– Jan Scholten

Stannum has been known since the olden days and it has also been used as a homoeopathic remedy for a long time.


The name is originally a Latin word. It is one of the oldest known metals. In astrology it is associated with the planet Jupiter.

In the old days they used to make jugs, drinking beakers and spoons out of tin. This sometimes caused problems because of a phenomenon called tin-rot which could suddenly pulverise a tin object. The same thing can happen in parts of the object, where you get tinspots which are contagious.

Bronze is made of tin and copper together (7 percent tin), and is used to make bells and statues. It is the tin that gives the bells their beautiful ringing sounds.

The main use of tin is in the manufacture of tins, because it doesn’t corrode. Other applications are in solder, alloys to make smooth bearings, and in organic tin compounds like pesticides and fungicides. It serves as a catalyst in the manufacture of PVC. It used to be a component of foil, as the name tin foil still suggests, but nowadays it has been replaced by aluminium, which is much cheaper.


Stage 14 Silver series

Empty Shell Creation Inspiration

Eliminating Ideas Culture

Diverting Unique Admiration

Shrugging off Aesthetics: Beautiful Ugly

Irresponsible Art Science Mysticism

Indifferent Queen Ambition

Distant Formal Show Performance

Hiding Covering Humiliation

Mask Sexuality

Middle age

Town Province

Group analysis

Discarded ideas and creations.

Elimination of honour.

Formal presentation of yourself.

Weakness through talking.

An irresponsible minister.

Blasi as an artist.

Empty inspiration: uninspired.

Discarding other peoples ideas.

Formal ideas: discrimination.

Someone who talks to weaklings.

Diverting as a form of art.

Formal admiration: courteous.

Failure through shrugging off creativity.

The decline of the sportsman.

Picture of Stannum metallicum

Essence: discarded ideas and creations.

Discarded ideas and creations

They feel that their creations are no longer admired and that people are only tolerating them out of a sense of politeness.

They feel discarded and pushed aside. They are allowed to show their ideas from the sidelines, but they are not the centre-piece of the exhibition any longer. They have no more say in the matter and all their designs are discarded.

Elimination of honour

They have been pushed aside and feel insulted. Their fame has dwindled to a mere fraction of what it was in the past; their former glorious position is reduced to a place in the margins.

This feeling is often the result of a loss of fortune or a loss of honour. They have had many successes but now their career is nearly over. It is like a late afternoon, when the highlight of the day has passed.

Formal ideas: discrimination

They are extremely formal in their ideas and convictions. Their opinions have not been updated and since their opinions don’t really count anymore anyway, they don’t mind what happens either way. Everything has something good in it and as far as their own ideals are concerned, they don’t go for any extremes. But there is also the other side: they are concerned about people who have been pushed aside like themselves. Amnesty International will appeal to them because these people haven’t got a chance anymore. And anyone else who is discriminated against can count on their support. They hate rusty old ideas and like to discuss their opinions with others.

Formal presentation of yourself

They are only allowed to present themselves to the public in a formal capacity. They no longer represent a prominent or radical point of view and are often thought of as cowards. They never take any responsibility because everything is too relative in their eyes. As an artist they daren’t take a definite stand out of fear of being dumped. They always want to have their cake and eat it.

Formal admiration: courteous

Because they see everything as being relative they are very good at putting themselves in someone else’s shoes. They are generous, easy going, courteous and often have an excellent command of foreign languages. They can become so good at imagining what it is like for the other person that they become quite clairvoyant. They are also good at diverting problems, they may even turn it into a form of art.

Weakness through talking

They may feel so powerless that they will go along with whatever is being said. They don’t dare to express their own opinion anymore, always babbling along with other people. This makes them feel exhausted because it not their own self expression and therefore doesn’t energise them. Nobody listens to them so they have to shout to be heard.

Failure through shrugging off creativity

Eventually they will fail because they don’t dare to show their work anymore. They haven’t got the courage to risk their neck and show their original talent. Any demand from the outside world to show what they are doing nowadays they will simply shrug off with a non committal word. It is as if they have got nothing to say for themselves. The public soon loses interest because their art is no more than an empty shell. Deep inside they feel very offended but they don’t show it on the outside, remaining as courteous as ever.

The decline of the sportsman

This is the stage where the sportsman still competes in the usual tournaments, but he has got no illusions about winning anymore.

He will be lucky if he reaches the quarter finals nowadays. And having a big mouth doesn’t help either, or his successors at the top will beat him without mercy.


Fears: heights, narrow spaces, shows, performances, speeches, disease, cancer, poverty, future, housework, worms, getting angry, crowds, men, people.

Dreams: heights, falling, riots, battle fields, accidents, explosion, fight, fire, parties, glittering, erotic, business, cruelties, superiority, quarrels, noise, exertions, futile efforts to escape, futile efforts to run.

Delusion: that is the end of the day (of his former glory), empty, disease, distances are increased, fainting, fire.

Irritability: Contradictory, quarrelsome, angry, malicious, violent, hate, revengeful, sarcasm, satire, teasing;() working.

Mood: haughty, cheerful, ecstasy, excited, hysterical; timid; empty; mild, generous; indifferent; sentimental; uneasy, impatient, changeable, restless, worried, suspicious, discontented, complaining, despairing, hopeless, anxious, pessimistic, gloomy, (

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– T. F. Allen.

Paralytic heaviness of the extremities. Aching and drawing in the limbs, often with burning heat. Extreme weakness, both of body and of mind, with tremulousness, especially on moving about. Emaciation. Spasms like hysteria, with abdominal pains. General aggravation during rest and relief during motion (except the weakness). Pains usually increase and diminish slowly and gradually.
Very sad, anxious, discouraged mood. Dread of seeing people and easily vexed. Complete hopelessness.
Stupefying pain across the forehead, as if the head were constricted by a band, gradually increasing and diminishing. Aching in the temples. Constriction of the whole upper of the head. Headaches, always () hard pressure.
Painful. Cramplike colic, above and below the navel, often with a feeling emptiness, (>) hard pressure, though () expulsive cough. Violent dry cough in the evening till midnight; during the day with copious green or sweetish expectoration, at times, salty or sour smelling. Mucus in the larynx and trachea expelled by a forcible cough, with weakness of the chest and of the whole body. Cough fatiguing and paroxysmal, so that the epigastric region feels beaten. Cough caused by scraping low down in the trachea, with greenish expectoration, of a sweet taste, (

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Pierce W.I.

Hahnemann, who first proved Stannum, makes fun of the allopaths, who then, as well as at the present time, were probably desirous of being looked upon as belonging to the scientific school of medicine. Hahnemann tells us that they “only know of tin as a remedy for tape-worm, and use it only in the form of tin filings, of which they theoretically (for careful testing is too much trouble for them), they theoretically declare `that it expels the tape-worm from the bowels solely in a mechanical manner, by means of its weight and sharp points,’ without thinking that, were this true, iron, silver or gold filings must be able to do the same. “Now, in order to effect this theoretically inferred scouring out of the tape-worm by the sharp points of the tin filings with greater certainty, they gave to the patient these tin filings, in doses, the larger the better; as much as half of a whole ounce, or even more at a time, and this dose repeated several times” (Mat. Med. Pura). For our use, pure tin is dissolved in hydrochloric acid and the metal then thrown down, in the form of powder, by the galvanic current. It must be triturated up to the 3rd before a dilution can be made. Hahnemann, in his Materia Medica Pura, under Stannum, says, in a foot-note ; “I used to carry the dilution up to the billion- fold” (6th), “but in the course of time found the million-fold (3rd) adequate for all medicinal purposes.” While I use Stannum 3rd trit., I am not aware of it being conceded that it should not be used higher.
The sphere of action of Stannum is not well known, but its curative powers in bronchial and pulmonary diseases is well established. There are two prominent symptoms of the remedy that we must keep in mind; one, the weak, gone feeling in the chest; the other, the gradual increase and decrease of the various pains (148). There is a general weariness, and “great lassitude when walking” (Hering), a nervous weakness (156) and a sad, tearful mood but crying makes her worse (132), and as Farrington points out, “this low-spiritedness is found in the lung troubles for which Stannum is your remedy.” The headache of Stannum is as from pressure inward in the left temple, or as from a hoop (105) pressing against the forehead and around the head; the pains gradually increase in severity and then gradually diminish until they disappear. The headaches are worse from motion (96), stooping and from noise (96). Stannum is a valuable remedy for “blenorrhoea of the lachrymal sac, with profuse yellowish-white discharge” (Hering), and for stricture of the lachrymal duct (125). Moderate strictures, which are frequently dependent upon catarrhal inflammation, usually give better results from internal medication than from probing. Stannum is useful in neuralgia of the stomach characterized by the gradual increase and decrease of the pain, and in neuralgia of the intestines, with nausea and retching, even to the vomiting of blood. In the colic of nursing infants it is of value when the pain is better from hard pressure (175), or by laying the child, face downward, across the knees or over the shoulder of the nurse. It is a remedy of value in prolapsus of the uterus (203) and vagina, associated with great lassitude, and for leucorrhoea, which is thin, yellow and transparent, with great debility and bearing-down sensation, but in all these conditions we find especially a weak, drawn, or gone sensation on the chest. In chronic catarrh of the pharynx we have hawking up of hard lumps of mucus and roughness and dryness of the throat. In acute bronchial catarrhs, the cough is worse from noon until midnight every day, and generally the cough is dry the forepart of the night. In both acute and chronic conditions the cough is worse from talking (43), laughing (41), warm drinks (41), or from lying on the right side (42). While the expectoration may be salty (70), the characteristic expectoration is of small hard lumps (69), or balls of sweetish-mucus (70) that fly out of mouth when coughing, and roll on the floor. With the cough there is a sensation of great weakness of the chest (30) and they can speak only a few words at a time. There is hoarseness on beginning to talk or sing (117), with a feeling of weakness and emptiness in the chest, so that she must stop constantly and take a deep breath; at times the hoarseness is better from expulsive cough. In phthisis we would think of Stannum with the sensation of weakness of the chest and the expectoration of small balls of hard mucus that will roll on the floor. In pleurisy (150) it is useful with knife-like stitches mostly in the left upper chest, the pains worse inspiration, pressure and when bending forward or stooping. I use Stannum 3rd.

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-William H.Burt

Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, it acts upon the digestive, sexual and respiratory organs. The cerebro-spinal system is profoundly prostrated by Stannum.
In diseases that Stannum is especially to be thought of, there is profound prostration of the whole nervous system; patient must drop down, but can get up very well. Goes up stairs well, but becomes very faint on coming down. Reading aloud or talking produces great exhaustion. Great weakness of the legs; they are not able to support the body. The great prostration of the cerebro-spinal nervous system is remarkable, compared to the slight disturbance of the vegetative sphere. The pains commence lightly, increase gradually to a very high degree, and decrease again as slowly.–HAHNEMANN. Head.–Her distress of mind ceases as soon as the menses begin to flow. Neuralgia of the head; begins lightly and increases gradually to its highest point, and then gradually declines.– HAHNEMANN. Digestive Organs.–Insatiable hunger. Vomiting of blood. Pressure on the abdomen relieves the pain when the child is crying with colic; relief is at once obtained by carrying it with its abdomen resting upon the point of the nurse’s shoulder. Symptoms not relieved by stool. Children are frequently afflicted by worms. Generative Organs of Women.–Excited sexual desire. Scratching the arm produces an intolerable sensation of pleasure in the genital organs, which extends to the uterus and produces a real emission.–TESTE. Soon as menstruation begins, her distress of mind ceases. During menstruation has had pain in the malar bone. Leucorrhoea with marked loss of strength, the weakness seeming to proceed from the chest. Labor-pains produce great exhaustion, from weakness in the chest; is all out of breath; cannot answer questions, feels so weak. Chest.–If she has a cough, with expectoration, the expectoration causes a weakness in the chest. Profuse, greenish expectoration.–DR. DOUGLAS. Expectoration of a sweetish taste. Chronic bronchitis, with profuse, greenish expectoration, and great debility, the legs are not able to support the body.

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+ Tin -The Element.

Extreme exhaustion of mind and body. Sinking, empty, all-gone sensation in stomach [Chel., Phos., Sep.]. Sad, despondent, feels like crying all the time, but crying makes her worse [Nat. m., Puls., Sep.]; faint and weak, especially when going down stairs; can go up well enough [Bor. – rev. of, Calc.]. Headache or neuralgia; pains begin lightly and increase gradually to the highest point and then gradually decline [Plat.]. Colic: (>). by hard pressure, or by laying abdomen across knee or shoulder [Col.]; lumbrici; passes worms. Menses: to early, to profuse; sadness before; pain in malar bones during. Leucorrhoea; great debility; weakness seems to proceed from chest [from abdomen, pelvis, Phos., Sep.]. Prolapsus, worse during stool [with diarrhoea,Pod.]; so weak she drops into a chair instead of sitting down. While dressing in the morning has to sit down several times to rest. Nausea and vomiting: in the morning; from the odor of cooking food [Ars., Colch.] When singing or using the voice, aching weakness in deltoid and arms. Great weakness and chest; (

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