
Chestnut-shaped stools; [Hard, dry, knotty or insufficient; In some cases they may be scanty and of a greenish color, in other cases they may be accompanied by vermiform shreds of mucus, or followed by expulsion of mucus]; Fetid faecal stools.
 Before stool 
 Rectum inactive
 During stool 
 Urging even with soft stool.
 [First part of the discharge being of a natural consistency, afterward it became papescent, and lastly thin; it is accompanied by a shuddering sensation through the body from above downward, and by a drawing from the small of the back through the thighs. Symptom experienced by a person habitually costive.]
 After stool 
 Desire still persists.
 Heat in the head. Sickly face. Malaise. Colic, fullness and swelling of the abdomen.
 Case 53 
 A young ecclesiastic was subject to a constipation which appeared on every Monday or on the days after a fete, but only in winter, while for the rest of the week the stools were regular. This constipation gave rise to a sensation of fullness in the lower part of the abdomen with swelling, malaise, great heat in the head, ameliorated in the open air, but returning when in the house, with ill-humor and sadness. At noon he felt hungry, but no appetite in the evening. I gave Stannum30 on Sunday evening before going to bed. Two doses were sufficient for a cure. 

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