ALLEN: “When carefully selected remedies fait to produce a favourable effect, especially in acute diseases, it frequently serves to rouse the reactive powers of the systems; clears the case.”
 ”Complaints that are continually relapsing: patient seems to get almost well when the disease returns again and again.”
 ”Bright redness of lips as if the blood would burst through.”
 ”To facilitate absorption of serous or inflammatory exudates in brain, pleura, lungs, joints, when Bry., Kali-m., or the best selected remedy fails.”
 ”Frequent internal chilliness.”
 ”Heat with thirst. Frequent flushes of heat in the face, with shivering sensation over the body.”
 ”Burning heat of the palms of the hands and soles of the feet; or cold feet, with hot, burning soles; was obliged to put them out of bed to find a cool place.”
 Orgasm of the blood, and violent burning of the hands.”
 ”Frequent flushes of heat, ending in moisture and faintness.”
 ”Intense, persistent, long-continued fever; skin dry, hot, burning; temperature 103-105, little or no remission, day or night, patient literally being consumed with fever.”
 ”At night profuse sweat all over the body and restless sleep.”
 ”Tongue; coated white or yellow, which wears off during the day, becomes red and clean in evening. Bitter taste in mouth in morning; food tastes natural.”
 HERING : “Hot flushes with spells of faintness or passing off with a little moisture, faintness or debility.”
 ”Wants doors and windows open.”
 Neglected influenza and pleuritis; dull stitches in r. side and severe oppression of chest, so that he cannot talk, on taking a deep inspiration or coughing, respiration difficult; pulse weak, small.”
 ”Pneumonia, badly treated cases; hepatization or abscess, with pale ,cold, damp skin, emaciation, hectic fever, swelling of extremities, purulent spute, quick, weak pulse.”
 ”Pneumonia passes through its first stages normally and then remains stationary; deficiency of reactions; absorbs infiltration and prevents suppuration.”
 CLINICAL : Measles; pleurisy; pneumonia; surgical fever; septicaemia; fevers of all kinds; eruptive fevers.
 POTENCY : The 30th potency seems to be most frequently used.
 RELATIONSHIP : Antidoted by : Acon., Camp., Cham., Chin., Merc., Puls., Rhus.
 Compatible: Calc., Puls.
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Preparation.-Precipitated sulphur, flower of sulphur and sulphur lotum or washed sulphur.
Properties: Antiseptic, parasiticide and laxative.
Physiological action: If given in large doses breath will have the odor of sulphur and it will also be excreted through the pores with prespiration staining the underwear yellow. If used for some time it will produce general muscular weakness, anæmia and impair the blood in general. May also produce eruptions of the skin, eczema, etc., if used too long.
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Indications: A change or want of pigment of skin and hair. Dirty, sallow, brownish skin with bluish urine. Rapid loss of color in hair may indicate sulphur. Persistent cough, mucous rales, sputum tough and hard to raise if accompanied by foregoing indications or some of them. In cramps in calf of legs, especially after going to bed, in old and middle aged women. For internal use the trituration of sulphur lotum is preferable.
Use: In dyspepsia of scrofulous persons, with bad breath and bad taste, and a feeling of fullness in the stomach after meals. As a laxative it is useful in cases where there is deficient intestinal secretion with hard and impacted fæces. Of use in rectal ulcers, fissures and hemorrhoids. A good remedy in many skin diseases if indicated. In scabies it is our best remedy. In many cases of anæmic condition it is indicated. Where iron has not the desired effect use sulphur or both. Sulphur, iron and lime assist to make red blood corpuscles; if sulphur is lacking, iron will not relieve anæmic conditions. In falling out of hair it will often act promptly, especially if alternated with silica. In sterility with cutaneous eruptions and where there is no congenital or organic cause it acts well. In case where iron is needed but desired effects not obtained if alternated with small doses of sulphur happy results are often obtained. The average dose is about 2 to 5 grains of the 1st trituration 1 to 3 times a day.

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