hydrocyan [Hydr-ac]
Persistent tonic spasms, especially in muscles of face, jaws and back with trismus risus sardonicus, embarrassed respiration with lividity and frothing at the mouth, violent constriction of the diaphragm with sense of suffocation, praecordial anxiety, immobility and backward; convulsions , finally paralysis , with excessive relaxation. TRAUMATIC TETANUS or tetanic convulsions during diarrhoea.
Aconite [Acon]
Traumatic tetanus with trismus, stiffness of limbs and even opisthotonos, tingling and numbness, fever and anxiety ; frequent alteration of redness and paleness of face and distortion of eyes, which are drawn upward; face covered with cold sweat; rigidity of muscles of jaws and neck.
Ammonium-carb [Am-c]
Tetanic or epilepsy convulsions from violent cerebral irritation; feeling as if head burst ; pale , bloated face; anxiety with inclination to weep; pulse hard , tense and frequent; great sensitiveness to cold.
Angustura-vera [Ang]
Tetanus and trismus, with convulsions of the muscles of the back; painful stiffness in neck and between shoulder-blades; stiffness and stretching of limbs; twitching and jerking along the back,like electric shocks; spasmodic twitching; tetanic spasms, caused by contact, noise, or the drinking of lukewarm water; labored,intermittent spasmodic breathing during spasms; groaning and closing of eyes; tension and drawing in facial muscles; thirst without desire to drink; pulse accelerated, spasmodic, intermittent.
Arnica [Arn]
TRAUMATIC TETANUS; short,panting breathing; jerks and shocks as if produced by electricity,tremor of limbs, crawling pricking in the part ; heat of face, cold body; longing for alcoholic drinks; internal chilliness, with external heat, pulse variable, mostly hard, full and quick.
Arsenicum [Ars]
Tetanic spasms, with frightful concussion of the limbs; patient lies like a dead person, but warm , with hands clenched, the arms slowly drawn up and down, features distorted, breathing imperceptible; stiffness of limbs,particularly of feet and knees; longing for cold water, acids, or alcohol; sudden sinking of strength;pulse frequent in the morning, slower evening; skin dry like parchment.
Belladonna [Bell]
TRISMUS, with painful constriction and narrowness of fauces oppression of chest, labored irregular breathing delirium and sopor, drawing and stiffness in neck and spine, spasmodic contraction in tongue; yawning and vertigo;painful stiffness of muscles of mastication, with convulsions in limbs and chilliness; contortion of eyes, extension of extremities, violent distortion of all extremities; opisthotonos, pleurosthotonos, especially to left side; paroxysms of stiffness and immobility of limbs,or of a single limb, with aggravation from slightest contact. TRISMUS INFANTILIS, with sudden starting and drawing together of body and limbs; twitchings, strabismus; inability to swallow, and finally severe spasms; anxious spasmodic respiration;dilated pupils;motionless staring eyes; involuntary discharge of faeces.
Camphora [Camph]
Tetanic spasms, with loss of consciousness;limbs extended and fixed,head bent sideways,lower jaw rigid and wide open,lips drawn inward, increasing distortion of muscles of face;DEATHLY COLDNESS ALL OVER BODY; oppressed,anxious panting breathing, trismus ; sudden and great sinking of strength ,pulse small, weak slow;cold perspiration,often clammy and always very debilitating.
Causticum [Caust]
Trismus and tetanus , can separate jaws only with great difficult it seems as if throat below jaw were swollen or tense; twitchings and clonic spasms.
Cepa [All-c]
After injuries, periodical stiffness in back, pains in chest trismus; TRAUMATIC CHRONIC NEURITIS, AS IN STUMP AFTER AMPUTATIONS,pains violent and wearing out the patient.
Chloral [Chlol]
Traumatic and infantile tetanus; TRISMUS NASCENTIUM; the whole body engaged in tetanic rigidity, fits coming on a very short intervals; mouth can only be very slightly opened, deglutition very difficult ; sudden violent tetanic fit with lockjaw,weeping mood; sudden very violent pains in abdomen.
Cicuta [Cic]
Trismus and tetanic rigidity from injuries inflicted upon head and spinal column; sudden rigidity, then jerks and violent contortions followed by UTTER PROSTRATION; deathly paleness of face , with coldness of face and hands,tonic spasms renewed by touch; throat feels closed,inability to swallow great oppression on breathing,froth at the mouth, trismus with dark-red face, spasms of muscles of chest and neck, followed by unconsciousness; pulse weak,slow trembling.
Cuprum [Cupr]
Paleness of face, spasmodic contraction of jaw, foam at mouth, jerking of limbs with distortion, vomiting opisthotonos, with the limbs spread out the sides,and the mouth open;rigidity of limbs of trunks; jaws closed with LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS, redness of eyes, ptyalism,and frequent micturition.
Hyoscyamus [Hyos]
Alternate convulsions of upper and lower extremities; contraction of extremities, and tossing of body upward; eyes staring and distorted with spasmodic closure of lids, bluish face, clenching of teeth, foaming at mouth, constriction of throat, drawing of neck to one side,rigidity of hands, contortions, and spasmodic curvings of body.
Hypericum [Hyper]
Wounds of tendons, with prevalence of nervous symptoms and great painfulness on the wound. It prevents trismus from wounds in soles of feet or fingers and palms of hands; trismus sets in on ninth day, to be followed by tetanus. CHIEF REMEDY.
Ignatia [Ign]
Emotional trismus or opisthotonos; head drawn powerfully back,face livid, pupils dilated, respiration and deglutition of fluids difficult.
Lachesis [Lach]
Trismus and spasms of larynx, blueness from asphyxia; patient sleeps into paroxysm.
Laurocerasus [Laur]
Hippocratic countenance,disposition to clench the jaws, spasmodic constriction of larynx,staring eyes, foam at mouth, stiffness of neck,twitching about the head.
Lycopodium [Lyc]
Drawing of head towards right side, with stiffness of neck, face and jaw; dizziness, heaviness of head weak eyes; dry and stuffed- up nose; dry difficult stool; depression of spirits; restless, with anxious dreams.
Moschus [Mosch]
Stiffness of body, with FULL CONSCIOUSNESS; spasms in abdominal muscles.
Nux-vomica [Nux-v]
Tetanic convulsions,alternating with violent concussions of whole body; violent convulsions of body with extreme rigidity of limbs; dyspnoea from drawing in of the muscles of chest with distorted eyes and redness of face;spasmodic attacks from the merest touch;alternate trismus and opisthotonos; frightful convulsions, particularly opisthotonos,returning and abating several times in one minute, with FULL CONSCIOUSNESS; violent convulsions, lasting from one to two minutes all the muscles becoming suddenly stiff jaws clinched, frequent and irregular pulse; profuse sweat; opisthotonos, with feeble beating of heart, pulse small and scarcely perceptible;spasms preceded by violent chills and shuddering.
Opium [Op]
Twitching of facial muscles, distortion of mouth, trismus, with irregular,difficult respiration spasmodic trembling of limbs,foaming at mouth; flushing of face,unsteadiness of eyes,quivering of lips and facial muscles, trismus with irregular difficult respiration; tetanic spasms, with opisthotonos and rigidity of the whole body, the trunk curved in the form of an arch.
Passiflora-incarnata [Passi]
Rigidity of the muscles of neck and shoulders, trismus, risus sardonicus,opisthotonos, deglutition difficult; muscles of abdomen tense, especially from PUNCTURED WOUNDS. Tetanus of horses.
Physostigma [Phys]
(Calabar).- Increased the irritability of the sensory nerves and causes tetanic spasms of involuntary muscles;constriction in throat, cramp is stomach and bowels, tetanus recti; stiff spine and legs; tight feeling in and about the eyeballs; finally , spinal paralysis with trembling and feebleness, can only with difficulty make the muscles obey the will; unsteady when walking the eyes closed; contraction of pupils with defective accommodation and twitching of eyelids.
Phytolacca [Phyt]
Stiff extremities; hands firmly shut; feet extended and toes flexed; pupils contracted ; teeth clenched ; lips everted and firm;general muscular rigidity; respiration difficult and oppressed; convulsive action of muscles of face and neck,followed by partial relaxation ,and then again tetanic condition.
Rhus-tox [Rhus-t]
Injuries inflicted in ligamentous parts; rheumatic trismus and tetanus; rigidity ad from contraction of tendons; tingling and twitching of limbs; opisthotonos, with great languor; oppression of chest ; contraction of fingers; pale silky countenance.
Stramonium [Stram]
Tetanic convulsions excited by the sight of a sparkling objects; the eyes of the patient glisten and sparkle; grinding of teeth, muttering; oppression of chest; violent motion of limbs, with stretching and trembling of the hands, clenching of thumbs.
Strychnia [Stry]
Marked exaltation of the functions of the cord; senses are excited; PAINS LIKE ELECTRIC SHOCKS FLASH THROUGH THE LIMBS; face turns pale and then flushed, or a shudder passes through the whole frame; countenance ghastly, risus sardonicus; spasms of respiratory muscles suspend breathing and general clonic convulsions throw the body into tetanic rigidity, with opisthotonos and trismus; finally paralysis.
Tabacum [Tab]
Head drawn back with rigidity of muscles of neck and back; contraction of eyelids and masseters; hissing respiration from spasms of laryngeal and bronchial muscles; alternate tonic and clonic spasm, followed by general relaxation and trembling; retraction of abdominal muscles; CONTRACTION OF PARTS SUPPLIED WITH INVOLUNTARY MUSCLES, as intestines, uterus with intense pain, deathly nausea, cold sweats, speedy collapse and asphyxia.
Nicotinum [Nicot]
Head drawn back with rigidity of muscles of neck and back; contraction of eyelids and masseters; hissing respiration from spasms of laryngeal and bronchial muscles; alternate tonic and clonic spasm, followed by general relaxation and trembling; retraction of abdominal muscles; CONTRACTION OF PARTS SUPPLIED WITH INVOLUNTARY MUSCLES, as intestines, uterus with intense pain, deathly nausea, cold sweats, speedy collapse and asphyxia.
Veratrum-alb [Verat]
Pale, hippocratic countenance; trismus, grinding of teeth; spasmodic constriction of oesophagus, with contracted pupils; spasmodic constriction of the palms of the hands and soles of feet; twitching of eyes, paroxysms preceded by anguish and despair.
Veratrum-vir [Verat-v]
Excoriating pain in wound;violent spasms like galvanic shocks; convulsions, with opisthotonos,tingling in limbs (Acon.); twitching and contortions of body, froth about lips; difficult swallowing; head jerking or continual nodding; cerebral congestion; depression of spirits.